1. http://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2153248/donald-trump-says-saudi-king-salman-agrees-ramp-oil. Why doesnt OPEC plan its next meeting in Washington? OPEC back to its previous pro Washington agenda, this time in close cooperation with...

  2.     https://www.ft.com/content/9bebd36c-7190-11e9-bf5c-6eeb837566c5 China sent their version of trade agreement to Administration last Friday and removed ALL of the key elements already negotiated. The press say Trump is...

  3. A bit too late.  U.S. Oil & Gas sector is already getting decimated. The silver lining to this mess might be if U.S. kept more of...

  4. If something is not done quickly to jack up the price of oil, I'm afraid a lot of it will have to be left in...

  5. Trump did sign the energy bill despite saying he may veto it,. Missing from the bill: proposed cuts to DOE and EPA, renewable energy and...

  6. Observing the nighttime Dow futures and WTI oil price rising tonight made me wonder at first, but when I saw the article mentioning about Trump announcing...

  7. The Trump administration has taken the first step towards an aggressive effort to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - one of the country’s most pristine and...

  8. The Dow has crossed -600 today and oil price is plunging.  There’s my proof that Trump is doing all of this on purpose -...

  9. .US has spent (wasted)Trillions in Mideast. China couldn't be happier.  While US is off being world policeman  China is eating US economic lunch. May sound...

  10. Looks like Trump is singlehandedly wanting to take the credit for the USAs oil revolution! He may well be unleashing a monster that will...

  11. Trump told Saudis: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support   https://www.yahoo.com/news/special-report-trump-told-saudis-110522123.html        

  12. Happy Dance and Popcorn time ! This Executive Order by Trump, combined with $70 oil [Brent] this week, is putting a huge grin on my...

  13. Heh heh Gov. Cuomo Whines to Trump About NY State’s Budget Deficit – Trump Tells Him to Start Fracking Governor Andrew Cuomo flew to Washington DC...

  14. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trump-Vows-To-Protect-Syrian-Oil-Fields-From-ISIS.html The United States may leave 500 troops in northeastern Syria and send in battle tanks and other equipment, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing military...

  15. HELLO ALL!!   So with the recent spay between US and KSA....many observers have started to talk about, once again, a three digit oil if US...

  16. Oil mostly like to cheap of Trump side another opposite side opec want really costly oil closely saudi want 70 to 80 bet movement...

  17.   It's not a U.S. company.  It's a Bermuda Company. Or Oil companies that use transfer pricing to hide income at foreign domiciled subsidiaries and pay...

  18. Treasury Secretary says they are not bailing out the industry.  BUT THEY ARE. Comes down to two programs.  It is more so a bail out...

  19. Kemp and Raffensperger will lose their 2022 Primary.  It's Republicans like Georgia's Raffensperger that will lead to a successful third political  party candidates.  Trump is not...

  20. Today, President Donald J. Trump will meet with executives in the energy industry to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and recent developments in energy...

  21. Once an oil-rich nation, Venezuela’s economy has been crippled by the socialist policies implemented by Maduro and his predecessor. Almost 90 percent of Venezuela’s...

  22. Can someone explain this for me? I am repeatedly told here that oil is a clean source of energy and it is in the...

  23.   Amedia claims the Lord spoke to him that day, saying "Son, prophesy to the north and to the south and say it across this...

  24. Any emerging consensus re. real potential for  Potus to swing oil markets by simply picking up the phone to say that - for instance...

  25. As OPEC’s efforts to balance the oil market bear fruit, U.S. producers are reaping the benefits - and flooding Europe with a record amount...

  26. Shortly after U.S. President Donald Trump announced in May he would reimpose sanctions on Iran, the State Department began telling countries around the world...

  27. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/US-Grants-Iran-Sanctions-Waiver-To-Southern-Gas-Corridor.html Wow that didn't take long. Looks like Trump is merely posturing and my prediction is that noting will happen in November regarding OIL sanctions. Trump...

  28. https://climatechangedispatch.com/trumps-energy-dominance-agenda-soaring/  What do You think? 

  29. This may be hard to do here but lets pretend that we don't have any political agenda, deep breathes now. Do you believe in all...