1. https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/05/toyota-testing-improved-solar-roof-for-electric-cars-that-can-charge-while-driving/?yptr=yahoo Toyota testing improved solar roof for electric cars that can charge while driving  

  2. A short transcript from a NYT podcast. A Wind Farm in Coal Country Hosted by Michael Barbaro; produced by Michael Simon Johnson and Leslye Davis; edited...

  3. I just read that BP's bought a large stake in a solar power company. There's obviously a rush to go green. Some are doing...

  4. "Plans by oil and gas majors to spend $4.9 trillion on fuel exploration are "poles apart" from the goal of the Paris climate deal...

  5. https://evadoption.com/2030-20-million-more-ice-vehicles-will-be-on-the-roads-in-the-us-than-in-2021/ EV Sales & Marketshare, Future, Mass Adoption, Regulation and Incentives, Vehicles in operation May 8, 2021 5 Comments 2030: 20 Million More ICE Vehicles Will Be on the Roads in the...

  6. CO2 Electrolyzers https://dioxidematerials.com/technology/co2-electrolysis/ Carbon Dioxide Electrolyzers and Components https://dioxidematerials.com/products/carbon-dioxide-electrolyzers-components/ Boudouard Reaction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudouard_reaction Disproportionation of carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide and graphite or its reverse: 2CO ⇌ CO2 + C   Pumping CO2 underground...

  7. https://www.economist.com/the-americas/2020/05/21/nothing-can-shake-amlos-fossil-fuel-fixation (Economist magazine, paywall). AMLO is trying to protect incumbent oil, gas, and power infrastructure (run by the government) from investor owned renewable energy sources.

  8. Many here probably would have a problem with this philosophy. Remember, the REAL rulers on our planet are the small green things and the small...

  9. I have a renewable energy scheme UNDER PATENT. This is WITH  multiple global gains _viz:1)willuplift ground water levels 2)ZERO GLOBAL WARMING 3)ZERO POLUTION4) WILL...

  10. An Australian government regulator has taken over management of the grid for the Eastern half of the country (Western Australia is different) after an attempt...

  11. https://www.renewableenergymagazine.com/pv_solar/subsidyfree-solar-plant-inaugurated-in-portugal-20180803/ Embrace the future.  As storage advances, solar will one day become the dominate. And yes, oil and gas, and coal, will be around a...

  12. Sioux Falls landfill tightens rules after Iowa dumps dozens of wind turbine blades Iowa wind-farms brought dozens of their old turbine blades to the Sioux...

  13. One argument is that renewable energy subsidies are killing off nuclear power, making nuclear plants close down even though nuclear is ultimately one of...

  14. Robust economies have promoted subsidy-dependent, low power density, and intermittently electricity from renewables, but billions in the world are accessing affordable, scalable, reliable electricity...

  15. Here it is. Everyone in the States... Guys, I'm so sorry you're being treated as eight-year-olds. Unless the video strictly targets 8-year-olds and I've missed...

  16. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-hydrogen-southkorea-insight/hydrogen-hurdles-a-deadly-blast-hampers-south-koreas-big-fuel-cell-car-bet-idUSKBN1W936A A dangerous fuel that is hard to contain and is more expensive than natural gas. Green extremism is the allure to an expensive and...

  17. Perhaps California wants to secede from the rest of planet Earth.  The panic rhetoric just keeps escalating to crazier new heights.   Climate Change panic appears to...

  18. German Police Raid Deutsche Bank, DWS Over Allegations Of Greenwashing by Tyler Durden Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 09:34 AM German federal police raided Deutsche Bank AG and its...

  19. According to Reuters, the Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels at the annual U.N. climate talks next month, repeating...

  20. EXCERPTS: By 2035, a charging station could demand as much power as a sports arena or small town.  National Grid expects by 2035, large...

  21. Vectren announced this week it plans to slash the use of coal-generated electricity in its system from 78% to just 12% over the next...

  22. Screen shot of an ad by a company warehousing these in Miami. Solar farms that get trashed by weather events or warranty issues (think of...

  23. Brazil plans to add more solar to its hydro-dominated electricity generation mix

  24. So as the title suggests I am curious as to Gretta Thunberg the 16 year old climate change protesters ' zero carbon' voyage across...

  25. not so theoretical I guess. https://www.fastcompany.com/90274057/report-the-chinese-government-is-spying-on-tesla-and-other-ev-drivers-without-consent "...the Chinese government requires all electric vehicle manufacturers in the country–not just Tesla, but BMW, Ford, Volkswagen, GM, a...

  26. Are Pint-Sized Nuclear Reactors A Cheap Way To Cut Greenhouse Gas Levels? Modular seems to be the way forward in more than one energy segment.

  27. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/green-new-deal-preview-texas-town-environmentalism-chuck-devore Chuck DeVore: 'Green New Deal' preview? Texas town's lofty environmentalism leaves residents with a nightmare  

  28. A new year and yet another expose of Hydrogen, which was always a terrible idea in energy storage. This expose is by Sabine Hossenfelder...

  29. Germany’s dirtiest power plants may avoid the scrap heap in the nation’s coal exit by getting refashioned as giant batteries for storing wind and...

  30.   60% efficiency with off the shelf technology  

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