1. Some unusual ideas to kick around in this article. =================================== https://www.mrt.com/business/oil/article/Wyoming-firm-s-method-pairs-produced-water-14296791.php Wyoming firm’s method pairs produced water, agriculture customers As speakers and attendees at the first day of the...

  2. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/chesapeake-energys-stock-soars-as-debt-deals-buy-time-for-troubled-company-2019-12-04  

  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2019-05-17/conoco-s-cto-we-are-drilling-more-wells-spending-less-video The naysayers say efficiency has plateaued.  Well yes if you only look at (1) drilling cost per ft , (2) amount of sand used...

  4. Oil majors are preparing for a greener future through shale   Oil majors are readying themselves for the energy transition by investing in shale and waiting...

  5. Talked to some traders.  They think price trades within the current range ( same range last few weeks).  They did agree the sabotage that...

  6. So this just seems too simple to fix.....The first thing to defend against an oversupply collapse it to build more storage facilities.....Seems like an...

  7. The Lack Of Cap Ex in the Energy Sector Threatens Future for Next Generation of Engineers In the US... It will have long Lasting Effects...

  8. Carbon tax best way to cut greenhouse gas emissions: IMF   At $70 per ton of carbon dioxide, a carbon tax would be the most efficient...

  9. How can that be. Both have access to same intelligence, correct ? U.S. Congresswomen Tulsi Gabbard accused Trump of "pimping" U.S. troops out to Saudi...

  10. White House guidance gets early welcome from industry as possible lift for natural gas projects   FERC seen likely to cite guidance in litigation Litigation over indirect...

  11. Refinery of the future less focused on fuels The future may or may not bring flying cars, robot servants and immortality, but it’s bringing exciting...

  12. A surprisingly neutral look at oil exploration attempts in the U.S. Arctic Refuge.  Attempts made to balance both pro and con viewpoints. Polar bear protections...

  13. This is the technical analysis. I prefer fundamentals  Chart readers will tell you the charts reflect investor sentiment

  14. High commodity prices and lower production costs are fueling a boom in government tax revenue. Upstream sector payments to governments are set to soar to...

  15. If this article true this could be the First step for Trump to reduce presence in the Mideast. Think Trump tired of spending billions in...

  16. Interesting article from 'Modern Diplomacy'.   Off the radar of MSM.   Obviously, I do not agree with some of this, and I severely distrust the Council...

  17. "Electric cars and Renewables."  Novel thought " He quoted Sheikh Ahmad Zaki Yamani, Saudi Arabian oil minister who famously said that the Stone Age didn’t come...

  18. I know that ARAMCO is supposed to stand for ARabian AMerican Oil COmpany. However I don't see where the "O" for oil is included in...

  19. .US has spent (wasted)Trillions in Mideast. China couldn't be happier.  While US is off being world policeman  China is eating US economic lunch. May sound...

  20. Some oil, gas production halted as US Gulf Coast prepares for major storm   US offshore oil and gas drillers started shutting production Wednesday as a...

  21. This rumor very strong suggest sooner than later.  Guaido is a Socialist. Better than Maduro.  The second one I heard is US EXXON and China's...

  22. We live in a world dependent on petrochemicals. From the cars we drive to the food on our plates, the products and materials we...

  23. Bloomberg News seems to be a bit schizophrenic in the oddly skewed differences between its article headline and its lead-in paragraph. Obviously, Orange Man is Bad,...

  24. US Bolton said, " almost" certain Iran behind attacks. US says Iran " likely" behind attacks on tankers Kirkman post on this blog discusses how Shell can survive at $30...

  25. OPEC+ deal will halt price decline temporarily as shorts will cover and take a nice profit. Decline resumes after short-lived reprieve post OPEC meeting. OPEC...

  26. Guyana Nears Oil and Gas Turning Point       Anish Kapadia, UK-based oil and gas analyst with Akap Energy Ltd., told Rigzone that a common pattern has...

  27. Only going to get worse. ME countries can't pay social stipends, grow economy and build a viable military as price of oil decreases.   Possible that future...

  28. Have you ever wondered how to set up an R&D lab for your company? We can help you find the answer to this question....

  29. I know that the articles here focus on long term movements. But it sure would be nice to have opinions on current movements. Example:...