1. Just like the microscopic plants algae and plankton through photosynthesis and transformation through death, time, heat, pressure, depth and burial accumulation in the earth at...

  2. ... to Equinor of all words imaginable. They've also tweaked their logo and it now looks like the logo of a leftist party. Aim...

  3. Despite the trade deal between Washington and Beijing signed on January 15th, with China promising to significantly ramp up purchases of U.S. Energy... "there was...

  4. A picture that is worth a thousand words - in summary, Coal falling, Crude and Nuclear flat with Nat Gas and Renewables rising. Doesn't look...

  5. I have officially had it. I suggest ALL international oil companies stop what they're doing and sit back and relax as the world economy...

  6. The price of crude oil has been falling while defying the inventory draw reported by the EIA, US Energy Information Administration. This happens when...

  7. Simple question what will change if the Democratic Party got elected in 2020, would the US continue to eradicate its strategic oil reserves?

  8. https://seekingalpha.com/article/4333579-contrary-to-assertions-saudi-arabia-cant-endure-30_00-oil-for-long Contrary To Assertions, Saudi Arabia Can't Endure $30.00 Oil For Long

  9. Interesting article, good insights by the author.   Why The Saudis Can’t Keep A Lid On Oil Prices Saudi Arabia is incapable of offsetting all of Iran’s...

  10. Oil Price's Paraskova wrote a good article on JP Morgan bailing out of ME.  Just 6 months ago every bank was beating a path to...

  11. There has been speculation amongst most traders that crude is about to crash, however, spending some time on the charts shows otherwise. The first...

  12. A Texas based  Buckeye Pipe Line says one of its pipelines has spilled more than 8,000 gallons of jet fuel into a river in...

  13. Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, made $33.8bn in net income in the first six months of 2017, according to a media report...

  14. Regardless of however serious you may think the Coronavirus may or may not be, it *is* affecting oil prices seriously. Significantly, the IEA is alarmed...

  15. YPF to redeploy rigs in Vaca Muerta on export potential       By Charles Newbery/Platts   Argentina's state-backed energy company YPF plans to redeploy 46 rigs in the Vaca...

  16. Oil prices dived as much as 3.5 percent on Tuesday as a media report fed doubts about whether U.S. President Donald Trump would withdraw...

  17. FROM BLOOMBERG ARTICLE: "  .  .  .  All those fine words aren’t just greenwash, but the sign of a company having genuine doubts about the...

  18. This is significant.  We have all seen the many articles which show how investment dollars are not going into the oil and gas industry. ...

  19. Remember that Nancy Pelosi was very loudly and publicly against attempts to initiate any efforts to impeach Trump.  She is now one of the head...

  20. Will there be a rant about losing her childhood due to oil pipelines?  Who exactly is funding Greta's trips overseas to make these publicity...

  21. Putin: ‘We’ll Never Frack’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/kenrapoza/2019/11/20/putin-well-never-frack/#6ee29583f014 Putin has opposed American fracking and influenced all of Europe over the last eight years. Propaganda from Russia and OPEC. Our...

  22. What is funny, is how many Analysts still can't see prices collapsing. The reason is because most put too much emphasis to the current...

  23. Generally, I tend to view Pompeo as a hawk, with distrust and suspicion.  But he seems pretty spot on with his latest speech this...

  24. 400 injured, one dead as the French protest higher prices at the pump. The idea of Macron's government is to wean them off fossil...

  25. On a personal anecdote, i need to change my motor oil of my car, and Im nervous since i dont know if and when...

  26. Unexpected.  But Putin haters still gonna hate.  Ukraine Natural Gas corruption and kickbacks will apparently continue unabated, with Ukraine continuing to be a conduit for natural gas...

  27. Get rid of this 100 year old law already There is no disagreement that the Jones Act raises the prices of goods shipped between ports...

  28.              .

  29. First the rig count goes down, then the service companies start their layoffs. First the boom, then the bust. Halliburton lays off 650 employees in four...

  30. I was poking about looking for snippets of information on oil sands extractions processes, and came across some fascinating information about two long-time industry...