1. Climate Panic intensifies !! Hyperbole escalation increases !!! The sky is falling on our heads and will kill us all !!!!!! CLIMATE CRISIS KILLS !!  ELEVENTY !!! ...

  2. Permian Well Productivity is Just Fine     Earnings season is in full swing and once again investors are scrutinizing the spending habits of US shale operators. With...

  3. The judge presiding over the case of San Francisco and Oakland vs Chevron, Exxon, BP, Shell, and Conoco has given everyone homework: evaluate the...

  4. I think this makes 11 of the last 12 weeks for increasing US crude oil production, with the last week of the year being...

  5. Observing the nighttime Dow futures and WTI oil price rising tonight made me wonder at first, but when I saw the article mentioning about Trump announcing...

  6. Quote In the report, Verleger noted that weekly EIA data on distillate consumption in the U.S., which is about 90% diesel, has been running anywhere...

  7. Not even a week after Delta Avengers made additional threats, some oil workers in Nigeria were kidnapped at gunpoint. It's tragic, but at the...

  8. Shipowners are ready, the bunker market is not     The number of ports in which low sulphur fuel will be available at the start of 2020...

  9. After digging for 2yrs, N.Y's attorney general finds 2 sets of notes on the affects of CO2 pollution. Ref - Wallstreet Journal -- The finding showed...

  10. Nice to read some rational news about the oil & gas industry.  Haters can go on jumping up and down and panicking about trying to...

  11. What do you think about supply crunch in next decade? A lot of oil analysts like Art Berman, Energy Aspects, Wood Mckenzie and also IEA...

  12. Interesting overview of what Italy's oil company has been doing lately, which sort of goes against the grain. Some are moving into Africa, Eni's...

  13. Could have fooled me. The answer: Tough to be an oil company if you do not have oil.   BP used to produce 2 mm bbls/day...

  14. Love the guy... If you need to deconstruct all the bullshit about O&G in 10 lines... here they are... https://www.barrons.com/articles/peter-lynch-how-to-find-growth-opportunities-in-todays-stock-market-51576877980 Oil is interesting. Look, longer term, solar, windmills...

  15. The abrupt withdrawal of the US air defence system, along with the Patriotic batteries, undoubtedly has left a security vacuum in the Middle East,...

  16. Fascinating interview with Josh Young by David Lin of Kitco News.  (30 minutes)  Dec 6, 2022 Josh Young, CIO of Bison Interests, discusses his outlook on...

  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/world/europe/russia-ukraine-drone-strike.html?ugrp=m&unlocked_article_code=1.hk0.3k7x.tUY_VBGBFfSV&smid=url-share   Ukraine seems to be targeting oil refineries, not crude oil pipelines, not petroleum storage sites. Why? (1) Crude oil pipelines can be repaired fairly quickly. (2) Crude...

  18. Saudi Aramco aims to boost its oil supply to Europe by 300,000 barrels per day (bpd) within the next two years as it expands...

  19. According to Reuters, one of the key Russian officials to foster a supply pact with OPEC, Kirill Dmitriev, signaled on Monday Russia wanted to...

  20. Brent crude oil rose on Tuesday, paring losses triggered by expectations that Saudi Arabia and Russia could pump more crude to compensate for a...

  21. As oil prices rise again and the country’s oil production rapidly expands, Ghana is on track to make a remarkable claim for a country...

  22. The company posted net income of $4.7 billion, or $1.09 per share, compared to $4.01 billion, or 95 cents per share, in the year-ago...

  23. Recently Pacific Northwest National Laboratory had an "Ask me anything" day about this on Reddit. I looked at it, but don't have an account...

  24. Lengthy article from Petroleum Economist with oodles of reasonings. My view on this is pretty simple - OPEC (especially Saudi Arabia) is getting way too...

  25. As climate-change lawsuits against the oil industry mount, Exxon Mobil Corp. is taking a bare-knuckle approach rarely seen in legal disputes: It’s going after the lawyers...

  26. OPEC and Russia are working on a long-term deal to cooperate on oil supply curbs that could extend controls over world oil supplies by...

  27. Great idea. Put the first rig within sight of Mar-a-Lago. "...some Republicans told Politico that losing Florida with the approval of the drilling plan could...

  28. Comrades, are you trying to seize control of the means of production?  Then here's great news for overthrowing an evil Capitalist business! Sanders introduces bill...

  29. According to BP, bans around the world on single use plastic items such as carrier bags will dent growth in oil demand over the...

  30. The Trump administration lifted restrictions on the sale of higher ethanol blends of gasoline, keeping a campaign promise to farmers suffering from the trade...