1. Hello, The Oilprice.com app has the previous 30 day history of Gulf Coast HSFO. Is there a more complete price history of this index publicly...

  2. now, that may be interesting... India and China are working together to seek better bargains from the cartel of oil exporting countries The two sides kicked...

  3. After reading  several analyses on crude oil price in near future I am leaning toward crude price touching down to $62.50. Unless any interruption in supply.

  4. Everything seemed so bullish at the end of last week, and geopolitical risk seems to be growing by the day. With that in mind...

  5. "Long-cycle oil production remains on "life support," while shale output's future climb will likely be more moderate than many analysts expect, John Hess, CEO...

  6. https://www.theepochtimes.com/ban-on-drilling-would-cost-1-million-jobs-petroleum-body-says_3493830.html Is President Trump being too political in extending the offshore drilling ban? Do we have enough other oil to last until then? Is the drilling...

  7. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/081418-far-east-russian-espo-blend-crude-premium-falls-to-one-year-low-on-weak-demand we were just talking about Saudi Arabia's oil production decline yesterday in a different thread. now it would appear that Russia is lowering prices...

  8. Why has there been no mention or reporting on the fleet of Saudi tankers with over 40million barrels of oil the hit our shores...

  9. Russia says It's satisfies with $70 per barrel . so it will go for $70

  10. In today's 'Articles' I see we have, yet again, another surprise 'build'. Why doesn't this surprise me! I wonder when they will wake up and adjust...

  11. ...The sub-section in question -- the so-called Principal Adverse Impact rule -- requires investment firms to state whether their actions might in any way...

  12. Hopefully this is temporary.  It makes you realize what has happened to the U.S. economy, as well as the economy of the entire world...

  13. Presented without my usual comments. U.S. will sanction any countries that import Iranian oil: special envoy (Reuters) - The United States will sanction any country that...

  14. Saudi Arabia Lays Down the Law to the Oil Market     (Bloomberg Opinion) -- Saudi Arabia called out the cheats at yesterday’s OPEC meeting — the countries...

  15. I know you are out there 🙂 How one of the most intelligent minds of this century, and a conservative to boot, is thinking about...

  16. https://www.facebook.com/Dronedeploy/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARCCPVbqlTK4MXbA3q0fET4UsyeonUEXRqNk05BvgdehSianxkqQlMquhJBv_BjVKoqTnlHUFsXRYO6w0J7nMLMWntZkEAyclVA9vxDcAaY4a-WiwQyOtn_eZIqTmGIjQp02Th8movZNK5bCZLpjk12ygOKZDKitvLpFvJ4kZd4SvLJeLQ&hc_ref=ART1kMnCq5nR45URdwsJHZbzZVD8R174X-bZLzUSu75nL56GOJ5P_3xeJsiShTMY47I&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARCk2OEQhUbxYUPgmhf6D1DwjLbeqdswfvhKeNsgFos_HCC6FewIPSAP6X73_qqWiH0IJKrmZZrg49NAdVvWXr108N8j821m0G5uHLiEbNBUstCREMgcWuGnqYU9kSKNlDevb-GtNdHmTd_s-ErVPtbMXd_K8DUXW3RSIkZs5Yu_h6-9UTdUNmRxPbtxofuM2K52UMFyocyleK16Zf4XPI4Y9ZdYnX7L8rK7u1XoNJa3n4cMXOXkAPlp-7hAo99HOsAPf8oIWz8zYuthdVD8ywkpvRFXvd7pPs2t Are drones widely deployed to inspect pipelines, refineries etc? Seems like a great way to inspect lines if a sniffer chip was included.

  17. Saudi say 15 buildings hit .  Not if look at this picture it's outside complex and mostly desert. Your U.S. military said the first drone...

  18. what do ya think people will oil continue higher ? or are we in for a pull back. I mean this all depends on...

  19. It seems we have now entered into the perfect storm scenario.   An over zealous segment of the oil industry hyped up by the government and...

  20. I am interested in informed comments on the following articles: If the new regulations for low-sulfur marine fuel (IMO 2020) do reduce the demand for Albertan...

  21. I don't remember ever reading a story that talks about what effect, if any, Brexit will have on crude prices. Is that because there...

  22. The decision by the OPEC+ that took the markets by surprise on Sunday, coincided with the data on the Chinese manufacturing activity in March,...

  23. It looks like continental shelves all over the world provide a great deal of petroleum and also future petroleum possibilities. The biggest area looks to be...

  24. Just when you think you've heard it all, in comes an oil major, focusing on the positive side of oil spills (more jobs!). If...

  25. The court case between Petronas and Sarawak is heating up.  I've made dozens of comments and posts about this over on LinkedIn in the...

  26. No more fire in the kitchen: Cities are banning natural gas in homes to save the planet   SAN FRANCISCO – Fix global warming or cook dinner on a...

  27. https://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Shocking-Evidence-Suggests-Much-Faster-Global-Warming.html   I've never read such a piece of commie pinko dripping wet slop in my life, see article.     They got a lot of nerve calling it...

  28. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Democrats-Just-Accidentally-Sparked-A-Federal-Fracking-Boom.html How high do you guys think oil prices will go if Warren is elected? I'm certainly no expert here but it does directly affect my...