1. Dear Alex Kimani, Your article: "The Oil Price War Won’t Dethrone The Dollar" is very good and written in quality analysis. However, as you said...

  2. We need to immediately put a tariff on all imported oil to the USA to keep our domestic oif field service companies, and oil...

  3. Sheffield said Exxon controls  the American Petroleum Institute (API) and Exxon wants the API to do nothing.  He stated this is because EXXON wants to scoop...

  4. Economically, Trade , Tourism, 360,000 Chinese College Students in U.S. , etc ? Will Europe continue to be China's obediant lapdog ?

  5. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  6. Hearing from people in Eagle Ford that refined products storage is full.  They are seriously reducing incoming crude.  The producers are having to shut...

  7. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  8. $30Bbl looming for WTI, quite rightly so Russia pressuring for a US cut in production. Why should OPEC and others take the load while...

  9. Is the US Oil Industry necessary to the survival of the US economy and US sovereignty? Was the banking industry key to the US...

  10. The economic crisis created by Chinese virus is unprecedented. It has required an unprecedented response. The respective (1) "Buyback Program" starting with $650 Billion and...

  11. Well fort mcmurray is a hot mess. About 60% of the labour force here, and nearly 100% on some sites are fly in fly...

  12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41421-020-0156-0 Correspondence Open Access Published: 18 March 2020 Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro Jia Liu,  Ruiyuan Cao,  Mingyue Xu,  Xi Wang,  Huanyu Zhang,  Hengrui Hu,  Yufeng...

  13. He said he had trouble finding enough supply of Hydroxychloroquine for the trial.  He asks that people not hoard the drug. There are sick people...


  15. Saudi continues "Scorched Earth" strategy. Doesn't matter now, price drop regardless of Saudi Aramco or Russia actions.  IT'S A RACE TO FILL UP THE SPARE STORAGE...

  16. The stock exchange speaks: Crude oil is no longer worth anything. Companies are falling in rows, investments are unthinkable, parts of the branch are...

  17. In the 1930's, the great State of Texas experienced a boom in oil production.  Realizing that rapid growth in production had pushed the price...

  18. The economy is defined as a social domain that emphasize the practices, discourses, and material expressions associated with the production, use, and management of...

  19. This article is 2 months old but worth to read because many national governments are stealing the idea and temporary solution without giving any...

  20. The Jones Act promotes U.S. shipping industry and ship building industry.  It mandates that all shipping between U.S. ports must use U.S. shipping companies...

  21. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-20/a-trump-texas-oil-deal-opens-the-door-to-a-green-new-deal?srnd=premium&sref=RzXyyOXY If the US Government assists frackers now, what happens when power shifts in to parties in favor of 'green' energy. Bloomberg requires a subscription, but...

  22. Today (Friday) Surgeon General said HCQ will not be generally available in U.S. until MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER. They claim they need to test. ...

  23. On January 14th WHO reported that the virus DOES NOT transmit from Human to Human.  They were very wrong ! WHO would not designate the...

  24. oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Saudi-Shock-And-Awe-Is-Crushing-Shale-Drillers.html Nick Cunningham;  So, you take this opportunity to strike at the US Oil industry much as MBS; during this time of a Pandemic sweeping...

  25. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  26. Oil Extends Gains as Texas Supports Trump-Led Output Proposal By  Sharon Cho  and  Alex Longley March 19, 2020, 6:26 PM EDTUpdated on March 20, 2020, 6:44 AM EDT Brent crude rebounds...

  27.   It's not a U.S. company.  It's a Bermuda Company. Or Oil companies that use transfer pricing to hide income at foreign domiciled subsidiaries and pay...

  28. That is ridiculous. The Salman Brothers MBS and ABS miscalculated .  Their reign would not survive even 1 year at $25 oil, much less 2...

  29. Yeah.  

  30. Is this the start of production halts because of covid?  This says Petronas evacuated their staff  because of COVID-19.  https://www.arabnews.com/node/1642621/business-economy