1. If I see one more article from OPEC leadership saying "the oil market is rebalancing" I'm going to puke.

  2. IMO, this is an obvious consequence of the post-2005 increase in global condensate production as a percentage of total global crude + condensate (C+C)...

  3. So, can we see stable oil Market in coming months or it is just the calm before the storm?

  4. Oil Markets Could Soon Face A Devastating Supply Crunch By Alex Kimani - May 27, 2020, 12:00 PM CDT Join Our Community Concerted production cuts by OPEC+...

  5. Yep, this really shouldn't come as a surprise. By law, PETRONAS is subject to the control and direction of the Prime Minister. I've mentioned this before: I...

  6. Interestinger and interestinger.  More good news about international oil & gas getting back in the game again after getting burned big time by the...

  7. Yemen war tops agenda, but so far, no one's budging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywQOUMPjqbk  

  8. Crude oil was a bigger contributor to Canada's GDP this May than banking and insurance together. Sure, it's temporary but it's still a sign...

  9. https://thestonkmarket.com/oil-plunges-prolific-basin-found-on-teens-face/ Houston – The price of oil fell dramatically on Tuesday as a new prolific basin was discovered on teen’s face.  Gunner Kitchen, 16-year-old teen, is...

  10. Since I'm a strong, vocal supporter of oil & gas, I'm sharing this article to poke the oil hater climate panic-mongers, who generally get...

  11. Come December 31st, 2018. The four-week average of price of oil are going to be: WTI = $76.72 Brent = $86.69 USD Spread = $9.9 USD  This is based...

  12. WTI 75 BRENT 85

  13. Global oil demand is expected to fall by a record 9.3 mb/d year-on-year in 2020. The impact of containment measures in 187 countries and...

  14. Can someone give us the oil price : Jet A-1 : reference Market Indicator from Platts Latin American Wire (Caribbean Product postings - PTAEP09   As applicable...

  15. WTI Crude: 73.5$ Oil (Brent): 83$

  16. The recently-held OPEC+ meeting ended with an outcome that defied what analysts thought would happen; the political fall-out between Saudi Arabia and India that...

  17. Diplomatic wrangling between Mexico and Saudi Arabia entered a fourth day as neither side was willing to concede, even after President Donald Trump intervened...

  18. What will be the maximum oil price cap in 2018 and on which bases ??

  19. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Monday he could not rule out a scenario in which oil prices could fall to $30 per...

  20. Where is the computer located that determine the supply and demand for oil and therefore create a price ?

  21. I believe that for every barrel produced something like 400 barrels are traded- or something like that.  Therefore the price of oil is dominated...

  22. Haris Anwar, Senior Analyst at Investing.com, blames the “machines” for the sell-off. "Rather than saying that inmates are running the asylum, I think it's...

  23. Hope this doesn't get me into hot water, but I am going to share the beginning excerpt from a current Oil Price Editorial, which is...

  24. Oil Price Fall To Under $20, Stock Market To Loss 75%, Agriculture Export Nation Currency Will Raise Min 50% Value The truth is that the...

  25. The oil price started falling again on Friday as the bullish sentiment seems to be as far away as ever, especially when the much-anticipated...

  26. The price of crude oil has been falling while defying the inventory draw reported by the EIA, US Energy Information Administration. This happens when...

  27. So I was finally getting around today to doing my normal Google News search for "oil" posted within the last 24 hours. I have routinely...

  28. It’s no secret that the politics in the Middle East directly determine the price of crude oil. More often than not, it is predicable:...

  29. Based on commodity econometrics and geopolitics optimization oil price is headed much higher. However some correction can happen and that will be ideal to...