1. One of the most pressing issues for independents is funding and harvesting inventory that still has producible oil and gas while not 'selling the ranch' equity...

  2. Some of my usual morning news searches are for "oil" and "Trump oil" to see what the media are saying today.  I would estimate that on DuckDuckGo...

  3. India is planning to raise its LNG import capacity from 20 million tonnes to 70 million tonnes and is boosting oil refining capacity by...

  4. http://www.mercurynews.com/2017/12/03/pollution-choked-india-buying-dirty-us-oil-byproduct/

  5. India changes site for $44B refinery The Indian state of Maharashtra has identified a site for the oil refinery to be built in partnership with state-owned...

  6. "With oil traders forecasting crude oil to rise to $100 (£76.5) a barrel by the end of the year, Indian refiners are considering cutting...

  7. Lots of oil-related news coming out of India today (and this week), folks. India is feeling the weight of the higher oil prices and...

  8. India is planning to boost its use of biofuels to reduce its dependence on imported oil, the PM has said. Not sure how productive...

  9. India is set to overtake China as the biggest source of growth for oil demand by 2024, according to Wood Mackenzie. The country's oil...

  10. India fulfills all three conditions: a large oil market, strong demand growth and lack of sufficient refining capabilities. India will lead the world in...

  11. I guess they are in between a rock and a hard place, with being a major importer. https://www.rferl.org/a/india-top-iranian-oil-importer-says-will-not-honor-us-sanctions-swaraj/29256213.html

  12. India has become hooked on oil too quickly and now needs to break this habit, some people believe. Really, when you think about it, all...

  13. Does anyone have any further information of the cause of this blowout? https://www.google.com.my/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/13-days-after-blowout-oil-india-limited-well-in-assam-catches-fire/article31786950.ece/amp/

  14. Indian Oil Corp, the country’s top refiner, has signed its first annual deal to buy U.S. oil, paying about $1.5 billion for 60,000 barrels...

  15. Indias crude oil demand will continue to rise this year as forecasted by Wood Mackenzie. General Elections would be one of the major factor in...

  16. Greenpeace and ilk can go pound sand with their anti-oil hysterics. Indigenous people level a crushing blow to U.S. funded anti-oil sands campaign Dozens of Indigenous...

  17. Net oil importer Indonesia could reactivate its OPEC membership if it can successfully raise its crude oil production and reduce consumption by boosting the...

  18. Indonesia scrapping 186 regulations in order to woo foreign investors to its energy industry. How successful will this be? And assuming they will be...

  19. Ineos declared, in a not so surprising development, a force majeure on ioil from its Forties pipeline 

  20. Britain's most important oil route, Forties pipeline, down again, after being down for weeks starting in December. This does not bode well for the...

  21. Amusingly, Saudi Aramco is new to this list.  Because of KSA's "state secret" shenanigans regarding their "state secret" oil revenue and oil reserves.  And I will mostly...

  22. At least one positive article to help counter the tidal wave of negative information regarding producing and refining oil, we can’t really believe that in...

  23. Inslee unveils plan to fight fossil fuel pollution, ban fracking https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/449973-inslee-unveils-plan-to-fight-fossil-fuel-pollution

  24. Insurer says Iran’s Guards likely to have organized tanker attacks Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) are “highly likely” to have facilitated attacks last Sunday on...

  25. Interactive Map: Crude Oil Pipelines and Refineries of the U.S. and Canada https://www.visualcapitalist.com/interactive-map-crude-oil-pipelines-and-refineries-of-the-u-s-and-canada/ Visualizing All Crude Oil Pipelines & Refineries Across US & Canada https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/interactive-map-crude-oil-pipelines-and-refineries-us-and-canada Visualizing All Crude...

  26. Hi just joined the community. I am a consultant Directional Driller wondering when things will get better. Day rates on the big wide world...

  27. crudoil

    How do you know the inventory of the market in crude oil?

  28. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday in the US, Baker Hughes will release its rig count on Wednesday instead of Friday. API and EIA data...

  29. I invested into Callon Petroleum Company (CPE) yesterday & bought 1650 shares @ $5.46 per share.  I could’ve sold them when the stock went...

  30. What does it take to invest in Oil & Gas and which way to go?