1. Within the last year Sheffield said the U.S. would be producing 14 to15 million barrels a year now if we had the pipelines. (also...

  2. Solvable or not? From what I've been reading, opponents are being very vocal, politicians are being pushed to ban single-use plastics (commendable) but... demand is...

  3. Hard to believe but true.   Biden killed 11,000 high paying pipeline jobs.  That would have created another 15,000 to 20,000 supporting jobs. 15 State Attorney...

  4. The petroleum industry appears to be one of the biggest industries that has basically ignored some of the most important industry generic domain names out...

  5. Lots of ground covered in this article.  As I tend to agree more than disagree with this author's views in general (this is one of...

  6. "Never interrupt your enemy when they are in the process of totally effing things up"  - famous saying by someone on the internet   Climate change, and how to...

  7. Venezuela's political situation is boiling hot and noose is tightening around Maduro's neck . What is unfolding every day in Venezuela is a matter...

  8. So this is what happens to conventional production.  It eeks along losing money on a regular basis, worse than shale but pretending it does...

  9. Hope this doesn't get me into hot water, but I am going to share the beginning excerpt from a current Oil Price Editorial, which is...

  10. Through this forum, I became aware of the Tony Seba report, Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030. I have a lot of reading to do to, hopefully,...

  11. Exxon Mobil Corp. plans to reduce the cost of pumping oil in the Permian to about $15 a barrel, a level only seen in...

  12. Saudi Aramco 'Suspends' Noble Corp. Jack-Up Rig Bartolomej Tomic, Editor Bartolomej Tomic is managing editor of Offshore Engineer.... May 7, 2020 Noble Scott...

  13. Thanks to "progressive" energy policies that are more lip service than public service, a massive opportunity was missed to help Europe become less dependent...

  14. Scary bedtime story worth reading. Time to wake up and smell the coffee about the evil stupidity that is inexorably heading our way. Doug Casey on...

  15. 23% of the Canadian workforce gone, so far Quote This is the latest sign that Canada’s oil and gas industry has a long way to go before...

  16. Heh heh, Happy New Year everyone.  Amusing to see my ad nauseum comments last year about $70 oil for 2019 are apparently suddenly matching media's...

  17. To scrub or not to scrub One way or another, ship owners are soon going to have to make big, and in some cases expensive,...

  18. OPEC as well as its allies will probably achieve their goal of draining oversupply coming from the oil market as well as boosting prices...

  19. I have a question for you... Why do the major players who are moving into the Permian, and other shale plays, think they can make...

  20. I'm shocked.   SHOCKED I tell you! Nobody saw this surprise news coming at all ... Saudis Said Willing to Meet All Orders From Ex-Iran Oil Buyers Saudi Arabia...

  21. A deliberately misleading, clickbaity title for this story, which I simply could not resist. Very interesting.

  22. A year ago I considered $50 oil really low, approaching unprofitability. And now $50 is a milestone I see as the Canadian oil industry...

  23. https://www.energyvoice.com/otherenergy/209199/saipem-has-made-uk-offshore-wind-sector-a-priority-north-sea-boss-says/ @Tom Kirkman @Douglas Buckland @James Regan when the wind of change are blowin' you can choose to either build turbines (i.e. see opportunities) or build shelters (i.e....

  24. The biggest, baddest, b-somethingest lawsuit to date: 21 defendants. Rhode Island AG claims the state has been uniquely damaged but Big Bad Oil. Don't they...

  25. So I went to download OPEC's new Monthly report for November, only to discover I need to "register" by entering my name and email...

  26. If Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries succeed in replacing Iranian oil in world markets and if the nuclear deal does not continue ,...

  27. FREE TRADE WITHOUT FAIR TRADE IS MEANINGLESS Its like OPEC Production cuts .  .  Everyone talks a big game but nobody complies. Its like NATO ....

  28. Diplomatic wrangling between Mexico and Saudi Arabia entered a fourth day as neither side was willing to concede, even after President Donald Trump intervened...

  29. Let's see if this train o' thought holds water. The ONLY way we can have high oil production in the US is when oil prices...

  30. Here is a refreshing scientific opinion...https://clashdaily.com/2019/07/scientists-call-for-an-end-to-climate-change-alarmism/