1. I wonder when the great unwashed masses will finally get fed up with the constant brow beating by the Green Team, the never ending...

  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ford-planning-huge-north-american-183900478.html   Ford Is Planning a Huge North American Electric Charging Network  David Grossman,Popular Mechanics 5 hours ago   

  3. BP has admitted to a mistake in its latest Global Energy Outlook regarding the speed at which renewable energy capacity is being added. But...

  4. https://www.anakatawindpower.com/ Interesting. Formula One design comes to wind power. Winglets and aerofoils bring 10% performance improvements. Can be retrofitted to existing turbines with a payback...

  5. Europe’s 2nd largest auto market, France, saw passenger plugin electric vehicle market share of 10.5% in August 2020, a 4× growth in share from...

  6. https://cleantechnica.com/2020/10/03/france-sees-10-6-ev-market-share-in-september-4x-growth-year-on-year/

  7. This from the Spectator Index, World Bank data: Share of electricity produced from oil, gas and coal in 2015. Indonesia: 89% Australia: 86% Netherlands: 82%...

  8. France's environment minister unexpectedly announced his resignation live on national radio, citing disappointment with the government's lack of progress on climate and other environmental...

  9. I've been seeing more and more news about fuel cells but I'm not seeing more fuel cell powered cars. And today I just saw this,...

  10. Large companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft demand for low-carbon energy to power their facilities and datacenters is boosting the development of renewables in...

  11. Waste-to-energy plant in B.C. to handle disputed garbage from Philippines Only fitting.

  12. GE has plans for the world’s most powerful offshore wind turbine Haliade-X, a 260 meter tall 12 megawatt wind turbine.It will be bigger and more...

  13. Geely Motors, a massive Chinese owned and funded automotive conglomerate, intends on dominating the world. Li Shifu, the president, and CEO is one of...

  14. Turkish firm has built a new kind of wind turbine that harness a wind power from vehicles driving by.  The device is capable of producing...

  15.  It has been suggested that I start a thread on geothermal. I don't know anything about it but I will kick it off.Anyone here...

  16. I don't know where I saw this, can't find it. It had to do with using modern horizontal drilling technology to create geothermal energy....

  17. As has been demonstrated in the geothermal plant in the Salton Sea, geothermal brings up more than hot water. Other minerals include lithium, rare...

  18. At the depths where oil and gas are extracted, the movement of liquids or gases occurs through pores and cracks. Therefore, the transfer of...

  19. A new article on oilprice: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Is-This-The-Cleanest-Energy-On-Earth.html discusses Geothermal energy. After first confusing ground-loop heat pumps with true geothermal, the article recovers and discusses geothermal rationally. One...

  20. Germany exits coal: A model for Asia?   Uphill task in switch to renewables in Asia Cheaper coal amid weak European demand Affordability of energy a concern     Germany has...

  21. Germany requires all gas stations to provide EV charging https://electrek.co/2020/06/04/germany-requires-all-gas-stations-to-provide-ev-charging/Bradley Berman

  22. "Had California and Germany invested $680 billion into new nuclear power plants instead of renewables like solar and wind farms, the two would already...

  23. Germany's launching the most environmentally friendly train in the world  They are powered hydrogen and oxygen.They can travel 1000 kilometers on a single tank at speeds 140...

  24. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-germany-emissions/   Germany, the nation that did more than any other to unleash the modern renewable-energy industry, is likely to fall short of its goals for...

  25. This is exactly the type of scenarios that the Climate Panic crowd deliberately ignore. I really do get annoyed with the obtuseness of those who...

  26. Go, go, go! @Jan van Eck, you might want to start thinking about mass production.

  27. The speaker in this video, Jesse Jenkins, discusses the complexity of deep decarbonization of power. As renewables are deployed in larger quantity they begin to...

  28. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/germanys-giant-windmills-wildly-unpopular-040002343.html Germany's Giant Windmills Are Wildly Unpopular

  29. Now they're coming for the food. I have an easy solution for all our problems: those who suffer anxiety and related disorders because they...

  30. According to UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), climate change is having a negative effect on global agriculture and is driving up the number...

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