1. https://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Shocking-Evidence-Suggests-Much-Faster-Global-Warming.html   I've never read such a piece of commie pinko dripping wet slop in my life, see article.     They got a lot of nerve calling it...

  2. Could be tough one to win.  The leases are "suspended" pending review. Of course the review will go on forever.  There is talk of a...

  3. hay guys how is everyone today don't be on here much today i wont to ask you guys something what will we do with...

  4. Any news on last night meeting?

  5. With Governor Brown signing SB100 into law that sets California on a path toward 100% renewables and “zero-carbon” sources in electricity by 2045, Californians are...

  6. Oil Prices Plunge   West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil shed nearly six percent Thursday while the Brent benchmark lost more than four percent. July WTI futures...

  7. The great debate when it comes to the price is if price is driven by technicals or fundamentals.  It seems many take a side...

  8. The Permian, Eagle Ford and Williston In this report, we will analyze the latest developments in the 3 largest US tight oil basins, which include...

  9. I know you are out there 🙂 How one of the most intelligent minds of this century, and a conservative to boot, is thinking about...

  10. Oil and gas produced in the US does not belong to the US Government, nor to its citizens. It belongs to the company who...

  11. Oil prices fell on Tuesday, weighed down by a stronger dollar and oversupply concerns after it was announced that a trio of Gulf producers...

  12. If you listen to experts like Art Berman or Anas Alhajji, they say that in the case of shale oil, not only the quantity...

  13. Saudi say 15 buildings hit .  Not if look at this picture it's outside complex and mostly desert. Your U.S. military said the first drone...

  14. Presented without my usual comments. U.S. will sanction any countries that import Iranian oil: special envoy (Reuters) - The United States will sanction any country that...

  15.   California Politicians Hiked Gas Tax, Now Demand Investigation Into State's $4 Per Gallon Gas Prices As lieutenant governor, Gavin Newsom supported a 2017 bill increasing the state's...

  16. Dear bro, I have a supplier of gasoline. But I don't have any information about this company. Any bro has something about it please share me what...

  17. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has voted unanimously to ban contributions from fossil fuel companies, in a victory for activists and environmental advocates. It remains to...

  18. Norway Supreme Court hears snow crab case with implication for oil Most interesting news story so far this month.

  19. To me, it seems very apparent that various writers are consciously making blatant efforts to constantly boost oil price increase expectation. It seems quite...

  20. Some of Canada's sludge-like heavy oil will move in an even thicker form on railways in an effort to avoid pipeline bottlenecks and reduce...

  21. No more fire in the kitchen: Cities are banning natural gas in homes to save the planet   SAN FRANCISCO – Fix global warming or cook dinner on a...

  22. I guess they just weren't satisfied enough by trying to thwart pipeline projects--now they're taking aim at oil by rail too. What's next? https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-bc-will-ask-court-for-authority-to-limit-oil-by-rail/  

  23. Really?  Magic 8 Ball could write better headlines. WSJ: Crude Prices Swing Between Gains, Losses Crude futures swung between small gains and losses on Tuesday after the...

  24. One of my normal daily news searches is for "Trump Oil" as well as just for "oil". The amount of negative bias in news articles found with the...

  25. IMO 2020 could create fierce competition for scarce water resources The International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations set to take effect in 2020 have sparked mountains...

  26. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-markets-held-hostage-by-alleged-iranian-attack-on-saudi-facility-201736171.html https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-iran-saudi-oil-attacks-responsible-white-house Starting.   [Note to myself: stop being a f-ing day trader and buy oil and hold.  Back into UCO]

  27. New York Attorney General ran straight past full stupidity and went straight to potato.  The eventual backlash should be spectacular.   The underlying Environmental "political correction"...

  28. Hopefully this is temporary.  It makes you realize what has happened to the U.S. economy, as well as the economy of the entire world...

  29. I bought Occidental shares about 10 trading days ago and they are already up over 13%, which is cool.  I knew it was undervalued.  I'm...

  30. crude oil

    WTI Crude oil Technically now in sell zone.Support area are 68.50-67.50$ and upper cap is now 69.50-70.50$.Once price breach important level of 68.50$,We may see...