1. Texas company raises $300M with tech platform for hiring energy workers   Austin-based RigUp, a platform for hiring contract labor in the energy sector, has closed...

  2. What about you expect at 3 months future for price?

  3. Guyana investigating offshore oil leases controlled by Exxon, Tullow   Guyana’s anti-corruption agency is investigating how exploration rights were awarded in the world’s biggest new deepwater...

  4. Hedges that many operators have taken out in search of stability are now eroding profits in the shale patch.  ''WPX Energy, for example, reported an...

  5. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  6. 48 seconds ago..... Watch ➤ ➤ ➤ Click Here To link (Full Video Link) ➤►DOWNLOAD (Full Video Link) L𝚎aked Video video deekila sherpa L𝚎aked on Social...

  7. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  8. According to oil industry executives and diplomats who spoke to the Financial Times—Senegal has a chance to avoid the ‘oil curse’ pitfall because of...

  9. DUBAI (Reuters) The British-flagged Stena Impero tanker sailed out of Iranian waters on Friday, the owner said, after it was detained in July during...

  10. Right behind carbon emissions is...this.  I opened a bag of chips today, and now I feel guilty. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-world-is-stuck-with-decades-of-new-plastic-it-can-t-recycle?utm_source=pocket-newtab  

  11. The Vienna meeting between OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers on June 22 is expected to oppose the countries with no spare capacity like Iran...

  12. Renewable energy prices have been declining at a reasonably predictable rate, generally no less than 20% per year, often higher than 25%. Solar panel...

  13. Mar 27, 2021 Chris Hubbuch | Wisconsin State Journal Jefferson County residents are questioning why Enbridge Energy took 21 days to repair a leaking...

  14. Economic headwinds could slow growth of North American oil, gas sector: S&P Ratings     The outlook for growth for the North American oil and gas industry...

  15. China and Russia don't seem too interested in playing along with US sanctions on Venezuela, despite Maduro's suspect win. And Venezuela gave two US...

  16. How wise is selling off a significant chunk of the strategic petroleum reserve? Arguments for it include the fact that the US is much...

  17. The Oct. 7, '19 edition of Barron's has an interesting article entitled, "A Sea Change Is Coming To Global Shipping Fuel." A direct quote...

  18. Great day for Kenya (hopefully), as they ship the first oil from the 2012 discovery that put Kenya on the crude oil map (courtesy...

  19. With California's fuel costs among the highest in the country, the public did NOT vote for the SB1 tax that was added in 2017. This...

  20. UK steps up and seizes an Iranian Tanker heading for Syria, it’s about time someone else got into the game, maybe now we can...

  21. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  22. For the last few ysars I have paid attention on and off to the grandiose dream of Erdogan to establish an Ottoman Empire 2,...

  23. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  24. The Permian, Eagle Ford and Williston. These 3 basins are good for over 6.5 million b/d of US tight oil production (almost 85% of...

  25. any quesses and thoughts on the reports later today and tomorrow?

  26. Some outspoken and fiery views about Iran and its oil, posted on QuodVerum, a feisty Freedom of Speech 'Citizen Journalism' site.  Oil + global politics. I'll withhold...

  27.   It's not a U.S. company.  It's a Bermuda Company. Or Oil companies that use transfer pricing to hide income at foreign domiciled subsidiaries and pay...

  28. China lifts restrictions in the #USAsupply disruptions due to bad weather#Putin signed a decree on retaliatory measures to impose a"price ceiling" on Russian oil and...

  29. Friends what the move daily oil movement i have see all past month see etc dollar index, ovx chart , us oil, not global...

  30. Yes, it was supposed to do this with the others but it didn't. Now the Saudis sent a special envoy to Nigeria and Buhari agreed...