1. Today (Friday) Surgeon General said HCQ will not be generally available in U.S. until MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER. They claim they need to test. ...

  2.   It's not a U.S. company.  It's a Bermuda Company. Or Oil companies that use transfer pricing to hide income at foreign domiciled subsidiaries and pay...

  3. In the 1930's, the great State of Texas experienced a boom in oil production.  Realizing that rapid growth in production had pushed the price...

  4. Would be the wrong time to intercede now.  Obviously preoccupied with virus.   At today's press conference the President was asked about the Saudi / Russian...

  5. TEVA PHARMA RUSHING SHIPMENTS TO U.S. BAYER SENT U.S. 3 MILLION TABLETS.   U.S. Surgeon General said chloroquine won't be available until mid summer. WHAT ?  The...

  6. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-020-0156-0 Correspondence Open Access Published: 18 March 2020 Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro Jia Liu,  Ruiyuan Cao,  Mingyue Xu,  Xi Wang,  Huanyu Zhang,  Hengrui Hu,  Yufeng...

  7. Conservative estimates are the Covad-19 virus will cost the U.S. economy $7 to $9 Trillion. That's devastating.  They will send the world economies into a recession. ...

  8. This announcement was back in May 2019, when Trump unleashed the policies for American Energy Dominance  SHARE FACT SHEETS President Donald J. Trump Is Unleashing American Energy...

  9. That is ridiculous. The Salman Brothers MBS and ABS miscalculated .  Their reign would not survive even 1 year at $25 oil, much less 2...

  10. Let's hope it's successful. Experts commend China's containment strategy but believe it is not enough to control the novel Covad-19. The Chinese CCP should be charged...

  11. Oil Price Fall To Under $20, Stock Market To Loss 75%, Agriculture Export Nation Currency Will Raise Min 50% Value The truth is that the...

  12. The Aramco earning call was a farce.  "We"re very comfortable with $30 oil"  or "We can last year's and pay our dividend with $25...

  13. Does anyone here use EToro it’s a madhouse at the moment, now I know why DT had shares in RedBull 😂😂😂

  14. Oil is at $28.72 on futures right now. What do you think is going to happen with the oil biz, especially in the USA?...

  15. Reading about the restructuring effects by Chesapeake is not a surprise at all. That’s the next step companies would take after cutting down their...

  16. Is this the start of production halts because of covid?  This says Petronas evacuated their staff  because of COVID-19.  https://www.arabnews.com/node/1642621/business-economy

  17. Two Questions: #1 How long will it take to fill the spare storage capacity ? #2 When capacity fills and serious competition starts how much lower...

  18. It looks like the tug of price war between the U.S., Russia and Saudi Arabia as the three biggest producers of crude oil worldwide...

  19. I'm not worried so much about the zero percent interest rate, I'm much more concerned about the ZERO PERCENT asset requirement for the banks!...

  20. Saudi continues "Scorched Earth" strategy. Doesn't matter now, price drop regardless of Saudi Aramco or Russia actions.  IT'S A RACE TO FILL UP THE SPARE STORAGE...

  21. In response to the corona virus, the feds have cut interest rates from 1.75% to 0.25%: https://www.axios.com/fed-cuts-interest-rates-zero-coronavirus-6bc5c3f0-16a4-4c18-8496-0493990a930a.html I can speak in detail about many technologies, but...

  22. 8,000,000,000 barrels of oil discovered in Guyana...    What are the  consequences of a fraudulent election? 

  23. Gonna be a fight between Icahn and Buffett Icahn was exiting his position but in the last week is fully back in Occidental. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/reuters-america-update-2-occidental-tries-to-head-off-investor-icahn-as-he-amasses-shares.html?&qsearchterm=icahn I read...

  24. Flattening the curve saves lives. Not so much because less total population will catch the disease, they won't. The difference is how fast the disease...

  25. With KSA closing parks, restaurants, malls and coffee shops how long until they start shutting down production facilities?  How can they load ships, process...

  26. Saudi "Scorched Earth" strategy violates WTO law and U.S. antitrust law. Can't threaten Producers.  Oil Producers call your Congressional contacts.  Tell the Justice department to get...

  27. Putin is likely laughing his butt off at this news.  MbS may need to rethink his grand plan of an Aramco $75 billion cash...

  28. The Jones Act promotes U.S. shipping industry and ship building industry.  It mandates that all shipping between U.S. ports must use U.S. shipping companies...

  29. China teapots report very large discounts on Russia's Urals crude oil.  It's also delivered via much less expensive Eastern Siberian Asia Pacific pipeline compared...

  30. He is one of the best https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2020-03-12/citi-oil-veteran-says-20s-likely-on-unique-demand-supply-shock-video