1. One embarrassing fact for the many tireless advocates for renewables is that, despite claims that electricity from such sources is cheaper than conventional power,...

  2. A new year and yet another expose of Hydrogen, which was always a terrible idea in energy storage. This expose is by Sabine Hossenfelder...

  3. Добрый день дамы и господа[url=https://ukrjizn.com/]![/url] Если Вы хотите найти качественный источник информации о событиях Украины на каждый день, тогда Вы обратились туда, куда нужно....

  4. At the risk of annoying the many hydrogen-is-the-answer-to-everything brigade there has been further bad news on the hydrogen front. This is an article from...

  5. From 'ZeroHedge', AKA Russian FSB:   Quote   Government policies incentivize utility companies to invest in expensive renewable energy projects, often at the expense of grid reliability and...

  6. Hello there, As I am very much interested for a thoughtful discussion about the future of renewable energy. With the world's focus increasingly shifting towards...

  7. Another useful contribution from the Manhattan Contrarian  albeit one saying what every energy realist has been trying to get across the information gap since...

  8. I meant to add this item from the Manhattan Contrarian in another thread, but the moment passed. One poster was doubting that renewables caused...

  9. Look upon this list of things that The Science™ has officially pinned on the devil—errr, I mean “climate change”—and prepare to weep, deniers! by James...

  10. https://arpa-e.energy.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/GREENWELLS_Project Descriptions.pdf  

  11. Non-recycable? Say it ain't so! That's blasphemy to the true believers!  Child slave labor? It's ok as long as you are comfortable saving the...

  12. https://yoshinopower.com/ This is now a real product that ordinary people can buy.

  13. The "renewable energy can do no wrong" brigade will no doubt be horrified to learn that I have a couple more posts to come...

  14. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/china-india-struggle-curb-fossil-fuels-kemp-2023-10-19/#:~:text=Even so%2C in 2022%2C fossil,China and 77% in India. This is an excellent article that fairly discusses energy use and growing needs in the Third...

  15. BlackRock Behind New TX-LA Offshore Wind Farm  By Kellen McGovern Jones https://dallasexpress.com/business-markets/blackrock-behind-new-tx-la-offshore-windfarm/ BlackRock holds partial ownership of the company that made the highest bid for the Biden...

  16. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240428240613/en/Natron-Energy-Achieves-First-Ever-Commercial-Scale-Production-of-Sodium-Ion-Batteries-in-the-U.S./ Quote SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Natron Energy, Inc. (“Natron” or “the Company”), the global leader in sodium-ion battery technology, today announced the commencement of commercial-scale operations...

  17. https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/electrified-charcoal-sponge-can-soak-up-co2-directly-from-the-air Quote   The team used a battery-like charging process to charge an inexpensive activated charcoal cloth with hydroxide ions. In this process, the cloth essentially acts...

  18. https://research.doshisha.ac.jp/news/news-detail-51/ Quote The research team [...] produced ethylene and propane on a basic silver (Ag) electrode by utilizing an ionic liquid containing metal hydroxides as the...

  19. New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste https://today.uic.edu/new-method-makes-hydrogen-from-solar-power-and-agricultural-waste/ Quote The best performer, cow dung, decreased the electrical requirement sixfold to roughly a fifth of...

  20.   https://news.wisc.edu/abandoned-farmlands-could-play-a-role-in-fighting-climate-change-a-new-study-shows-exactly-where-they-are/ Link to atlas website: https://atlas.glbrc.org/ The amount of abandoned land mapped out here is easily more than the total needed to power the US with solar...

  21. Caspian Power Trio Aims to Electrify the European Union English Español عربي Français 中文 日本語 By Eurasianet - May 15, 2024, 12:00 PM CDT Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan signed an MoU...

  22. US power consumption is about 750 gigawatts in the peak hours in the middle of the summer. Divide 750,000,000,000 by 250 watts per square meter, one...

  23. As has been demonstrated in the geothermal plant in the Salton Sea, geothermal brings up more than hot water. Other minerals include lithium, rare...

  24. Jinko             75 GW Trina             75 GW JA Solar        60 GW Longi       ...

  25. This is from an article in the UK's Telegraph. Regrettably, the article is behind a paywall but excerpts are below - its a warning...

  26. https://www.rochester.edu/newscenter/metal-perovskite-solar-cells-vs-silicon-efficiency-550212/ Essentially, energy conversion is '250% more efficient'. If existing panels are about 20% efficient, then 250% of that would be 50%, so instead of...

  27. BlackRock’s Plan for an Additional $4 Trillion in Climate Investment By Charles Kennedy - Nov 28, 2023, 11:30 AM CST https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/BlackRocks-Plan-for-an-Additional-4-Trillion-in-Climate-Investment.html https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/blackrocks-plan-additional-4-trillion-climate-investment The world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock,...

  28. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2401171-ocean-heat-could-supply-essentially-endless-clean-energy-to-islands/   Ocean heat could supply essentially endless clean energy to islands An old idea to use ocean heat to generate clean electricity has long failed to...

  29. When it comes to throwing taxpayer's money away the Americans and the Europeans may consider themselves to be in a class of their own,...

  30. One point I realised when researching my book DARK AGES: The looming destruction of the Australian power grid (Connor Court 2023), is that any...

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