1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-12/chevron-to-acquire-anadarko-for-33b-in-stock-and-cash-judybl2u?srnd=premium-asia First Strike - no doubt more will come. Now I am doing the happy dance...

  2. Chevron announced it would acquire Noble Energy for $5 billion. It's the biggest energy deal since the Covid-19 pandemic decimated the oil industry. America's shale...

  3. Quote   https://www.linkedin.com/posts/meredithpoor_chevron-ceo-says-no-new-refineries-in-usever-activity-6938641347490807808-Fdh6?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web So lets see here - no methane to liquids conversions, no 'biocrude' refining, no oil excreting algae, no electrochemical ethanol or other fuel production...

  4. CEO Michael Wirth's answer today was  "Chevron owns about 10% of the Permian acreage and just upped their own recoverable reserves to 21Billion bbls.  Said...

  5. Chevron Corp. reported third-quarter profit doubled from a year earlier as production increases met rising oil prices. The company reported earnings of $4 billion...

  6. Chevron Phillips, Qatar Petroleum to Build Ethane Cracker   Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LLC (CP Chem) on Monday signed an agreement with Qatar Petroleum (QP) to...

  7. Chevron Will Spend $10B On Quick Yield Wells So Where From Here For Its Share Price Quick-yield is the new black in oil (pun unintended).

  8. Chevron getting bold and fixing to restarting drilling in Kurdistan. This seems like a huge risk to me.  

  9. Chevron to stay wedded to shale, for 'incredible flexibility': CEO     No return to 13 million b/d US crude output in 'next couple of years' Middle East...

  10. Here's a sprawling, wild rollercoaster of an Oil & Gas history tale, mostly around Alberta. @Mike Shellman clearly had fun writing about this true adventure, and...

  11. China's 2019 coal imports set to rise more than 10%: analysts     BEIJING/MELBOURNE (Reuters) - China, the world's top coal buyer, is on track to boost...

  12. now, that may be interesting... India and China are working together to seek better bargains from the cartel of oil exporting countries The two sides kicked...

  13. China is panting under a major glut of oil products that it is planning to dump on the regional market. That's a problem for...

  14. China has a big plans with Brunei. Brunei’s oil and gas reserves are expected to run out within two decades. When completed, the first...

  15. On the eve of the latest OPEC+ meeting, the National Statistics Bureau of China released its economic figures for August with the main focus...

  16. Nice white flag you have there, China.  Waving a white flag isn't so hard after all, is it ... China announces new tariff exemptions for...

  17. *  China wants U.S. to meet them half way.  Does that mean (1) China only steals half US technology ? (2)  China forces only...

  18. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-building-mega-refineries-just-210000546.html China’s Building Mega Refineries Just as Fuel Demand Stalls   Bloomberg News Wed, October 7, 2020, 12:00 AM CDT     (Bloomberg) -- China is investing tens of billions of...

  19. On January 24th the Brent contract price for March delivery settled at $58.29. The virus concern was just starting to build.  The spot price continued...

  20.   Reuters : Sinopec, CNPC skip Iran oil purchases for May to avoid U.S. sanctions China Petrochemical Corp (Sinopec Group) and China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), the...

  21. China’s Commerce Ministry announced how they will limit exports of crude oil, refined oil products, steel and other metals to North Korea. The experience...

  22. China imported Iranian crude oil in July for the second month since a U.S. sanctions waiver ended, according to research from three data firms,...

  23. Recently, I come across a topic on crude oil consumption worldwide affected due to Covid-19 since early of 2020. As we understand, China is one...

  24. As China made good on its threat to impose 25% tariffs on $16 billion worth of U.S. imports, one big-ticket item originally on its...

  25. China is the last major buyer and investor in Iranian oil, and this pullout by China is going to bite Iran hard.  Trump's sanctions against...

  26. Hi my name is Riccardo Zingaro and I am writing my thesis in Finance about chinese crude oil future. I have some questions about...

  27. March 26th is the date, supposedly, for China's oil futures contract. Talk about a market disruptor. This has been talked about seemingly forever. If...

  28. Last week, the UN Security Council unanimously voted in favor of the resolution to introduce new sanctions against North Korea for its continuing ballistic...

  29. China has *already* lost the trade war with the U.S. but they just haven't realized it yet. Trump keeps outmaneuvering Xi. For reference, look at what...

  30. So much for those aggressive clean energy targets: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-44738952 And it's not energy related..... but it IS crude oil related: polyurethane foam!