1. Interesting.  The Canadian Oil & Gas rally has a specific message, which they don't want lumped in with the Yellow Vest protests. Yellow vests not...

  2. Today (Friday) Surgeon General said HCQ will not be generally available in U.S. until MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER. They claim they need to test. ...

  3. NOTE:  Janet Yellen was previously head of THE FEDERAL RESERVE.  See her mentioned in the article.  These are the type of LUNATICS who are...

  4. Oil Extends Gains as Texas Supports Trump-Led Output Proposal By  Sharon Cho  and  Alex Longley March 19, 2020, 6:26 PM EDTUpdated on March 20, 2020, 6:44 AM EDT Brent crude rebounds...

  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-01-17/activist-valueact-takes-aes-stake-in-push-for-cleaner-energy   haha...and I bet he buys Playboy for the articles.

  6. I receive regular oil & gas updates via WhatsApp from one of my LinkedIn connections, Randall Mohammed. Randall wrote this yesterday, and so far, neither of...

  7. Good article with historical data... https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/How-Big-A-Problem-Is-Americas-Shrinking-Oil-Reserve.html How Big A Problem Is America’s Shrinking Oil Reserve? By Robert Rapier - Sep 23, 2022, 9:00 AM CDT The Strategic Petroleum...

  8. "Shell said the main reasons for the gender pay gap were because fewer women were in senior leadership roles or higher paid technical positions." Is this...

  9. So, can we see stable oil Market in coming months or it is just the calm before the storm?

  10. .

  11. Is oil a liquid?

  12. Is anybody outside of oilprice.com writers paying attention to what's going on in Iraq, and specifically in Basra. Honestly, I'm surprised it's taken this...

  13. A new report from Austin-based Drillinginfo analytics is forecasting a surge in M&A activity for oil and gas for the rest of this year...

  14. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/pet_sum_sndw_dcus_nus_w.htm

  15. Mass Offshore Oil-Servicer Busts Imperil $30 Billion of Debt       Bloomberg) -- Offshore oil servicers are going bust at the fastest pace in three years as...

  16. Transneft pipeline caught fire today in Russia after a leak caused by pressure loss. 7500 sq meters of fire at last report.

  17. Petroleum Exploration & Production Association of New Zealand has issued a report.  I would highly recommend anyone active in the international Oil & Gas...

  18. Despite the fact that the current administration in Washington and the most powerful figures within the EU are attempting to switch away from fossil...

  19. How are they going to meet 2018 budget target despite OPEC oil cap   https://www.reuters.com/article/nigeria-budget/update-2-nigerias-parliament-passes-2018-2020-budget-framework-raises-oil-price-estimate-idUSL8N1O53LW

  20. Daily Open-Analysis, Free to share the information from other portals and sites and also your own prediction of the Price.

  21. In support of petroleum and the industry.    https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/05/opinion/fossil-fuel-oil-climate-change.html "The First Step Is Admitting You Have a Problem What my time working on a North Dakota oil patch...

  22. Hi all, I'm currently working on the number of OSVs which include AHTS (Anchor handling Tug Supply), PSV (platform Supply Vessel), MPSV (Multi Purpose Supply...

  23. "A musician who claimed he could use sound waves to improve oil and gas exploration and transportation was actually running "sham enterprises" that defrauded...

  24. With the new IMO emissions rules a lot of fuel oil with high sulfur content will become unnecessary, at least for the maritime industry....

  25. French energy company Total substantially raised its presence in Libya with the purchase of a 16.33 percent stake in Libya’s Waha concessions from U.S....

  26. Here's a surprise, not the 3 months, then 1 month like they said. Shocker. Oil too is likely to catch a bid after the WSJ...

  27. Once again “OIL” combined with political bluster and a provocateur has the world is in turmoil and everyone is hoping that somehow a peaceful resolution...

  28. "What started as a pipeline protest in Calgary quickly became a show of support for the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion and the oil industry...

  29. Forecasted peak oil demand by 2036 is too early...and now we have to wait for next 20 years. https://www.ft.com/content/a12af4be-85cf-11e8-96dd-fa565ec55929?segmentid=acee4131-99c2-09d3-a635-873e61754ec6