1. We are all going to die from Climate Armageddon. Gretavirus.exe is contagious and is infecting oil news. The absurdity of this is mind numbing...   Extreme weather seen...

  2. Buoyed by the impact on the price of crude oil by the fall of US crude inventories this week, I was tempted to attempt...

  3. Job growth in the Texas will likely weaken in the first half of 2019 if oil prices remain at current levels, according to the...

  4. Strike talks stall in Nigeria again after talks about workers who were layed off stall

  5. So, this long-term cooperation that Mohammed told Reuters about is making ripples. But here's a very good story I found on Forbes, which raises...

  6. "A U.S. Department of the Interior committee voted on Wednesday to recommend to Secretary Ryan Zinke that the agency lower royalty rates for federal...

  7. The House of Representatives of the US Congress voted on Monday for the bill on assisting Central and Eastern European countries to diversify energy...

  8. Well prices managed to touch low 69, and will now try to stay above $70 maybe $71 to try and resume the rally for...

  9. German EPP-politician Manfred Weber want to use all the means at hand to block Nord Stream 2: https://world-news-monitor.com/top-news/2019/04/23/top-candidate-for-president-of-the-eu-commission-wants-to-block-nord-stream-2/

  10. Marcellus (PA) – update through April 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed...

  11. Alaskan oil developers face technical challenges to exploit new plays, as output declines Are there no other options but oil in Alaska? I realise the...

  12. The latest Reuters poll apparently tries to put a negative spin on positive news.  Weird. My personal view is U.S. Shale Oil production should start...

  13.     Freed by a new state law to set its own rules on oil and gas development, Weld County is looking to bolster the local...

  14. Daily Open-Analysis, Free to share the information from other portals and sites and also your own prediction of the Price.

  15. Since supply is greater than demand even if all the money paid to the production factors during the production process is in circulation on...

  16. Oil rallied upon mention of cuts.  That's just naked shorts covering. Scares them a bit. Might bounce a little more on signing of an agreement...

  17. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  18. .

  19. The fact that Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) has recently sought the Government’s permission to cancel its US$5-billion Nam Van Phong Refinery and Petrochemical...

  20. Chinese recovery from the latest outbreak of the Delta variant appears to be a ray of hope for the battered oil markets, which saw...

  21. As i mentioned for a couple of days now that Crude would head toward the $60, here is some more evidence. The fact that...

  22. Sinopec to substitute Iran crude with Saudi grades: exec   China's Sinopec plans to substitute Iranian crude with that of grades from Saudi Arabia and other...

  23. As the energy crisis bites, the IEA, having discouraged the investments in the fossil fuel sector a few monnths back, now wants more investments...

  24. The rising prices of crude oil have rattled the markets and the cumulative impact is everywhere for all to see. How the West is...

  25. Also remember 69.5 had to hold too, and will soon be broken. Charts say it all. Fundamental news also that US is slapping China with...

  26. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/wp/2018/03/15/oil-rigs-and-cowboys-interior-agency-gives-employees-new-cards-to-wear/?utm_term=.f29c0bd961ec Oh, it's just too good. Cowboys on one side and oil rigs on the other, as the DOI's way to remember the US push...

  27. China is the last major buyer and investor in Iranian oil, and this pullout by China is going to bite Iran hard.  Trump's sanctions against...

  28. Oil company finding costs reached a 10-year low in 2018 In 2018, a group of the world's largest crude oil and natural gas producers added...

  29. Run Climate Panic Lemmings Run! Cliffs Ahoy! Run Run Run Run Run !   Elizabeth May Says Humanity Must “Transition Off Fossil Fuels” Before The October Election https://www.spencerfernando.com/2019/08/09/wut-elizabeth-may-says-humanity-must-transition-off-fossil-fuels-before-the-october-election/ Under 3 months...

  30. Now seems a good a time as any for U.S. to pull out of the Middle East and let the oil dictatorships eat each...