1. Study Sets Economic Impact Of Melting Arctic Permafrost At $70 TRILLION! Okay. This is impressively horrible. But since there is absolutely nothing* we can do about...

  2. Coal UK has boasted the grid has gone 91 consecutive hours without coal in the mix. I'd say it's too early to boast but...

  3. According to this Research, The Predicted Carbon Feedback Loop of a Warmer Arctic Climate Releasing Stored Carbon in the Permafrost leading to a Warmer...

  4. Do 'mechanical trees' offer the cure for climate change? Did we discuss this? A new way of carbon capturing and using.

  5. According to a new brain study, the phrase “climate crisis” engages voters emotionally better than either “climate change” or “global warming.” “Climate crisis” got...

  6. With Ethanol And Biomass No Longer Viewed As 'Green,' Will Other Renewables Soon Follow? Ha. I'll leave it at that.

  7. Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke has announced his first major policy initiative, a $5 trillion plan to combat climate change that he says will...

  8. https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2019/04/30/tesla-slashes-prices-for-floundering-solar-panel-business/ Why would Tesla have this problem? They are the best, aren't they?

  9. Are Pint-Sized Nuclear Reactors A Cheap Way To Cut Greenhouse Gas Levels? Modular seems to be the way forward in more than one energy segment.

  10. Tesla, which lost its status as the nation’s leading rooftop solar company last year, is trying to get back in the game by slashing...

  11. PwC: Environment eclipses price as key energy investment concern Good news for some, food for thought for others: how will these higher costs be passed...

  12. And how do you do it if you do? Drinking water's one resource that many have been warning is about to start running out...

  13. New study claims white people's diets disproportionally contribute to climate change Of course, by "white people" the authors of the study mean "Caucasian Americans," which...

  14. Japanese utilities turn away from coal plans amid green energy boom Nothing but pressure works. Yeah, it's not very free-market, but it works.

  15. Germany’s dirtiest power plants may avoid the scrap heap in the nation’s coal exit by getting refashioned as giant batteries for storing wind and...

  16. A Nobel Prize winner says it might be possible to cut the lifespan of radioactive waste to minutes. Here. Now that wouldn't be very...

  17. Dutch engineers build world's biggest sun-seeking solar farm A pretty cool idea.

  18. Caffeine Cranks Up Solar Cells Whatever will they think of next?

  19. Cheaper, Cleaner Biofuel May Be Right Around The Corner https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Biofuels/Cheaper-Cleaner-Biofuel-May-Be-Right-Around-The-Corner.html#comment_added    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isobutanol   By Haley Zaremba - Apr 24, 2019, 3:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  20. De Blasio: Glass skyscrapers ‘have no place on our Earth’ Yes, I know New York Post is The Enemy but they're quoting the guy. I...

  21. China on Friday said it would promote using energy generated by the wind to help power heating systems during the bitterly cold winters seen...

  22. "Plans by oil and gas majors to spend $4.9 trillion on fuel exploration are "poles apart" from the goal of the Paris climate deal...

  23. Unusually high March temperatures lopped weeks off Alaska’s long winter and reflect a warming climate trend, state climate experts say. March is normally reliable...

  24. Congress is considering adding energy storage to its tax credit scheme. Better late than never. Here.

  25. Protests in London, with people accusing Shell of... ecoside. Little old Marina Linguist is weeping quietly in the corner, sobbing "You could've at least spelled it...

  26. Here it is. Everyone in the States... Guys, I'm so sorry you're being treated as eight-year-olds. Unless the video strictly targets 8-year-olds and I've missed...

  27. Years after they first appeared in North Korea, increasingly cheap and available solar panels are giving a boost to consumer consumption and industry as...

  28. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/This-Tweak-Could-Be-A-Gamechanger-For-Lithium-Ion-Batteries.html This Tweak Could Be A Gamechanger For Lithium-Ion Batteries By Irina Slav - Apr 17, 2019, 5:00 PM CDT Join Our Community  

  29. This, at least, seems to be legitimate. Here.  

  30. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is trying to develop alternative energy — everything from wind and tidal power to gasification of coal — to...

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