1. Renewable energy will dominate in S Korea and for these process Korean's  authority  is planning to establish new energy roadmap for the next 12...

  2. Climate change is increasingly affecting the world’s central banks and their monetary policies.At a time when students around the globe are urging governments, companies...

  3. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/11/08/new-york-state-takes-900-million-write-down-on-tesla-plant-value   New York State Takes $900 Million Write Down on Tesla Plant Value Here we go again. If all the money that was invested in the...

  4. Spain turns down 26.3 GW of RES applications   TSO cites lack of grid capacity for requests 77 of 110 large nodes seen at saturation point Projected capacity...

  5. A summit for leaders of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) being hosted by Thailand this weekend is expected to adopt the...

  6. Not much to add to this article from the New York Post.  Elon's snake oil days seem to be coming to an end. Elon Musk...

  7. Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has announced his first major policy initiative, a $5 trillion plan to combat climate change that he says will...

  8. The renewable energy is challenged with finding ways to store it on days when there's no sun or wind. German technology company Sonnen is...

  9. Here is an interesting link regarding 'climate change' and the 'cherry picking' of data. Keep in mind that this was written on 9 May...

  10. Good to hear. Bavaria, Germany’s industrial powerhouse, wants the nation to stop burning coal by 2030, eight years before Chancellor Angela Merkel’s deadline. Germany’s plan...

  11. Shell ‘to have commercial wind farms’ by early 2020s, project boss says   Oil giant Shell will have a number of “commercial offshore wind farms” that...

  12. Each day the Sun says hello! Each day without fail! All we need is governments who want to use it! How frustrating.  And we...

  13. In March Louisiana state officials announced that everyone living on Isle de Jean Charles will have to leave because of the threat that this...

  14. More than one-third of the United States’ nuclear power fleet—21 of 60 facilities that provide low-carbon electricity—will be or could be shuttered in the...

  15. China now releases almost as much carbon dioxide as the U. S. and Europe combined. The true imbalance is much larger than it appears...

  16. Perovskite Co.'s will they live to the promise? At which point can we say they have turned the corner? How about the Silicon PV Companies...

  17. The Washington Post reported that the White House will ask Congress next month for a 72 percent cut to research programs on clean energy...

  18. For every $1 the US spent on clean energy in 2017, China spent $3. Global investment in renewable energy reached almost $280 billion last...

  19. "By comparing the lifetime costs of 15 different renewable energy carriers such as electricity and vanadium, Lux’s analysis shows that across all renewable energy...

  20. New directive of the European Union to double current renewable energy by 2030. Great but not if you plan to cut trees and burn...

  21. California’s solar energy production has surged so much that the state might be taking a break from new renewable projects beginning next month. Currently,...

  22. GE Renewable Energy, COBOD, and LafargeHolcim have announced a three-way partnership to co-develop 3D printed, “record-tall” wind turbine towers. LeveragingCOBOD’s concrete printing technology with LafargeHolcim’s leading construction...

  23. https://www.pv-tech.org/news/affordable-solar-plus-storage-hard-to-beat-for-coal And this: https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2019-05-21/why-california-nixed-a-natural-gas-power-plant-in-favor-of-batteries In other words, you only had to add storage and it took you long enough.

  24. https://yoshinopower.com/ This is now a real product that ordinary people can buy.

  25. A new picture of dengue's growing threat Anyone want to bet everything that's wrong with the world can be linked to climate change? No? Pity.

  26. By 2021 Costa Rica will ban single use plastics and fossil fuel in public transport. Already they are a world leader in decarbonisation and...

  27. "MidAmerican Energy Co will become the first U.S. investor-owned utility to source 100 percent of its customers’ electricity needs from renewable energy when it...

  28. Portugal generated 103% of its electricity demands from renewable energy for the month of March, further establishing the country as a pioneer in the...

  29. Tesla's reporting tomorrow. Who's betting the results will be disappointing? Who's betting the market will still view the results like this:      

  30. I want to tap the knowledge of people here on this question. I recycle. I don't mind it and I like reusable things. But:...

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