1. Shell Advises Shareholders To Reject Binding Climate Resolution Proposed by Follow This “We share the objective of Follow This for Shell to show leadership in...

  2. Crude in floating storage in Europe is at an 18-month high, almost 13 million barrels. How did this happen?

  3. Spend 20 minutes on this free YouTube Video for the "Game Plan" of Monday December 4 2023:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNQai1ufytE Gareth Soloway is a master trader...

  4. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-opec-oil/opec-january-oil-output-rises-despite-venezuelan-decline-survey-idUKKBN1FK2IC?rpc=401& According to Reuter's survey, production increases in Saudi Arabia and Nigeria more than offset the failing production of Venezuela, resutling in an production increase...

  5. If Saudi Arabia & Opec + Russia possess over 50% of the worlds oil reserves and currently produce about 46% of global production (...

  6. I remember a lengthy piece Jan Van Eck wrote on thorium reactors a little while ago and I have to admit, I was fascinated. ...

  7. Aramco Can Keep Crude Flowing if Hormuz Hit (Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabian Oil Co. has the experience and infrastructure it needs to keep crude flowing...

  8. Citigroup’s commodities chief Ed Morse believes Brent oil prices, which are currently trading near $72.50 per barrel and have tried to breach the $80...

  9. Over the course of several weeks I had numerous conversations with the author of this article about regional oil & gas in Southeast Asia. ...

  10. Oh my, oh my. We're shunning Big Oil from putting money towards the arts now?  http://www.france24.com/en/20180312-climate-protest-prompts-partial-evacuation-louvre My favorite line: "Some 30 activists had laid a long stretch...

  11. Insurer says Iran’s Guards likely to have organized tanker attacks Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) are “highly likely” to have facilitated attacks last Sunday on...

  12. SF to shut down 82 oil wells on Kern County property ‘Keep It in the Ground’ legislation prohibits the extraction of oil, gas and minerals...

  13. USGS Estimates Alaska North Slope Holds Nearly 54 Tcf Of Natural Gas Hydrate   The Alaska North Slope could hold an estimated 58.8 trillion cubic feet...

  14. Is this really believable? Ratings agency Fitch said today in one of its scenarios that public preference for EVs, along with government policies that...

  15. US about to release 11 million barrels of crude from stockpile as sanctions on Iranian oil exports start off ... So how is this...

  16. Is it normal that these events occur in a same time after another?  In my opinion there is a clear sign of Saudi activity...

  17. In the decades and centuries before 1900, man could travel as far as he could walk or as far as his horse would take...

  18. How will Trump get out of this conundrum? Continue delaying the China deal - and stock market (his barometer) may not hold for long. Do the...

  19. Another one bites the dust... Kommunal Landspensjonskasse, a Norwegian $70 Billion pension fund,  announced today that it will exclude companies that derive revenue from oil sands.

  20. Exxon found its sixth oil find off coast of Guyana (6th since 2015). I think Guyana is expected to keep 50% of oil proceeds. Expected...

  21. When higher import duties are put on steel etc domestic steel prices will increase too. Mfg. costs go up and US consumer pays more...

  22. Saudi Arabia considers disbanding oil production cartel OPEC amid growing pressure following Trump criticisms and Jamal Khashoggi murder And that's just a day after I...

  23. So, um, anyone recall my earlier repeated comments here that I've been hoping for an average of $65 oil this year? That $80 was...

  24. API reports crude oil inventory draw of 5.17 million barrels. Expected -1.497 million.

  25. Bitumen feed delayed for Alberta refinery   North West Redwater Partnership (NWRP) has delayed introduction of bitumen feed from Alberta’s oil sands at the first 80,000-b/d...

  26. This article contains still images from the interactive dashboards available in the original blog post. To follow the instructions in this article, please use the interactive...

  27. According to Goldman Sachs analysis, a shortage of oil is coming during the next decade because firms can't fully invest in future production. Prices...

  28. The argument goes as follows. U.S. tariffs would tend to reduce China's economic growth. And this, in turn, would have an impact on its...

  29. Despite the steep rise in energy costs at home that caused a precipitous fall of the approval ratings of the Biden administration, its reluctance...

  30. crude

    crude prices today