1. https://dailycaller.com/2020/04/02/tucker-carlson-shutdown-strategy-coronavirus/   Tucker Questions Severity Of Shutdown Strategy: What If ‘We’d Adopted A More Conventional Response To This Epidemic?’

  2. I risk bursting @Tom Kirkman's $70 bubble but, well, there's talk about $40 for a barrel of Brent. Anyone else having a deja vu? 

  3. Saudi continues "Scorched Earth" strategy. Doesn't matter now, price drop regardless of Saudi Aramco or Russia actions.  IT'S A RACE TO FILL UP THE SPARE STORAGE...

  4. This is addressed to the technical drilling types on the forum: A few days ago there was a post concerning a well drilled in Alaska...

  5. Well it depends, if we look at the new oil discoveries, or shale production seems we're go down. War in Middle east OIl goes...

  6.                                 .

  7. I have commented ad nauseum about my view that $70.00 Brent seems to be the optimum, sustainable, suitable, long term balance between *most* oil...

  8. Scary bedtime story worth reading. Time to wake up and smell the coffee about the evil stupidity that is inexorably heading our way. Doug Casey on...

  9. Here is a good "point to ponder": "On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would allow the U.S. Justice Department to sue...

  10. .

  11. The largest gasoline pipeline on the East Coast, and the US in general, was shut down on Friday after its operator struggled to contain...

  12. If Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries succeed in replacing Iranian oil in world markets and if the nuclear deal does not continue ,...

  13. And now for a short commercial break from our regularly scheduled forum threads about U.S. vs China, impeachment, climate and fracking.   Iran's Press TV reports: US military...

  14. HELLO ALL!!   So with the recent spay between US and KSA....many observers have started to talk about, once again, a three digit oil if US...

  15. I have a question for you... Why do the major players who are moving into the Permian, and other shale plays, think they can make...

  16. When do you think will EV population be able to cause a decline in annual consumption of oil? 2022 or 2023? 

  17. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/map-daniel-yergins-sobering-smart-110105377.html Here is a man who can give an intelligent and honest forecast for the future of energy sources. RCW   'The New Map': Daniel Yergin's sobering...

  18. Much has been written regarding the impact on the industry of the IMO-mandated bunker fuel regulation change. Many workable solutions have been presented that...

  19.           .

  20. Diplomatic wrangling between Mexico and Saudi Arabia entered a fourth day as neither side was willing to concede, even after President Donald Trump intervened...

  21. Opinions among the big guys in the industry seem to differ. Some say it will bring prices down by a couple of dollars and others...

  22. So many good observations in this article yesterday from Nick Cunningham. It's wonderful to see that some people understand what is actually going on...

  23. Philadelphia Energy Solutions seeks to permanently shut oil refinery - sources   https://www.reuters.com/article/us-refinery-blast-philadelphia-exclusive/exclusive-philadelphia-energy-solutions-seeks-to-permanently-shut-oil-refinery-sources-idUSKCN1TR09E

  24. Tankers defer retrofits to cash in on record freight rates     SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Tankers that had been scheduled to install emissions-cutting equipment ahead of stricter...

  25. Report: Permian Basin oil producers flaring more natural gas than reported If this is true, capturing the gas must be a really expensive affair. I...

  26. US turns to net oil exporter, says EIA. Two words: Boo. Ya.  US Crude shipments last week = 3.2 million bpd

  27.  Venezuela's production is heading to 1.000.000 barrels a day, something never happened to venezuelan oil industry, and soon its exporting capacity will be close...

  28. The biggest, baddest, b-somethingest lawsuit to date: 21 defendants. Rhode Island AG claims the state has been uniquely damaged but Big Bad Oil. Don't they...

  29. So You Think We’re Reducing Fossil Fuel? — Think Again If you think we’ve been doing a reasonable job of curbing fossil fuel use, you are sadly...