1. I'm very much pro oil & gas.  And currently I am very much knowingly biased in favor of oil & gas over "renewable" energy, which...

  2. Remember kids, only you can prevent Canada from using fossil fuels. ZOMG Eleventy Panic!  Canada Climate Change Armageddon Uber Alles!   Jagmeet Singh has decided to take...

  3. Offshore OFS Could Get Major Boost in SE Asia     Offshore project sanctions in Southeast Asia could lift greenfield investments in the oilfield services market by...

  4. Pretty good analysis of the Iran oil political pressure cooker, in my opinion. I've mentioned a few of the points in this article in...

  5. The U.S. Interior Department  proposed eliminating some safety regulations for offshore oil and gas drilling that the Obama administration put in place after BP’s...

  6. Let's see if this train o' thought holds water. The ONLY way we can have high oil production in the US is when oil prices...

  7. Oil prices steadied on Tuesday, depressed by record Saudi production but supported by expectations that oil exporters would agree to cut output at an...

  8. @Tom Kirkman https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/guardian-style-guide-update-tells-reporters-to-drop-climate-change-for-climate-crisis-in-push-for-stronger-language-on-environment/ @Marina Schwarz

  9. Not just any wave, a TIDAL one! Oil at $20 is around the corner.

  10. Eh, brag when you can I suppose. I gota kid graduating in December as a P.E. who will need a job;  So I am...

  11. I watched Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" movie and found it very interesting. It showed that many of the so called green environmental energy...

  12. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-08/saudi-oil-minister-hints-aramco-ipo-could-be-delayed-until-2019 If you could only see my super sarcastic mock surprised face right now. I don't want to say I told you so. Wait. Yes...

  13. United States threats to throttle Iran’s international oil trade can be easily answered, the head of the elite Revolutionary Guards said on Wednesday, according...

  14. The world’s biggest independent oil traders are deeply divided over the crude price outlook as the start date of sanctions on Iran’s energy exports...

  15. .    

  16. Question: if there's no further negotiation or agreement on trade between US and Iran , what next? 

  17. "Songbirds in Alberta's oil fields are adjusting their tunes to be heard above noisy drilling equipment, according to new research." --Greenwire   fascinating!!

  18. Oil prices jumped to their highest since late 2014 on Monday on a deepening economic crisis in Venezuela and worries that the Unites States...

  19. Are we approaching the end game as far as petroleum engineering is concerned? Does petroleum engineering follow mining engineering pattern of (slowly) getting vanished? Will there...

  20. ExxonMobil has announced plans to spend an additional $35 billion -- in excess of the $15 billion previously announced -- on U.S. investments over...

  21. Venezuela is trying to save its own "a rse " with this move. They just sold their largest amount of bitcoin to keep the...

  22. ESG Underperformance Will Be Its Undoing by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jul 19, 2022 - 10:40 AM Authored by Lance Roberts via RealInvestmentAdvice.com, ESG underperformance will be the strategy’s...

  23. According to Reuters, OPEC could raise oil output from July if Venezuelan and Iranian supply drops further and prices keep rallying, because extending production...

  24. DRC is considering opening up its national parks to oil exploration. This is where I draw the line. Oil exploration is well and good...

  25. “The price cap unintentionally means that some plants can’t recover their fuel costs. Participants are legitimately seeking ways to resolve the problem,” the spokesperson...

  26. Russia poised to largely skirt new G7 oil price cap By Noah Browning, Dmitry Zhdanniko and Jonathan Saul LONDON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Russia can access enough tankers to ship...

  27. https://www.wsj.com/articles/saudi-oil-attack-this-is-the-big-one-11568480576

  28. Kenya has set a target of drilling over 200 more oil production wells that will pour forth up to 80,000 barrels of crude per...

  29. New study says there has been a dramatic increase in earthquakes in Kansas since 2012, attributing it to oil and gas operations. 

  30. It's odd how the speculators respond more to the Iran nuclear deal withdrawal when it comes to oil prices, than they do to Venezuela,...