1. As I have mentioned before, I focus on charts, showing signs of whats about to happen way before the fundamental news come out. But...

  2. Iran announced plans last week to boost oil production from its supergiant South Azadegan oil field to at least 320,000 barrels per day. The...

  3. EXCERPT from article's link:  "Where did the term ESG come from anyway?"  Then...Is ESG about controlling the population and economy? What Is ESG? It's A...

  4. The Norwegian oil-and-gas giant plans to pour money into an approximately $180 million investment fund focused on battery and related technologies. That tech is...

  5. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  6. Scientists: Trans Mountain Oil Tanks Pose Deadly Earthquake Risk Sloshing kills.

  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/03/qatar-to-withdraw-from-opec-as-of-january-2019.html   The article comes from CNBC,  so consider the source. According to the article,  they are saying they are NOT leaving because of the Saudi's. I find that...

  8. https://www.rt.com/business/445768-russia-venezuela-investments-oil/ And the game is afoot! "Caracas and Moscow have signed $5 billion US dollars’ worth of contracts related to oil production during President Nicolas Maduro’s...

  9. First Nations say Alberta has no right to cut oil activity on their land "Some First Nations in Alberta want an exemption from the provincial government's...

  10. Looks like the RRC wants OPEC to stop flaring first.  They say that reducing flaring by 200,000mcf/day would cost 750kbd in oil production. Wonder...

  11. Hi, , I just read Chevron, Total and many others are starting to use VAKT's blockchain-enable platform.  What opportunities for investment may be there?...

  12. "The OPEC founding member produced 740,000 barrels a day in March, while Colombia’s oil reserves are less than 1% of Venezuela’s, produced 884,815 barrels....

  13. Bwahahahaha Peach Mints not working out so well to get rid of Bad Orange Man, and now this.   Judges Explain Why They Are Knocking Down Enviro...

  14. It might not seem like big numbers, but Russia increased its oil production in March from 10.95 million bpd to 10.97 million bpd--the first...

  15. North Dakota – update through November 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  16. "The speed limiter will send haptic, audio, and visual warnings until you start driving within the speed limits."  https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/speed-limiters-will-be-equipped-all-new-eu-cars-beginning-next-month Speed-Limiters Will Be Equipped In All-New EU...

  17. It wasn't Fauci's idea.  His partisan Hillary worship comes out in the end.  He sent Hillary a personal email after her loss stating "we...

  18. Just saw this 3 week old article.  It covers several notable points.  The U.S. oil & gas industry is still in for a world of...

  19. Oil in floating storage hit near two-year high in May   Crude and condensate in long-term floating storage hit its highest since August 2017 in...

  20. According to industry analysts and the company’s own strategy Vaca Muerta shale oil is poised to become Argentine state-controlled NOC YPF’s main growth driver...

  21. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves and they land in your lap and you look around and go wut the heck? Biden Declares He’s ‘Committed to...

  22. Despite the unprecedented sanctions against Russia by the West, as of 20 April, the Russian currency, rouble, has strengthened significantly defying the international isolation. The...

  23. Judging by the amount of advertising and self-promotion shoehorned into this local news web page, local news media are hurting too.  More ad crap than...

  24. (Bloomberg) -- Big Oil probably won’t be buying up the Permian Basin’s struggling independent drillers any time soon. Years of costly exploration and frantic buying...

  25. "Let them eat gas" - Macron.  (No, not really.) Maybe Greece will bail out France in its pension reform.  (No, not really.) Hey oil & gas...

  26. Sucks being an indentured servant.  Can't get paid, can't go back home, no legal recourse.  Another reason to avoid working in the Middle East. UAE:...

  27. Dakota Access Pipeline loses Supreme Court appeal, leaving its future unclear The environmentalists have been engaging the tribes in their battle against the oil and...

  28. Oil supply crunch to test OPEC’s spare capacity Oil production capacity could fall to under one percent of global oil demand by the end of...

  29. WHO, What, and WHY's of the assault on Venezuela. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeNCbXVHrR8 Ali's insight & fee free consultation: :  Hey Koch Brothers; here is a simple & civilized solution...

  30. .