1. https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/health/poorly-children-drive-themselves-operations-2014633  

  2. This year saw new solar output highs across Europe as summer temperature records were smashed. In the U.K., solar broke the record for weekly output...

  3. Huge win for California! 🤘 California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a measure requiring the state to produce all its electricity from renewable sources by...

  4. Not a joke. Hair is a renewable resource, people!

  5. The Public Service Company of Colorado will retire 660 megawatts of coal and replace it with more than 1,800 megawatts of wind and solar....

  6. European oil majors are looking for more than just deepwater gushers in Brazil, which is already a regional leader in renewable energy. They also...

  7. Musk shared on Twitter that Tesla Gigafactory 1 will be powered 100% by Tesla Solar by the end of 2019. The confirmation came as...

  8. https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-germany-emissions/   Germany, the nation that did more than any other to unleash the modern renewable-energy industry, is likely to fall short of its goals for...

  9. A very informative article on the solar ambitions of the oil kingdom.

  10. The European Commission has announced it will end punitive tariffs on solar panels imported from China, five years after they were put into place....

  11. Facebook announced that it was upping the environmental ante on by committing to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 75% and power its global...

  12. Investments in Norwegian Renewables is at an all time high - and the former Oil & Gas hub is embracing the Wind of Change Last...

  13. California took some of the most aggressive steps yet to counter the effects of climate change as legislators voted to require that 100 percent...

  14. France's environment minister unexpectedly announced his resignation live on national radio, citing disappointment with the government's lack of progress on climate and other environmental...

  15. France produces almost three-quarters of its electricity from nuclear power. That didn’t sit well with Ecology Minister Nicolas Hulot, who abruptly quit his post...

  16. Faced with a population boom that has sent carbon emissions soaring and stretched power supplies to breaking point, oil-rich Nigeria is turning to renewable...

  17. “The process is rather simple and works like a human body. You feed the digester with organic waste, animal excrement (such as chicken droppings)....

  18. The U.S. is betting big on gas. China is betting big on solar. This story pains a picture of a new axis: pro-gas, pro-U.S....

  19. Apparently, solar and wind industries are donating more money to Republicans than to Democrats, a marked shift from a group typically aligned with the...

  20. something I thought I'd never hear a Californian say: "Why not just pause for a little while, focus on the affordability and housing issues,...

  21. California’s solar energy production has surged so much that the state might be taking a break from new renewable projects beginning next month. Currently,...

  22. Companies are buying renewable power at a record pace. There are several reasons clean power is attractive. Renewable energy is often the cheapest source...

  23. I have read tens if not hundreds of enthusiastic articles about how hydrogen economics will soon take off, how we will drive hydrogen cars...

  24. A research analyst at Swiss investment bank UBS believes the cost of energy renewables could be so near to zero by 2030 “it will...

  25. California has passed its rooftop solar mandate for new homes on fake facts. Is anyone surprised? Why not work on real facts. California housing...

  26. https://www.renewableenergymagazine.com/pv_solar/subsidyfree-solar-plant-inaugurated-in-portugal-20180803/ Embrace the future.  As storage advances, solar will one day become the dominate. And yes, oil and gas, and coal, will be around a...

  27. Iran is facing a severe water crisis: all water could be gone in 50 years, according to some local researchers. Compared with this, the...

  28. At the depths where oil and gas are extracted, the movement of liquids or gases occurs through pores and cracks. Therefore, the transfer of...

  29. California will soon become the first state to require all new homes be built with solar panels. Most new homes built after Jan. 1, 2020, will...

  30. A wind farm in Morocco will power a number of "computing centres it will build alongside dedicated to cryptocurrency mining and other blockchain technologies." I...

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