1. “If we want to make a decision, it has be at the right time, which is June -- when we’ll next meet,” Zanganeh said....

  2. iran oil sanctions

    I hope that with the boycott of Iranian oil, it will be able to prevent its access to the nuclear bomb.

  3. Once again Iran’s rhetoric is beefed up regarding blocking the straights of Hormuz. I believe this time we may be the closest we have...

  4. India's IOC will lean on US, Saudi barrels to replace Iran's oil To also step up imports from Kuwait, UAE and Mexico IOC imports 9 million...

  5. Iran will continue to export oil despite U.S. pressure aimed at reducing the country’s crude shipments to zero, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on...

  6. Iran on Monday announced that the 2.1 million barrels of crude aboard an Iranian oil tanker pursued by the U.S. has been sold to...

  7. Not sure how many members are on board with that, but I think Iraq is probably gung ho for higher oil prices, what with...

  8.  Iran will react with equal countermeasures if Washington tries to block its oil exports, the foreign ministry said on Tuesday, while the Islamic Republic’s...

  9. After Trump's tweet on Saturday, Iran has a blustering reply.  Did Jahangiri take lessons from Kim Jong Un on hyperbole?  See the bolded bit at...

  10. once the dust settle's I have my doubts if this whole Iran sanction deal will have any lasting effect on crude supply or price,...

  11. What are the consequences, if Iran blocks the Strait of Hormuz? and can iran do that? I mean, are they are so powerful to...

  12. Iran is threatening to veto any proposal for raising oil production, says Venezuela and Iraq will support it. I'm sure the Saudis could persuade...

  13. Social media is something that I'm straying away from. Changing my mind and stuff is impossible when not allowed to delete previous posts. So I...

  14. Anyone know anything about this? Iranian news agency says they're not giving French Total the South Pars oil development now ... but the explanation...

  15. The Azadegan Oilfield, owned jointly by Iran and Iraq is going to be tendered in summer 2018 ... This is huge: an estimated 33...

  16. If so, what is U.S. response ? Can they stop it ?    Does Europe stand with U.S.  ? What about the rest of the regional...

  17. Found this wryly dry opinion piece this morning.  A slightly less deadly serious take on topics that are frequently discussed on this forum. Iran, Venezuela, China, Oil...

  18. As Iran preparing itself for making its presence in the crude oil market again, without being hampered by a myriad of sanctions, Israel dashed...

  19. Five oil tanker full of sanctioned fuel are currently making their way across the Atlantic Ocean. On the 2nd of June 2020 ,  Major Failur for...

  20. Long knives getting sharpened in Iran, apparently. Trump's new sanctions against Iranian government look set to bite very hard, and the subsequent political infighting within...

  21. How will this affect oil prices in the near future? Spike? Deep hit?

  22. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Irans-Master-Plan-To-Beat-US-Sanctions.html#    Interesting...I would think the Main goal of Trump and the Gulf States is at a Minimum to Ham-String in the Long-Term the Iranians so...

  23. Iranian oil productions continue unabated despite the severe US-led sanctions. In spite of the rhetoric to the contrary, it’s a sign that the Iranians...

  24. Iran's oil revenues up 56.8% year on year (Iranian year, which started in March 2017) to US$14 billion. Higher oil prices will have it...

  25. Iran issued a new warning over Mideast oil supplies as the United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday it could increase its own production, the...

  26. Not looking so well for Iran and its oil allies these days.  2 related articles.  Seems the Saudi / U.S. plan to squeeze Iran...

  27. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/22/iran-faces-its-most-critical-moment-since-the-1979-revolution.html What would oil prices be like if Iran was able to maximize its potential production? Russia and OPEC would be in even more dire...

  28. Have they thought this through?  Numerous impeachment attempts against the Iranian Oil Minister have failed, and yet they persist. Iranian lawmaker launches an impeachment motion...