1. If Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries succeed in replacing Iranian oil in world markets and if the nuclear deal does not continue ,...

  2. BP just announced they're selling their Alaska assets to Hilcorp. I've dealt with both companies up there and have always been impressed with Hilcorp,...

  3. *  China wants U.S. to meet them half way.  Does that mean (1) China only steals half US technology ? (2)  China forces only...

  4. A surprisingly good read.  Excerpt below, full article in the link: Why climate change is so hard to tackle: Our stubborn energy system To adequately address...

  5. Dr Tim Ball got legal costs awarded to him for previously dropped defamation lawsuit by Dr Michael Mann (of the hockey stick and ClimateGate...

  6. Refreshingly candid and clear-headed anaysis, in my opinion.  Many here will likely disagree, apparently for the sole reason that I liked this article.  No, I...

  7. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the...

  8. Iran on Monday announced that the 2.1 million barrels of crude aboard an Iranian oil tanker pursued by the U.S. has been sold to...

  9. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/08/23/u-s-accuses-china-blocking-access-trillions-south-china-sea-oil-gas/   U.S. Accuses China of Blocking Access to Trillions in South China Sea Oil and Gas 76

  10.                                                        ...

  11. President Trump announced that he regrets not having increased tariffs on China even further.  He also announced that Japan will be taking more farm...

  12. After years of corruption from the left wing PT Workers Party and the Illustrious work carried out in operation Lava Jato by the honourable...

  13. This victory for the Keystone XL oil pipeline seems to be ignored in the current trade war between U.S. and China. Apparently most U.S. mainstream...

  14. OPEC's market share sinks - and no sign of wavering on supply cuts   (Reuters) - OPEC's share of the global oil market has sunk to...

  15. The $30 Billion Exodus: Foreign Oil Firms Bail on Canada   (Bloomberg) -- Capital keeps marching out of Canada’s oil industry, with Kinder Morgan Inc.’s sale...

  16. .

  17. Rystad Energy: High stakes in store for subsea markets if oil falls to $50/bbl The subsea market in 2019 will experience year-on-year growth for the...

  18. The U.S. leads global petroleum and natural gas production with record growth in 2018     https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=40973  

  19. Timing is interesting, ahead of Canada's federal election in October.  I believe Trudeau and the far left will not remain in power.  And I...

  20. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/US-To-Drown-The-World-In-Oil.html U.S. To “Drown The World” In Oil The end result will be that those nations who are overly dependent on oil revenues will suffer, our...

  21. Nicely written overview of O&G projects in South America.  With so much media focused on oil & gas in the Middle East and U.S....

  22. US Removed Almost 2.7 Million Bbl/d Of Iranian Oil From Market     The United States has removed nearly 2.7 million barrels of Iranian oil from global...

  23. With U.S. sanctions having successfully reduced Iranian oil exports to near-zero, one might think that the Islamic Republic would be on the brink of...

  24. Alaska group prepares initiative to increase ANS oil tax     A group of Alaskans launched an initiative to raise the state’s tax on oil produced above...

  25. Alberta extends oil-production curtailment through 2020     Alberta has extended its production cuts through 2020, saying pipeline delays threaten to exceed takeaway capacity by about 150,000...

  26. Can we now all agree that the man, who is on the verge of creating the second US-born global recession in 15 years, is mentally ill:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-49416740 When it all...

  27. Industry looks to Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 253 for signs of offshore resurgence     Total 2019 sales should exceed 2018 totals: BOEM Recent operators' optimism for...

  28. GDP gain realized in shale boom’s first 10 years   The U.S. shale boom—a product of technological advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing that unlocked...

  29. Royal Dutch Shell offered on the Asian market on Monday a West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Midland cargo priced off the Dubai benchmark typically used for the Middle Eastern...