1. Who sees the 2.4 price zone on NG ?

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2MJ9hRZhvQ&list=RDGMEMYH9CUrFO7CfLJpaD7UR85wVMCWGNA3u4-Sg&index=12  

  3. Which countries are the largest producers of natural gas?

  4. What is the relationship between Natural Gas and Winter? Why natural gas sectors waiting for winter season?

  5. Natural gas prices are soaring today - looks like an early November cold blast has had its impact on inventories. Then again, I read that...

  6. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/american-natural-gas-will-help-solve-global-energy-poverty American natural gas will help solve global energy poverty

  7. So, I used to work in the Bakken oil field and was surprised at the many fires that are burning off natural gas while...

  8. Does anybody know the cost per thousand cubic feet of desulfurization and water/nitrogen/hexane,butane, etc. removal? I've spent too long reading useless pdf's. Most of...

  9. List the top 5 Companies which produce large quantity of Natural Gas?

  10. Anybody have a subscription to the Marcellus Driiling News site?  I would like to read this article in full, not just the teaser. More on Natural...

  11. While I generally do not read or link to Seeking Alpha, I'll make an exception for this article.  Some rare good news these days...

  12. Pure muddle. 'Natural gas'/methane can come from mineral deposits, landfills, livestock feedlots, rice paddies, volcanoes, forest fires, swamps, 'serpentinization', etc. An alternative source of 'fossil'...

  13. Every Spring when I was a kid, we used to empty out the winter's supply of dairy cow manure from the barn, and load...

  14. Natural gas implodes after Freeport LNG warns that full restart won't come until late-2022           The global liquefied natural gas market...

  15. Natural gas usage continues to rise in generating electric power in the U.S. The primary consumer of natural gas in the U.S. is the electric...

  16. With temperatures lower than average, many are expecting natural gas inventory to see a major build next week. 

  17. Mind-numbing. Another hit piece on how Natural Gas is literally destroying the planet (ZOMG WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE !)  and no viable alternative solution to...

  18. An upbeat success story about Natural Gas. For some reason, the media complains lately that Natural Gas is a reliable, cheap and abundant competitor to...

  19. Natural gas is largely ignored on our blogs and topics. It is, I assume, because most people prefer the fuels and vehicles that are...

  20. Natural gas is the future of energy. It is more abundant, cleaner, and cheaper than any other affordable fuel source. It is growing in...

  21. Hello everyone, it seems that Tesla Semi trucks won't be produced this year, so that the only option to decarbonize trucks may be CNG &...

  22. Not good.  Reasons for the low pressure outage currently unknown.  Algonguin Gas Transmission Company has some 'splainin to do. National Grid Gas Outage In Newport,...

  23. What should I do if I smell Natural Gas?

  24. I am suspecting that natural gas prices will skyrocket when usa energy goes down to 0 barrel a day in the next few month 

  25. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/This-Continent-Is-Taking-The-Lead-In-Record-Shattering-Year-For-LNG.html This Continent Is Taking The Lead In Record Shattering Year For LNG By Rystad Energy - Jun 27, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  26. A polar blast has heated up natural gas futures, which are up more than 13 percent in the past week on strengthening demand and the outlook for...

  27. https://www.worldoil.com/news/2021/6/25/natural-gas-prices-rally-as-global-shortages-abound There are plenty of natural resources to tap.  The better prices should ensure good supply. This is a good opportunity for biogas also. 

  28. Californians will be paying a lot more for energy when they close down all their natural gas plants, but when you live in a...

  29. Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas), the largest natural gas distribution utility in the United States, has launched a SoCalGas Truck Loan Program – a“try before you buy”...

  30. http://www.ngvglobal.com/blog/waterway-lng-parity-act-brought-before-us-congress-0613#more-112329   Waterway LNG Parity Act Brought Before US Congress June 13, 2019 | USA: Washington DC | Source: U.S. Senate

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