1. Not only does the unending upward march of the price of crude oil cast a shadow over the billions of consumers, but also shows...

  2. Ryanair (RYA.I) expects annual profits to fall for the first time in five years due to higher fuel and staffing costs and flat fares,...

  3. This is interesting. I'd think the bigger the company, the more money to spend on boosting drilling operations but, apparently, not.  Rising oil price will...

  4. New Mexico seeking exemption from Biden oil and gas leasing pause - governor   Reuters) - New Mexico's Democratic Governor is pushing for her state to...

  5. would hiring be effected recently based on the oil prices cause lately it dropped down, i also want to know what should i do...

  6. https://summit.news/2020/01/22/historian-slams-greta-thunberg-i-dont-see-her-in-beijing-or-delhi/   CLIMATE CHANGE Historian Slams Greta Thunberg: “I Don’t See Her in Beijing or Delhi” Why are the biggest polluters being ignored?

  7. Reading this article provoked a hodge podge of mixed feelings.  While I certainly don't have an answer, this article has some points to mull...

  8. Heh heh, Happy New Year everyone.  Amusing to see my ad nauseum comments last year about $70 oil for 2019 are apparently suddenly matching media's...

  9. With the holiday weekend getting underway, gas prices are climbing toward the three dollar mark for the first time in four years. Regular gas...

  10. Let's hope it's successful. Experts commend China's containment strategy but believe it is not enough to control the novel Covad-19. The Chinese CCP should be charged...

  11. Front page oilprice.com..... So, the Kurds are about to be butchered...  In an ironic twist, they should have wished to be incorporated into Turkey as...

  12. "If expanding oil-refining capacity in Western Canada could provide a relief valve for the pressure pushing up B.C. gas prices, Premier John Horgan suggested...

  13. US Warship Destroyed Iran Drone Near Strait of Hormuz     (Bloomberg) -- President Donald Trump said the U.S. “immediately destroyed” an Iranian drone that approached the...

  14. Oil, LNG, shipping markets digest new risks after Strait of Hormuz attack Risk levels associated with shipping crude oil and LNG via the Strait of...

  15. Hot summer complicates Saudi Arabia's oil balancing act   Saudi Arabia to hold production steady in May, June Crude burn set to increase to 491,000 b/d in...

  16. Ya know, I was only half joking when I suggested this morning that this forum should add a sub-forum for Trump Derangement Syndrome oil...

  17. House Votes to Bar Arctic Drilling     The House voted Thursday to again bar oil and gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as Democrats...

  18. One barge capsized and another almost cut in half. Lucky they did not catch fire as they were carrying reformate. Heard the tug boat...

  19. Texas bans large vessels from Houston Ship Channel, appoints new traffic cop      Texas bans large vessels from Houston Ship Channel, appoints new traffic cop  August 13,...

  20. Interesting story on this 'think tank', Heartland, which was funded by Big Oil to get the Climate denial message out, but is now out...

  21. A seemingly simple question: how much did a Texas well produce? A question fundamental to oil & gas analytics, yet difficult to answer due...

  22. Is each non-hourly/dated price posted at close? Are they averages? I'm getting mixed messages on their accuracy...

  23. http://time.com/5492648/permian-oil-boom-west-texas/   Interesting article in Time.

  24. I keep reading concerns of another big buy out of the small and independents. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how to prevent this?...

  25. The US  crude inventories have been growing for the past two weeks, according to the data from both the API and EIA. In light of the...

  26. Can someone please tell to go about buying oil? I have bought stocks before with no problems. Thank you Sean

  27. Found This article and had to laugh out loud at DC Solar and how they scammed almost a billion dollars from supposedly sophisticated investors. Can't wait...

  28. Can anyone clarify just how far Venezuelan production can really fall? I'm seeing a lot of these gloom and doom reports but surely stopping production...

  29. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-far-have-we-really-gotten-with-alternative-energy-11636571966?mod=ig_energyreport   How Far Have We Really Gotten With Alternative Energy? There’s a lot of hype and confusion about carbon-free energy sources. Here’s a look at five...

  30. How Fracking Turned OPEC Into The Walking Dead I just loved this headline. Can't blame me.