1. ExxonMobil has announced plans to spend an additional $35 billion -- in excess of the $15 billion previously announced -- on U.S. investments over...

  2. Hanoi Jane in Cuffs again, this could be the lyrics of a song, but unfortunately its the lyrics of a broken down old 78...

  3. Niobrara (CO & WY) - update through July 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To...

  4. The monthly OPEC+ meeting for April, scheduled for tomorrow, appears to be a low-key event, as analysts believe that the status-quo will not change...

  5. Have the Iranian people had enough of their Religious Dictatorship government?  Gasoline prices have doubled and tripled. I've worked with Iranians, and have no problem...

  6. North American O&G industry faces $240B of maturities through 2023 @Tom Kirkman, don't you just hate being right?

  7. Great day for Kenya (hopefully), as they ship the first oil from the 2012 discovery that put Kenya on the crude oil map (courtesy...

  8. Petroleum Exploration & Production Association of New Zealand has issued a report.  I would highly recommend anyone active in the international Oil & Gas...

  9. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!  Is the world going to end in 11 years due to Climate Armageddon or not??? Yeesh.  The variations in the different...

  10. Crude oil prices are tumbling and the measures taken by the OPEC+ to stem the flow has not worked, apart from antagonizing the main Western...

  11. Once an oil-rich nation, Venezuela’s economy has been crippled by the socialist policies implemented by Maduro and his predecessor. Almost 90 percent of Venezuela’s...

  12. Story: recently I've been watching a small Canadian shale company that's had questionable earnings. They had questionable earnings because wells under produced due to...

  13. This is a top grade article full of fascinating facts which most people do not know...and it is a very short read. The 10 Most...

  14. The negotiators involving the JCPOA, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as 2015 Iranian nuclear deal, are going to meet next week in...

  15. US - update through November 2018 This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in...

  16.      https://www.oilystuffblog.com/single-post/2018/06/11/Permanently-Out-To-Lunch

  17. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use...

  18. Some outspoken and fiery views about Iran and its oil, posted on QuodVerum, a feisty Freedom of Speech 'Citizen Journalism' site.  Oil + global politics. I'll withhold...

  19. .

  20. Greenpeace is challenging a Norway court's decision to leave Arctic oil licenses in place. last year it went to protest against Arctic drilling on...

  21. The fear amongst Mideast Oil States and European leaders when U.S. shale started to produce meaningful volume of oil 8 to 10 years ago...

  22. any quesses and thoughts on the reports later today and tomorrow?

  23. China has issued a white paper calling for advancing international cooperation on the Arctic. These guys aren't wasting any time, are they? "The Chinese paper...

  24. Big Oil Investors Bracing for Bad News as Headwinds Gather     (Bloomberg) -- Slumping energy prices, sluggish global demand and shrinking chemical margins are weighing on...

  25. Pundits had been predicting an impressive, earth-shattering growth in China throughout this year and it's now clear the truth is far from it. China admitted...

  26. Sources at EPA say they are going to relax Obama-era mileage/emission standards. Media spinning this as a doom and gloom scenario that will end...

  27. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  28. Hedges that many operators have taken out in search of stability are now eroding profits in the shale patch.  ''WPX Energy, for example, reported an...

  29. Mar 27, 2021 Chris Hubbuch | Wisconsin State Journal Jefferson County residents are questioning why Enbridge Energy took 21 days to repair a leaking...

  30. Such high moral fabric. . . . a pillar of the financial community. Rumor Goldman Sachs is going to make Greta Thunberg a partner.  How about...