1. EIA revised today its US production forecast. 11 million bpd by end 2018. WOW. just... WOW. production week ending 1/26 was 9.919 million bpd.  When OPEC...

  2. The Permian has about 1 million bpd in spare oil production capacity that can be tapped in days. This compares to 1.5 million bpd...

  3. Here's where things return to normal and transcend political lines in the sand. All the governor of coastal states don't want Washington to open...

  4. Total investing in Guyana offshore. And I get it--next door neighbor Venezuela is sitting in the world's largest reserves, Guyana is likely to have...

  5. Libyan light, sweet crude is like US shale-produced oil, says Bloomberg. Not like oil produced in the Middle East. What OPEC likes is that...

  6. US chastising China for bailing out Venezuela. Is their propping up of Venezuela with loans just forestalling the inevitable? Is China's motive here nefarious? Must...

  7. Shell might have done already, but Exxon, Chevron's financials, released today, were quite disappointing. Still too soon for them to have recovered after the...

  8. Will they or won't they? http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/02/01/trans-mountain-pipeline-is-going-to-get-built-despite-b-c-s-attempts-trudeau-says_a_23350383/  

  9. The Saudis are talking with strategic investors from China, Japan, and South Korea before making the final decision on Aramco's IPO. Guess who's calling...

  10. ExxonMobil has announced plans to spend an additional $35 billion -- in excess of the $15 billion previously announced -- on U.S. investments over...

  11. Alphabet reportedly in talks with Aramco, according to WSJ sources, about building a tech hub--specifically data centers--in the Kingdom. Still a mystery is whose...

  12. Shell's earnings results are in, and their cashflow is set to beat Exxon's. AND they made more money at $60 barrels than at $100...

  13. If Nigeria can't get their oil act together, there's always nuts. Apparently in Kogi State, revenues from cashews will overtake oil revenue. Govt is encouraging...

  14. First Big Oil sells assets in the North Sea and there's a cry to high heaven regarding decommissioning costs of oil fields and now...

  15. Wood Mac estimates that US oil industry will see 190 billion from the tax overhaul. http://www.chron.com/business/energy/article/Trump-tax-plan-a-190b-boost-to-oil-industry-12539700.php  

  16. Yes, I'm biased ... but really, any believers? Canadian media are propping up Canada's Montney and Duvernay shale plays as ready to rival the...

  17. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-opec-oil/opec-january-oil-output-rises-despite-venezuelan-decline-survey-idUKKBN1FK2IC?rpc=401& According to Reuter's survey, production increases in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria more than offset the failing production of Venezuela, resutling in an production increase...

  18. Kuwait is boosting its production capacity from 3.15 to 4.75 million bpd by 2040. Sounds very ambitious in light of green forecasts... Or are...

  19. The oil and gas workforce in Texas has shrunk to the lowest in seven years. So the hopes of another boom in hiring won't...

  20. if Norway is having trouble kicking its oil habit, what are the chances of the Saudis succeeding? Apparently, one of Europe's greenest countries--if not...

  21. Aramco IPO reportedly delayed by indecision regarding the listing venue. If only y'all could all see my surprised face right now..

  22. After a three-year delay caused by political paralysis in January Lebanon re-launched first licensing round for exploration and production rights in five blocks (1,...

  23. "Songbirds in Alberta's oil fields are adjusting their tunes to be heard above noisy drilling equipment, according to new research." --Greenwire   fascinating!!

  24. ... is still oil, but it's not all the same. New Statoil study says Bakken crude is slightly heavier and more sour than previously reported at...

  25. Washington Gov Halted proposed oil by rail project, that was in the works by Tesoro Corp. Stock is now in freefall. 

  26. Iraq, the second largest producer in the OPEC has had to limit output in line with OPEC’s commitment to cut output by about 1.2...

  27. The blacklist now includes Sergey Topor-Gilka, who runs the engineering company Technopromexport and several subsidiaries of Surgutneftegaz (SNGS.MM). Empty gesture, or meaningful strongarming?

  28. "New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, whose city sued five energy companies this month, including Exxon Mobil, BP and Shell claiming damage to the city from...

  29. Oil, gas rigs up 11 this week, +12 for oil, and -1  for gas. Most notably, Permian added 18 rigs this week. Not good news...

  30. Britain is tightening controls on firms hoping to carry out hydraulic fracking in parts of the country by adding a financial health check to the application...