1. China has issued a white paper calling for advancing international cooperation on the Arctic. These guys aren't wasting any time, are they? "The Chinese paper...

  2. The Saudis are talking with strategic investors from China, Japan, and South Korea before making the final decision on Aramco's IPO. Guess who's calling...

  3. https://www.france24.com/en/20190522-illegal-ozone-depleting-gases-traced-china-study China has apparently illegally used CFC-11 when they were not supposed to.  I'M NOT MAD. JUST DISAPPOINTED.

  4. If not for the U.S. Democratic Party assistance to Communist Secretary General Xi Jinping, China would have signed Trade Deal in April, Iran would...

  5. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/China-Philippines-Team-Up-For-Oil-Exploration-In-South-China-Sea.html This would be good news for the Deepwater Exploration segment of the Industry, China currently heavily involved in building 7th Gen Drillships which are...

  6. "The more aggressive type of virus was found to be prevalent in the early stages of the outbreak in Wuhan — the Chinese city...

  7. investors in China’s biggest oil companies may lose out as a record $35 billion in cash is tapped for a fresh round of deals https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-06/china-s-160-billion-energy-m-a-binge-was-bad-for-most-investors

  8. After that Rosneft deal fell through, CEFC said it missed a major bond payment today. Fitch is expecting the corporate bond defaults in China will continue...

  9.  A U.S. decision to reimpose sanctions on Iran is supporting China’s newly established crude oil futures, and may spur efforts to start trading oil...

  10. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/China-Finds-Oil-In-Asias-Deepest-Onshore-Well.html China Finds Oil In Asia’s Deepest Onshore Well By Tsvetana Paraskova - Jan 20, 2020, 11:00 AM CST China’s efforts to boost oil and gas exploration in harsh-environment...

  11. interesting report on China's influence in Venezuela by csis  https://www.csis.org/analysis/when-investment-hurts-chinese-influence-venezuela can Venezuela ever break free now? 

  12. China's manufacturing activity has picked up in January, crossing the crucial threshold of 50%, according to China's National Bureau of Statistics. It has gone up...

  13. Having been in the doldrums for over nine months, China’s manufacturing PMI has risen by 0.9 in November, buckling the trend that used to...

  14. Oh noes!  Seems there is trouble in CCP's central planning paradise.  Whoopsie.  Xi will not be pleased. China's Oil Dream Dims as State Giants Cut...

  15.  China’s crude oil futures, to be launched on Monday, will be a major step in Beijing’s years-long push to win greater sway over oil...

  16. Chinese recovery from the latest outbreak of the Delta variant appears to be a ray of hope for the battered oil markets, which saw...

  17. China's tariffs into effect today. World didn't stop turning as far as I can tell. Per Houston Chronicle, "Last year the United States exported 832,000...

  18. If the contracts are sustainable and are a success, what do you think the implications will be on brent and wti contracts? Thoughts?

  19. It's definitely time to start seriously considering the impact of Chinese Yuan-denominated oil contracts. There's no real liquidity yet, but the Chinese are certainly...

  20. Welp, it's been a few weeks since my last gentle reminder nudge about the inexorable, incremental, slow-moving financial tsunami that is the PetroYuan. Ignoring it won't...

  21. China comes to rescue of international oil & gas.  Weird. China’s Oil Thirst Draws an Armada of Tankers (Bloomberg) -- As Chinese oil demand rises to...

  22. China continues to pursue oil & gas claims in the disputed regions of the South China Sea (which should be renamed the South Asia Sea in...

  23. I heard just a hint that Trump may require China to halt crude oil purchases from Iran and began buying US crude as part...

  24. China appears to have managed its coal shortage with strong-arm tactics. The past energy shortages, however, have taken their toll on other industries with...

  25. Powerful Chinese investors are at the forefront to buy 1% stake in the world’s largest oil company, Saudi Aramco. The company hopes to raise...

  26. The U.S. / China trade war may be gearing up again. Chinese National Charged with Committing Theft of Trade Secrets Hongjin Tan, a 35 year old...

  27. I had no idea that leading a Chinese state-run oil giant was so .. not lucrative. The recently resigned chairman of state-run Sinopec reportedly...

  28. Yup.  Title says it all.  

  29. Interesting change in balance of power in the North Sea.

  30. He believes that oil will not return to the hoped for $60 to $65 range.   He stated production costs have dropped from $30 bbl...