1. The Canadian Province of Alberta remains in a real pickle.  Its energy extraction sector is in a state of collapse, and the two big...

  2. china bought large supply of oil when saudia arabia was devaluing oil...

  3. The price for Louisiana Light Sweet is always 2 days delay here on oilprice.com - does anyone know of any online sources that have...

  4. Though I am not an expert in predicting oil prices I believe that roller coaster ride of oil price may culminate in oil price...

  5. Just to touch on a recent post regarding When Oil Runs Out, I’m interested to see how far we would have progressed without oil? Just...

  6. As the oil producers wait for the additional barrels to come on-line from OPEC and non-OPEC countries in April where do U.S.producers store their...

  7. For Climate Alarmists, both cows and oil are bad.  Since I grew up on a dairy farm with 50 cows and I strongly support...

  8. Hi friends,  Which industry uses the most oil?

  9. Which is a better domain name for OAPEC (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries)?  OAPEC.ORG or OAPECORG.ORG

  10. Looks like Wyoiming Light crude went negative, selling at minus $1.76/bbl.   And Canada WCS is down around $6.50 US.  Oil-sands bitumen?  Essentially worthless.  OK,...

  11. This is my simple question. Now some shale oil companies are already facing probability of bankruptcy.Which company survives even after the crisis? How about Continental...

  12. The Chinese Communist Party is smarter than most U.S. politicians about increasing oil & gas pipeline infrastructure.  Sad but true. While U.S. Pipelines Are Under...

  13. Wyoming Water, climate change, and a refinery. https://wyofile.com/how-does-water-law-handle-climate-change-watch-the-encampment-river/?utm_source=WyoFile&utm_campaign=a17a12e12a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_08_14_11_25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-3585420edc-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]

  14. An Interior Department advisory committee voted unanimously to cut the royalty rate that oil and gas companies pay for offshore drilling in federal waters. The...

  15. White House guidance gets early welcome from industry as possible lift for natural gas projects   FERC seen likely to cite guidance in litigation Litigation over indirect...

  16. White House insider who predicted Iran False Flag, David Goldberg found dead in his New York apartment http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=190059 , https://israeltodaynews.blogspot.com/  TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2019 David E. Goldberg was found...

  17. I have started a petition to white house I need signatures, if you have better ideas I encourage you to do this same. Share...

  18. wild catters

    Is there potential for significant returns adjacent to the Permian Basin? If so, what timeframe can one expect? Who are the players in the...

  19. Who Can Boost Supply to Offset Saudi crude Loss?     (Bloomberg) -- Here is a list of countries that could boost crude production to offset losses...

  20. Why US consumes more oil than any other country? What is behind this?

  21. Who controls or comes to a decision on Oil costs?

  22. Dinosaur-era volcanos, of course! That is, if we are to believe a study from Rice University. http://www.worldoil.com/news/2018/3/13/geologists-link-ash-from-dinosaur-era-volcanoes-with-shale-oil-gas  

  23. So IEA informed us in December we are already oversupplied globally in oil. Well I know its end of tax year in oil rafinery in...

  24. Really?  Magic 8 Ball could write better headlines. WSJ: Crude Prices Swing Between Gains, Losses Crude futures swung between small gains and losses on Tuesday after the...

  25. With fundamentals improving, analysts (via Forbes) pinpoint these three oil and gas companies to disappear in mergers:  RSP Permian Inc Callon Petroleum Co. Lilis Energy Inc  

  26. oil production cut

    I do not understand the following: When OPEC countries are talking to each other, and with other non-OPEC countries e.g. Russia about an oil production...

  27. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  28. The BC/Alberta war over Kinder Morgan’s trans mountain pipeline wages on, with Alberta now ready to lay down the gauntlet to force BC’s hand....

  29. Amusingly, it seems that the New York Times copied and pasted this entire Reuters article and hid most of the Reuters article behind their NYT...

  30. PetroChina has become the third-largest oil and gas company globally. Its average market cap since the year started has come in at $232 billion,...