1. If we are not exploring, with the required exploratory drilling to prove the commerciality of the find, at some point the shareholders will ask...

  2. / Note - I don't usually comment directly this much on oil prices, but I had 4 cups of coffee this fine Sunday morning,...

  3. https://news.yahoo.com/suspected-sars-virus-and-flu-found-in-luggage-fbi-report-describes-chinas-biosecurity-risk-144526820.html Suspected SARS virus and flu samples found in luggage: FBI report describes China's 'biosecurity risk'

  4. U.S. oil refiners are planning a heavy slate of plant overhauls in the second quarter, with total production this month off 8.5 percent compared...

  5. Not trying to be William Delbert Gann from 1800s early 1900s, but it been clear now since last week, just wanted to put a target and...

  6. U.S. oil exports to Japan and South Korea will rise to record highs this month as Asian refiners take advantage of the steep discounts...

  7. And for the final post in this series of 3: we’ll have a look at the Decline Rates in the Permian.   Performance is shown of...

  8. The latest fall in oil prices has some analysts wondering if the world has passed peak demand.  https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/big-oil-confronts-possibility-of-terminal-demand-decline-1.5011438  

  9. <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart'>Crude Oil Prices - 70 Year Historical Chart</a>            Inflation adjusted https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart Does anyone think that this chart is correct. $20...

  10. In the 1930's, the great State of Texas experienced a boom in oil production.  Realizing that rapid growth in production had pushed the price...

  11. What Biden Is Getting Wrong About Big Oil’s Profits By Robert Rapier - Jun 18, 2022, 10:00 AM CDT President Joe Biden has targeted Big Oil...

  12. Pop that corn, oil peeps! Who doesn't love a good movie about crude oil? Deepwater Horizon? Check. Syriana? Yup. There Will Be Blood? Ah.. no. How...

  13. This is better than Saudis spending $200 Billion on military defense.   Now U.S. and Chinese investment firms will not take lightly any attacks on...

  14. Hint: do not wear an "I Love Canadian Oil & Gas" t-shirt.  Because apparently that is "hate speech". Posted in full below for those who do not...

  15. Hoo boy, this is a scattershot opinion article, overflowing with political rhetoric.   *But*  - - - it nails home several stinging points that most...

  16. GOM Production Poised to Set New Records   Oil production in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is poised to set new records in the imminent...

  17. EXCERPT - Numerous experts believe 2020 marked the beginning of a 30-year global cooling phase. Yet, the post-pandemic hype around global warming (aka climate...

  18. “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”  – JAWS.    Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water someone poked a couple...

  19. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/activists-block-oil-tanker-kinder-morgan-trans-mountain-pipeline-canada [exaggerated yawn]

  20. This has to be taken very serious. It's now or never. This is not amateur gamesmanship.  The ramifications of the outcome are unimaginable. The US Administrations...

  21. Over in the other window, In a surprise to no one, New York cuts off its nose to spite its face Quote In an unsurprising move, the...

  22. In recent weeks there were news and reports about discussions and meetings between Biden administration representatives and Maduro government in Caracas over the potential...

  23. Amusingly, it seems that the New York Times copied and pasted this entire Reuters article and hid most of the Reuters article behind their NYT...

  24. its

    Nice to see the OILPRO.COM pundits/refugees have found a new home !

  25. Exxon's name has been drug through the mud most of all, I think. 

  26. I have started a petition to white house I need signatures, if you have better ideas I encourage you to do this same. Share...

  27. "https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Is-US-Energy-Dominance-Coming-To-An-End.html"   First off, I'm surprised that Oilprice.com even employs this clown!  Nick is a Typing toe fungus.  He's a 'Greenie' from the mold festering Pac...

  28. If Nigeria can't get their oil act together, there's always nuts. Apparently in Kogi State, revenues from cashews will overtake oil revenue. Govt is encouraging...

  29. OPEC countries are prepared to step in to alleviate any market shortages together with other producers, the group the suggested on Monday, acknowledging recent...