1. U.S. Senate Democrats  urged President Trump to try to prod OPEC to take steps to lower oil prices and suggested that millions of Americans...

  2. Local production is falling, apparently, but demand isn't, which is interesting... A very green country that imports garbage to make electricity and it still...

  3. Despite Challenges, Recruiters Optimistic for 2020       Despite Challenges, Recruiters Optimistic for 2020     The U.S. oil and gas industry has seen its fair share of ups and...

  4. Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday it would continue to meet customer demand for crude despite looming U.S. sanctions that are expected to reduce oil...

  5. https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/determined-leadership-everywhere-but-america-open-the-spigots-open-the-eastmed-pipeline/   Determined leadership everywhere but America: Open the spigots, open the EastMed Pipeline March 3, 2022 Pete Hoekstra Originally published by the Gatestone Institute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EastMed_pipeline    

  6. Iran's crude exports slide to 500,000 bpd or less: sources   LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian crude oil exports have fallen in May to 500,000 barrels per...

  7. Oklahoma-based Devon Energy Corp (DVN.N) raised its annual production forecast today, expecting it to rise 16 percent from 2017. It was previously forecasting a 14 percent rise. Devon...

  8. The suicide bomber that killed over 35, injuring over 60 hapless people on the eve of a major Islamic festival reminds us of the...

  9. China released its growth figures for the third quarter, Q3, admitting its economy slowed down more than it expected, citing four reasons for the...

  10. I thought Oil Price was "The No. 1 Source for Oil & Energy News?  So, I've searched around the news area and there isn't...

  11. I thought US undertook an investigation into tanker and pipeline bombings.  Has any conclusion been released ? The Yemen border is 600 miles from the...

  12. I'm not worried so much about the zero percent interest rate, I'm much more concerned about the ZERO PERCENT asset requirement for the banks!...

  13. This announcement was back in May 2019, when Trump unleashed the policies for American Energy Dominance  SHARE FACT SHEETS President Donald J. Trump Is Unleashing American Energy...

  14. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. How about accepting a little responsibility and not blame everybody else aka "the trump way" ?....

  15. Aramco IPO on track for 2020-21, says Saudi crown prince I KNOW. Shocking.

  16. What IF BEVs became the big player and it happens sooner than most expect. I know they are supposedly building big rigs as BEV...

  17. I call it harvest consumption.  The general public has no idea of the equipment that is mobilized during harvest.  Once a crop has dried...

  18. Judging by the emergence of patchy news, the OPEC+ may have been forced to walk the tight rope while getting the balace right in...

  19. Barkindo is planning to have dinner with U.S. shale company executives on Monday in Houston.  I'm less excited about the news of this, and more...

  20. what could be purchase price of 1980 built,  300 feet independent leg cantelever offshore jack up rig in today market?

  21. Gulf Of Mexico oil lease sale--disappointing results, or typical results? Proof of damp enthusiasm for GoM areas, or just spin?  

  22. The Democrats are having fund raising issues.  So donations from Oil companies went from being banned to being welcomed.  Mental gymnastics in action. DNC Reverses Course; Will...

  23. Gov. Jay Inslee asks DNC leadership to hold a debate just about climate change. DNC leadership says no 50 voting DNC members sign a petition again...

  24. WATCH one minute YouTube - https://youtu.be/lxId0-KnXaE Crude Oil Price Forecast – Crude Oil Markets Get Hammered By:Christopher Lewis Published: Dec 20, 2021, 17:11 CST•2min read https://www.fxempire.com/forecasts/article/crude-oil-price-forecast-crude-oil-markets-get-hammered-10-846184 WTI Crude Oil The...

  25. Do you think that oil and gas production will better after 2019? Why?

  26. DOE: Growth in US vehicle-miles of travel and number of vehicles outpaces population growth 29 May 2019 Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in the US was...

  27. They are different in that Brazil was an auction of offshore leases and Aramco IPO a sale of shares.  They have a common thread ....

  28. Interesting "comment" from Iranian media post-OPEC meeting in Vienna:  For those who might construe Iran’s relatively mild public statements following the OPEC session as a sign that...