1. . .

  2. All the info they give about is proven reserves but I cant find any info about currently uneconomic ones. What is the amount of...

  3. To counter the hyperbole about the U.S. being energy independent.  While the U.S. currently exports more crude oil than it imports, the U.S. is very...

  4. When higher import duties are put on steel etc domestic steel prices will increase too. Mfg. costs go up and US consumer pays more...

  5. Arctic auction was a bust, now Mexico isn't getting any love either.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-oil/mexico-oil-regulator-cancels-deep-water-pemex-tie-up-auction-idUSKBN1E207E

  6. Online group spying on Tesla. Keep track of what is going on.  https://www.latimes.com/business/autos/la-fi-hy-tesla-short-sellers-musk-20190408-story.html

  7. Talk to 'Green New Deal' backers, BP CEO tells oil industry Hehe, what wouldn't they do to wash away that DH smear, eh?

  8. I am sure that anyone who has ever dealt with cleaning out storage tanks can easily understand what a massive problem the SPR is...

  9. OPEC delivered a downbeat oil market outlook for the rest of 2019 on Friday as economic growth slows and highlighted challenges in 2020 as...

  10. After a seven-month stoppage, Venezuela once again buying crude (and when I say "buying", I mean swapping goods for) for its Isla refinery. It's...

  11. Probably not a good thing for oil prices. Some highlights:  "Recoverable reserves from the Middle East, which holds the largest oil resources, could be increased...

  12. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  13. Is anybody watching what's going on with Citgo? What happens to its three US refineries (Illinois, Texas, Louisiana) now that company execs are being...

  14. .      

  15. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/aug/28/venezuela-diosdado-cabello-refugee-footage-fake apparently there is NOT a refugee crisis?  $50 to anyone who can find someone who believes this denial. 

  16. Surprisingly, I just read a liberal, mainstream media article about oil prices, and agreed with darn near every single point they made.  What the...

  17. OPEC has urged its members not to mention oil prices when discussing policy in a break from the past, as the oil producing group...

  18. Reported to be passing through the strait to KSA. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jul/19/british-tanker-iran-capture-fears-stena-impero-uk-ship-latest https://www.nmg-stena.com/news/company-statement-stena-impero/ COMPANY STATEMENT - STENA IMPERO - 1840BST 19th Jul 2019 Stena Bulk and Northern Marine Management can confirm...

  19. 70 million Chinese still quarantined. Is the virus ending or just starting ? Worst case it's another Spanish Flu 1918 (originated in China) where over 500...

  20.   I think the oil bulls will lose on US shale because they've peaked. They've done a great job of staying on top and being...

  21. DRC is considering opening up its national parks to oil exploration. This is where I draw the line. Oil exploration is well and good...

  22. $300 / 1bbl?

    300 $ per bbl, why not? I'm agree,   If something could be happens w USD, when one match box reach for 15$ , can...

  23. The OPEC+ Cut helps but hardly makes up for demand loss. It's not a supply problem at this time.  It's the DEMAND. Said the OPEC+ cuts...

  24. The odds are stacked in favor of the bulls, no doubt about it. Can this particular tailwind be reversed?

  25. Conservative estimates are the Covad-19 virus will cost the U.S. economy $7 to $9 Trillion. That's devastating.  They will send the world economies into a recession. ...

  26. It's not just militia factions vying for power who are meddling with Libyan oil production. The latest shutdown was Sunday at the giant El...

  27. I am a shop teacher in the Permian Oil Patch teaching Construction Trades and Welding.  With the discussion on a possible down turn in...

  28. https://www.reuters.com/article/libya-security-oil/libyas-noc-warns-of-impact-of-oil-port-shutdown-idUSL8N1TX0SP?rpc=401&  

  29. Two quick questions since I am new to the industry: 1). What are PMS & AGO refined oil?  Are they real acronyms?  I am guessing marine...

  30. Well..... I have always maintained that predicting oil prices is a very tricky business. However,one should always try to grasp the "trends" that have,...