1. Aramco's planning to splash $500 billion on international expansion focusing on petrochemicals. That's on top of the Sabic deal, by the way. Why? Because...

  2. Eloquent rebuttal by an Alaskan Native Tribal Administrator against the U.S. bill to prevent oil & gas development in their native lands. The self-serving California...

  3. All this talk about the US becoming the biggest producer in the world has opened up a debate about the quality of that crude,...

  4. It looks like continental shelves all over the world provide a great deal of petroleum and also future petroleum possibilities. The biggest area looks to be...

  5. Now, this has to be political, right? https://www.energyvoice.com/oilandgas/158423/russian-firm-sistema-sue-rosneft-330-5billion-roubles/

  6. The price of Brent crude oil will average $75 per barrel next year, according to the latest forecast from oil and gas analysts at...

  7. "The Quebec government will ban fracking for shale gas and impose stricter rules when it comes to the exploration, extraction and storage of oil...

  8. https://thepatriotjournal.com/manchin-biden-action-keystone-pipeline/   Senator Manchin And 14 AGs Just Moved Against Biden – And The AGs Could File Lawsuits If Joe Doesn’t Reopen Keystone Pipeline By Ben Dutka|February 10,...

  9. Heck why not, let's just crank up the global political pressure cooker to see what explodes first... November looks set to be the exact...

  10. During an interview after Wednesday's OPEC+ Technical Meeting Novak stated Russia is "comfortable" with $50 bbl oil going forward.  Is this the new benchmark...

  11. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  12. The available data show that the volume of net oil exports that Saudi Arabia has delivered to importing counties has been below their 2005...

  13. Venezuela's oil exports to US drop 12% month on month as production falls.

  14. Why there are different oil shale prices around the world?

  15. Typewriters evolved into the new world of word processors. Can oil companies transform themselves, evolving their processes and products into the new world of...

  16. .

  17. The United States has offered several million dollars to the captain of the Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya 1 to steer it to a...

  18. India just declared Force Majeure with Saudi Arabia oil.  Don't need anymore oil.  Don't want anymore. Saudi exports to U.S. last week dropped in half.  Supposedly...

  19. I'm a bit surprised that Oz is entering the game.  While it is not surprising that China continues to push the envelope in their...

  20. Here is a link to a free, online article by an Australian academic. Below is the intro.. According to predictions made nearly a decade ago,...

  21. Paraphrase: If green new deal is the plan that says we should go to the moon, this plan is the plans to build a...

  22. We have been seeing a slow and steady rise in oil prices without much of external factors. How sustainable is this price and for...

  23. DUBAI (Reuters) The British-flagged Stena Impero tanker sailed out of Iranian waters on Friday, the owner said, after it was detained in July during...

  24. https://www.ft.com/content/bd8187d8-db64-11e7-a039-c64b1c09b482

  25. This could be a good first topic. Enjoy the report on IPCC's Web Site here Or Read an article about it here Pure fun reading and a predicted +...

  26. Have they thought this through?  Numerous impeachment attempts against the Iranian Oil Minister have failed, and yet they persist. Iranian lawmaker launches an impeachment motion...

  27. I am a first time user of a public forum and was hoping to find open opinions and SME in Post Covid-19 lessons learned...

  28. Why does people gives more weightage to oil industry when compared with gas industry. All are mentioning that Oil & Gas Companies In Dubai and...

  29. Can solar power or windmills make petrochemical products? I'll wait patiently for an enlightening response from the oil disliker crowd. Petroleum in real life: Soap and hand sanitizers Germ-fighting...

  30. Royal Dutch Shell, Eni, BP and Exxon Mobil were among winners of Egypt’s international tender for oil and gas exploration on Tuesday, with 12...