1. ‘For the Love of God’ Stop Raising Budgets, Oil Drillers Told Shale producers don’t seem to be getting the message. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/love-god-stop-raising-budgets-215450650.html That’s the take from Houston-based Tudor...

  2. Mr. President do you want to get reelected ? Listen to former Energy Secretary Rick Perry.  Order 90 day halt of all crude oil imports...


  4.   DR. AI FEN HAS DISAPPEARED   Just pray there is no second wave of a mutated deadlier Covid virus. Nobody knows but we should be prepared. Nobody in...

  5. He said he had trouble finding enough supply of Hydroxychloroquine for the trial.  He asks that people not hoard the drug. There are sick people...

  6. New York Bans Offshore Drilling in Its Waters Gov. Cuomo said the new law sends a message to the Trump administration that the state’s coastline...

  7. Impact of Gas Price Drop on Operators Henry Hub gas prices have witnessed a significant decline from their November peak of approximately $3.50 per Mcf,...

  8. https://oilprice.com/The-Environment/Global-Warming/Shocking-Evidence-Suggests-Much-Faster-Global-Warming.html   I've never read such a piece of commie pinko dripping wet slop in my life, see article.     They got a lot of nerve calling it...

  9. Here is a link to a free, online article by an Australian academic. Below is the intro.. According to predictions made nearly a decade ago,...

  10. So about that Saudi Aramco IPO... Drone attacks cause fire at two Saudi Aramco facilities, blaze now under control Saturday, 14 September 2019 Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of...

  11. https://www.facebook.com/Dronedeploy/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARCCPVbqlTK4MXbA3q0fET4UsyeonUEXRqNk05BvgdehSianxkqQlMquhJBv_BjVKoqTnlHUFsXRYO6w0J7nMLMWntZkEAyclVA9vxDcAaY4a-WiwQyOtn_eZIqTmGIjQp02Th8movZNK5bCZLpjk12ygOKZDKitvLpFvJ4kZd4SvLJeLQ&hc_ref=ART1kMnCq5nR45URdwsJHZbzZVD8R174X-bZLzUSu75nL56GOJ5P_3xeJsiShTMY47I&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARCk2OEQhUbxYUPgmhf6D1DwjLbeqdswfvhKeNsgFos_HCC6FewIPSAP6X73_qqWiH0IJKrmZZrg49NAdVvWXr108N8j821m0G5uHLiEbNBUstCREMgcWuGnqYU9kSKNlDevb-GtNdHmTd_s-ErVPtbMXd_K8DUXW3RSIkZs5Yu_h6-9UTdUNmRxPbtxofuM2K52UMFyocyleK16Zf4XPI4Y9ZdYnX7L8rK7u1XoNJa3n4cMXOXkAPlp-7hAo99HOsAPf8oIWz8zYuthdVD8ywkpvRFXvd7pPs2t Are drones widely deployed to inspect pipelines, refineries etc? Seems like a great way to inspect lines if a sniffer chip was included.

  12. How do you calculate the Dubai Oman Average? Which indexes and codes are used? 

  13. I haven't heard anything about Drilled Uncompleted wells in quite awhile. Does that mean they have all been completed and that production has been...

  14. BP chief likens U.S. oil sector to 'market without brain' Well, I didn't know markets had brains but if Dudley says they do, he must...

  15. Talk to 'Green New Deal' backers, BP CEO tells oil industry Hehe, what wouldn't they do to wash away that DH smear, eh?

  16. DUG Rockies: Plenty Of Promise, Despite The Politics   Technology has upended the conventional wisdom on well completions, and the passage of SB 181 in Colorado...

  17. China's One Belt, One Road bribe diplomacy in action.  Will wait to see if Duterte can successfully be bribed by Xi, or if Hotheaded Duterte will...

  18. The story below, which appeared in Clean Energy Wire, February 6, is typical of EV sales in general. Once the subsidies are withdrawn, buyers...

  19. Most of you would have see n this right? It goes with a whole slew of announcements about e-car makers cutting back on production...

  20. Just when I think the Australian state and Federal governments have a lock hold on insanity, the US EPA does something which makes them look...

  21. E&P Workers Getting Paid More in 2019   Crude production in the U.S. has continued to break records this year as drillers find ways to be...

  22. Eagle Ford - update through June 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions...

  23. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  24. $2.7 billion TPG Pace Energy Holdings/EnerVest merger announced today. Others have bailed on Eagle Ford. https://www.platts.com/latest-news/natural-gas/houston/private-equity-interest-in-south-texas-eagle-21605358

  25. Recent production revival and potential for further development makes Eagle Ford shale a promising prospect During 2018 Eagle Ford re-emerged as one of the lucrative...

  26. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  27. If the EIA and API can’t get their numbers even close on a monthly or weekly basis how can they be used as a credible...

  28. East Timor, one of the world's poorest countries, could still be an economic success story despite reports its main oil and gas fields will...

  29. Economic headwinds could slow growth of North American oil, gas sector: S&P Ratings     The outlook for growth for the North American oil and gas industry...

  30. (Bloomberg) -- Ecuador, one of OPEC’s smallest members, will leave the group in January as it seeks to increase revenue from crude oil sales. Ecuador...