1. It's always a pleasant surprise when someone writes an article about oil & gas and addresses such topics as moderation, restraint, and fiscal realism. ...

  2.   platts: Venezuela's PDVSA has notified eight international customers it will not be able to meet its full crude supply commitments in June.  PDVSA is contractually...

  3. Indian Essar Oil Limited will now be known as "Nayara Energy Limited".  I'm sure other "oil" companies will be dropping that word from their brands...

  4. https://www.capitalfm.co.ke/business/2018/06/taxpayers-pay-extra-sh4-4b-revised-oil-pipeline-settlement/ Kenya settled with the oil pipeline contractor, who sued it for yeas of delays. Taxpayers to pick up the tab.

  5. Permian – update through February 2018 This article contains still images from interactive dashboards available on the blog post. To follow the instructions detailed here,...

  6. It was reported yesterday by CNN that Khalid al Falih, Oil minister of Saudi Arabia, said "Two years ago we pulled supply. I think in...

  7. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-05/u-s-said-to-ask-opec-for-1-million-barrel-a-day-oil-output-hike

  8. Daily Open-Analysis, Free to share the information from other portals and sites and also your own prediction of the Price.

  9. Take note of this one key sentence in Nick's article: > > >  "In short, the global growth story is starting to look a little shaky."...

  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKCN1J00DU motiva refinery won't be expanded, due to hurricane risks?  anyone see an alternate motive here?

  11. "What started as a pipeline protest in Calgary quickly became a show of support for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the oil industry...

  12. "A musician who claimed he could use sound waves to improve oil and gas exploration and transportation was actually running "sham enterprises" that defrauded...

  13. For lurkers, if you do a quick check of my comments, you will see I have been commenting repeatedly that I've been hoping for...

  14. Cartels gonna cartel. The basic premise of a cartel is to restrict supply, in order to drive up prices for the cartel's goods. OPEC's global influence...

  15. http://www.arabnews.com/node/1315386/business-economy Aramco sheds some non-oil assets, emerging as a leaner company supposedly ahead of the much-anticipated IPO.   

  16. IATA executives are meeting in Australia for their annual meeting and: "IATA, which represents about 280 airlines comprising 83 percent of global air traffic, in...

  17. A nice infographic from some think tank named Overseas Development Institute. So despite their commitments, despite all the assurances that they're fighting climate change...

  18. Steel and aluminium tariffs could cause some damage to the US oil and gas industry... “The implementation of new tariffs will disrupt the U.S. oil...

  19. Venezuela stopped payments to India's ONGC Videsh Ltd, who owns jointly with PDVSA the San Cristobal energy project. PDVSA is into OVL for about...

  20. Who wants to go with me to tour an Iranian oilfield?  https://financialtribune.com/articles/travel/87475/oil-ministry-ready-to-offer-oilfield-tours "The Oil Ministry welcomed a proposal by Iran's Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization...

  21. Rigs have been steady or lower in the past couple of weeks despite higher oil prices. And while the US can do more with...

  22. So I've been waiting and waiting for this news to come out.  Due to higher oil prices, many U.S. Shale Oil companies are starting...

  23. Very interesting article from safehaven.com on the correlation between gold and oil prices. I encourage everyone to read it and would love to hear...

  24. Raise your hand if you link OPEC is going to lend a helping hand to Saudi Arabia's old chum, Iran. Iran has been a constant...

  25. Listened to a Freakonomics podcast about Corporate Social Responsibility and one phrase got my attention: "there is a study showing that when people express a...

  26. The recent sanctions on Iran by USA seems to be a closely considered act by Trump administration. This looks like an act to make...

  27. Total liquid fuels inventories return to five-year averages in the United States and OECD https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=36392    

  28. despite the shenanigans over the trans mountain pipeline, BC still wants to receive billions as part of the original deal. sounds like blood money...