1. Plants on Earth evolved at much higher CO2 than present (reason farmers using CO2 to boost growth in the green houses). It’s a friend,...

  2. For the people that think we live in a fantasy bubble.

  3. I'll just leave this here with the comment that this is what I consider genuinely good news for the planet and leave you to...

  4. Climate change: England flood planners 'must prepare for worst' Well, Brits in England, are you preparing?

  5. The European Union’s statistical office estimates CO2 emissions in EU countries “significantly decreased” in 2018 compared to 2017.  Eurostat estimates CO2 emissions from fossil fuel...

  6. A new nonprofit venture backed by Google.org  will use satellite imagery , analyzed by AI and machine learning algorithms,  to produce and report precise,...

  7. According to Reuters, U.S. has refused to sign an agreement on challenges in the Arctic due to discrepancies over climate change wording, diplomats said...

  8. efficiency

    Hello, I am George Kamburoff, a new member. I am a former Senior Engineer in Technical Services for PG&E, and a utility consultant, now...

  9. Coal UK has boasted the grid has gone 91 consecutive hours without coal in the mix. I'd say it's too early to boast but...

  10. I ran into this on a Chinese wholesale goods website. Whether this number is trustworthy is another matter, however competitive offerings are priced from...

  11. Do 'mechanical trees' offer the cure for climate change? Did we discuss this? A new way of carbon capturing and using.

  12. According to a new brain study, the phrase “climate crisis” engages voters emotionally better than either “climate change” or “global warming.” “Climate crisis” got...

  13. Here. All of these are doable but less than half are realistically doable. Unfortunately.

  14. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/30/tesla-slashes-prices-for-floundering-solar-panel-business/ Why would Tesla have this problem? They are the best, aren't they?

  15. Tesla, which lost its status as the nation’s leading rooftop solar company last year, is trying to get back in the game by slashing...

  16. PwC: Environment eclipses price as key energy investment concern Good news for some, food for thought for others: how will these higher costs be passed...

  17. Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has announced his first major policy initiative, a $5 trillion plan to combat climate change that he says will...

  18. Japanese utilities turn away from coal plans amid green energy boom Nothing but pressure works. Yeah, it's not very free-market, but it works.

  19. According to this Research, The Predicted Carbon Feedback Loop of a Warmer Arctic Climate Releasing Stored Carbon in the Permafrost leading to a Warmer...

  20. Repowering UK’s Onshore Wind Farms Is “Vital” In Face Of Looming Energy Gap "The report also lays out the case for potentially upgrading turbines which...

  21. Caffeine Cranks Up Solar Cells Whatever will they think of next?

  22. Cheaper, Cleaner Biofuel May Be Right Around The Corner https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Biofuels/Cheaper-Cleaner-Biofuel-May-Be-Right-Around-The-Corner.html#comment_added    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isobutanol   By Haley Zaremba - Apr 24, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  23. Study Sets Economic Impact Of Melting Arctic Permafrost At $70 TRILLION! Okay. This is impressively horrible. But since there is absolutely nothing* we can do about...

  24. De Blasio: Glass skyscrapers ‘have no place on our Earth’ Yes, I know New York Post is The Enemy but they're quoting the guy. I...

  25. "Plans by oil and gas majors to spend $4.9 trillion on fuel exploration are "poles apart" from the goal of the Paris climate deal...

  26. Dutch engineers build world's biggest sun-seeking solar farm A pretty cool idea.

  27. Oopsie, looks like EVs perhaps aren't so "green" after all. Expect screams to the contrary, foaming at the mouth, insults, denials, and general brickbats from the...

  28. China on Friday said it would promote using energy generated by the wind to help power heating systems during the bitterly cold winters seen...

  29. Years after they first appeared in North Korea, increasingly cheap and available solar panels are giving a boost to consumer consumption and industry as...

  30. Here it is. Everyone in the States... Guys, I'm so sorry you're being treated as eight-year-olds. Unless the video strictly targets 8-year-olds and I've missed...

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