1. Exxon Mobil Corp on Monday said it would write down the value of natural gas properties by $17 billion to $20 billion, its biggest...

  2. Over the course of several weeks I had numerous conversations with the author of this article about regional oil & gas in Southeast Asia. ...

  3. Is "Saudi Surprise" cuts BULLISH or BULLDUNG ? * Aramco 2018  oil production a steady 10 million barrels a day per Aramco released financials.  THATS A...

  4. Several E.U. member states made it plain that they will veto any E.U. proposal to ban Russian oil (or gas) imports. Removal of oil ban...

  5. China is often reported as the poster child for EV sales and, like everyone else, I took the reporting at face value. Not so says...

  6. Exclusive: Saudi's Falih says not sure there is oil shortage, OPEC will act I don't know how I feel about the words "exclusive" and "unsure"...

  7. This from the Daily Mail:  "The Saudi and Emirati energy ministers voiced concerns on Thursday over oil price fluctuations, saying they were determined to maintain...

  8. An oil project in Falklands Islands is on track to get the go-ahead by the end of this year as the companies involved in the...

  9. A *holistic* approach to developing oil & gas natural resources.  Good idea.  Hope other countries try out this holistic planning. Falklands releases the socio-economic impact of...

  10. Japan's biggest refiner closes joint venture refinery Quote Four of Japan’s biggest refiners have merged into two in recent years and cut operations as they seek...

  11. The prices of WTI and Brent fell sharply on Thursday in the crude markets. Since there was a modest US crude inventory build during...

  12. Crude oil prices are tumbling and the measures taken by the OPEC+ to stem the flow has not worked, apart from antagonizing the main Western...

  13. Oil prices have been falling for two successive weeks and the rate of fall appears to be somewhat tamed only by the high gas...

  14. The price of oil has been falling for three consecutive weeks and analysts are struggling to find the real cause that is behind it....

  15. The US crude oil inventories have been falling steadily since the end of November, clearly indicating a strong correlation with the falling prices of...

  16. The reaction - or over-reaction - by the crude oil markets yesterday over the news that the US had lifted some sanctions agains ex-Iranaian officials...

  17. I expect US drillers to now increase their drilling budgets nicely for Q1/2 2018. Makes sense if they scaled back drilling budgets when prices...

  18. Oil rose boosted by investors’ growing concern over the potential for disruptions to crude supply, especially in the Middle East.Brent crude oil futures LCOc1...

  19. Environmentalists Fear New Push For Oil Drilling Off California Coast The tone of the article is so... heartbreakingly dramatic I thought it was worth sharing...

  20. Fear of an Impending Car-Price Collapse Grips Auto Industry     https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fear-impending-car-price-collapse-110000556.html

  21. In the absence of a fight over the baseline, the OPEC+ ministerial meeting is taking place at 17:00 Vienna time. The JTC, Joint Technical...

  22. Talked to some traders.  They think price trades within the current range ( same range last few weeks).  They did agree the sabotage that...

  23. Should be interesting whichever way you want to look at a cut it’s all contradiction. Up Down with WTI, USD, Gold, Oil Majors Shares,...

  24. U.S. states start to open .  

  25. The economic crisis created by Chinese virus is unprecedented. It has required an unprecedented response. The respective (1) "Buyback Program" starting with $650 Billion and...

  26. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/15/climate/biden-drilling-federal-land.html Many overreaches by the Biden administration already. 

  27. Not sure how far these changes will go, but FERC says oil and gas pipeline approval process will be reviewed. Also, it will tighten...

  28. This rumor very strong suggest sooner than later.  Guaido is a Socialist. Better than Maduro.  The second one I heard is US EXXON and China's...

  29. Lowest levels since 1987, as OPEC continues to cut production. But is this OPEC-driven.. really? I mean the U.S. overall oil imports were at...

  30. The Chemical Safety Board has released its final report on the Pryor Trust well explosion that happened. Jan 22 2018 in Pittsburgh County Oklahoma...