1. 'Who's the cleanest of them all' Take a wild guess what country is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions the most? Canada? Britain? France? India? Germany?...

  2. The next logical step after the announcement of the huge discovery that may or may not be recoverable meaningfully.

  3. This victory for the Keystone XL oil pipeline seems to be ignored in the current trade war between U.S. and China. Apparently most U.S. mainstream...

  4. Libyan light, sweet crude is like US shale-produced oil, says Bloomberg. Not like oil produced in the Middle East. What OPEC likes is that...

  5. according to a news release, Minister of Oil Manuel Quevedo called for a mass at a church in order to pray to God to...

  6. By IEA, global oil demand is expected to pick up this year but supply is growing at a faster pace, leading to a rise...

  7. The banking industry, unlike many others, has not been subjected to a lot of shareholder pressure with regard to funding oil and gas industry...

  8. "Budget needs are forcing Saudi Arabia to push for oil prices of at least $70 per barrel this year, industry sources say, even though...

  9. Pioneer Cuts Hundreds of Workers in Texas Pioneer Natural Resources Co. has laid off 230 employees in Texas, according to local news outlets. The layoffs, which...

  10. Rosneft is now saying that it isn't ruling out the possibility that OPEC may be extended beyond 2018... Merry Christmas oil bulls!

  11. https://www.offshore-mag.com/field-development/article/14074747/new-offshore-investment-cycle-emerging Encouraging news regarding the amount of CAPEX being allocated to shelf and Deepwater plays, as traction grows for offshore how will this affect the...

  12. I thought Venezuelan production was already stymied?  am I missing something? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-politics-usa/maduro-says-u-s-sanctions-will-not-stymie-venezuela-oil-industry-idUSKBN1FP2UR

  13. An internal document from 1988 reveals Shell knew about climate change and about the effects of the oil industry on the environment. Okay, no...

  14. Guyana investigating offshore oil leases controlled by Exxon, Tullow   Guyana’s anti-corruption agency is investigating how exploration rights were awarded in the world’s biggest new deepwater...

  15. NOC's chairman is saying production in Libya is falling by the day with all the export terminals closed. How long before Trump starts yelling...

  16. The US is preparing actions to pressure the Maduro regime in Venezuela, which analysts said could include some oil sector sanctions.  The actions will not...

  17. Saudi "Scorched Earth" strategy violates WTO law and U.S. antitrust law. Can't threaten Producers.  Oil Producers call your Congressional contacts.  Tell the Justice department to get...

  18. https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-ccp-method_3319578.html Will you watch this free documentary about the Chinese Communist Party? 

  19. Several hundred oil workers in Norway have gone on strike after failing to reach an agreement on wages with their employers. It doesn't sound...

  20. Heating oil jumped .10 overnight, and I normally wait to fill my 2 tanks until mid-summer (last July 1.89/gal).  Do I buy now or...

  21. This was an interesting article. However, I was not able to completely understand it. Help me out:   https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Trouble-In-Paradise-For-US-Frackers.html   @William Edwards, @Tom Kirkman, @ATK, @Dan Warnick.


  23. Total liquid fuels inventories return to five-year averages in the United States and OECD https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=36392    

  24. Iran is threatening to veto any proposal for raising oil production, says Venezuela and Iraq will support it. I'm sure the Saudis could persuade...

  25. EIA revised today its US production forecast. 11 million bpd by end 2018. WOW. just... WOW. production week ending 1/26 was 9.919 million bpd.  When OPEC...

  26. Interesting research from GlobalData Energy (via Forbes) recently out: According to the data from 26 operators in the Permian Basin, the break-even oil prices...

  27. Colombia again shutting in an oilfield for safety reasons as threats against it are made. Things are not looking so good for marriages between...

  28. Did it have anything to do with Nixon getting us out of the Bretton Woods' agreement, or was it wholly because of the Arab...

  29. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  30. Hellen Keller, the woman who conquered her own blindness by a flash of inspiration out of the blue, once said that a bend in...