1. How much does US spend every year to assure Mideast oil flows to China, Asia, India, Europe ?  * Have we forgotten how OPEC (Saudi,...

  2. Former Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris: I want to help Saudi Arabia become a 21st century economy May. 09, 2019 - 5:53 - Former Dow...

  3. Asia’s oil refiners are considering reducing output after margins slumped to their lowest for the season since 2003, according to industry sources and Refinitiv...

  4. Oil Prices Plunge   West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil shed nearly six percent Thursday while the Brent benchmark lost more than four percent. July WTI futures...

  5. (1) As you know there is a tight correlation btw S&P 500 and WTI. I think as traders start to realize World Supply is...

  6. Canada's Oil-Rich Alberta Introduces Bill To Repeal Carbon Tax   CALGARY, Alberta--Canada's main crude-producing province Alberta introduced a bill to repeal the provincial carbon tax on...

  7. California's Oil Industry Collapses Despite Shale Boom Not that long ago, California was the second most vital U.S. oil producing state. Since peaking in...

  8. Pioneer Cuts Hundreds of Workers in Texas Pioneer Natural Resources Co. has laid off 230 employees in Texas, according to local news outlets. The layoffs, which...

  9. Guyana investigating offshore oil leases controlled by Exxon, Tullow   Guyana’s anti-corruption agency is investigating how exploration rights were awarded in the world’s biggest new deepwater...

  10. Sberbank Group has become the main owner of Antipinsky Oil Refinery as it received ownership rights to stocks of Vikay (owner of 80% of...

  11. Aramco starts fuel trading from UAE with ex-BP, Pemex hires   Saudi Aramco hired two Singapore-based traders and began dealing in fuel at the Middle East’s...

  12. https://www.france24.com/en/20190522-illegal-ozone-depleting-gases-traced-china-study China has apparently illegally used CFC-11 when they were not supposed to.  I'M NOT MAD. JUST DISAPPOINTED.

  13. ‘For the Love of God’ Stop Raising Budgets, Oil Drillers Told Shale producers don’t seem to be getting the message. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/love-god-stop-raising-budgets-215450650.html That’s the take from Houston-based Tudor...

  14. Upstream A&D Activities Surged In April   April turned out to be a busy month for the global upstream industry, especially for A&D activities. Stratas Advisors tracked...

  15. Persian Gulf Now Most Risky for Oil Tankers Since Last Iraq War   Not since 2005 have the world’s insurers considered shipping in the Persian Gulf...

  16. Just laying on the couch and thought I'd catch up on the news. I see that we have yet another 'surprise' build in US...

  17. Saudi Aramco agreed to a buy a stake in Sempra Energy’s Texas LNG export terminal, giving the world’s biggest oil exporter a foothold in...

  18. North Dakota oil output totals 1.39 million b/d in March, up 4% on month: state Highlights March oil output not a record, but not far below Favorable...

  19. Remember kids, only you can prevent Canada from using fossil fuels. ZOMG Eleventy Panic!  Canada Climate Change Armageddon Uber Alles!   Jagmeet Singh has decided to take...

  20. Oil Companies Join Corporate Lobbying Push for U.S. Carbon Tax   (Bloomberg) -- Oil companies, automakers and consumer products manufacturers will unleash a campaign for a...

  21. A sea of challenges: The impact of IMO 2020 on petrochemicals     https://www.spglobal.com/platts/plattscontent/_assets/_files/en/specialreports/petrochemicals/imo-2020-impact-petrochemicals.pdf  

  22. Shale industry to be profitable in 2019: IEA: The shale industry worldwide is expected to achieve positive free cash flow this year, according to...

  23. "The OPEC founding member produced 740,000 barrels a day in March, while Colombia’s oil reserves are less than 1% of Venezuela’s, produced 884,815 barrels....

  24. California Legislative bill AB 345 has been killed, at least for 2019, but just the intent of the bill did a lot of damage...

  25. This is just... Oh, well, I'll let you judge for yourself: "Greenpeace activists arrived at BP in St James’ Square at 0200 GMT and encased...

  26. Hope this doesn't get me into hot water, but I am going to share the beginning excerpt from a current Oil Price Editorial, which is...

  27. I thought that this was an interesting read. In an effort to forestall the avalanche of responses showing how incorrect this article is, let me...

  28. DUG Rockies: Plenty Of Promise, Despite The Politics   Technology has upended the conventional wisdom on well completions, and the passage of SB 181 in Colorado...

  29. Michael Bennet proposes $1 trillion climate change fund   DENVER (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bennet said Monday he wants to commit $1 trillion for...