1. The proliferation of renewable energy in the European Union in 2017 did not stop the majority of member states from increasing their carbon footprint....

  2. By 2021 Costa Rica will ban single use plastics and fossil fuel in public transport. Already they are a world leader in decarbonisation and...

  3. Interesting story about Africa's solar power potential.

  4. The German utility is launching a pilot project for the conversion of electricity into something it calls "green methane." I'm not exactly sure what the...

  5. This article from 2014 should probably be a sticky for this Renewables sub-forum.  But that's just my opinion. This article is a brutally cold, hard...

  6. California will soon become the first state to require all new homes be built with solar panels. Most new homes built after Jan. 1, 2020, will...

  7. For every $1 the US spent on clean energy in 2017, China spent $3. Global investment in renewable energy reached almost $280 billion last...

  8. "A secret UK push to weaken key EU climate laws before Brexit risks scotching the bloc's Paris commitments, MEPs say. The EU has committed to...

  9. So did Entergy retain Michael Cohen to hire these actors? They deny the NDAs, so perhaps they are not binding? Pretty sad day for natural...

  10. something I thought I'd never hear a Californian say: "Why not just pause for a little while, focus on the affordability and housing issues,...

  11. The U.S. is betting big on gas. China is betting big on solar. This story pains a picture of a new axis: pro-gas, pro-U.S....

  12. Faced with a population boom that has sent carbon emissions soaring and stretched power supplies to breaking point, oil-rich Nigeria is turning to renewable...

  13. I'll have to take issue with this CNN 'expose' on unethical cobalt, which explicitly targets electric vehicles.  https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2018/05/africa/congo-cobalt-dirty-energy-intl/?iid=EL Child labor at artisanal mines in places like...

  14. $TSLA down to $300 even, even as Tesla reports a smaller loss per share and great revenue than analysts had expected. It was up...

  15. Apparently, solar and wind industries are donating more money to Republicans than to Democrats, a marked shift from a group typically aligned with the...

  16. The Tesla killer that many expected didn't come - instead, MB is retreating from this fast growing markethttps://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/scratch-one-tesla-killer-mercedes-benz-exits-home-battery-market#gs.Ed9y5sA

  17. This puts Tesla in the same category as clowns, fruitcake, reality TV, and spam. Tesla Q1 results expected tomorrow after market close. They are...

  18. According to a report by UK accountancy firm Ernst & Young, the United States moved up to second place in a ranking of the...

  19. "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted a financial hardship waiver to an oil refinery owned by billionaire Carl Icahn, a former adviser to...

  20. June meeting to decide whether to give Musk the boot from serving as chairman of the board. What the what?  https://electrek.co/2018/04/27/tesla-shareholders-vote-proposal-remove-elon-musk-chairman/

  21. or so says this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/elon-musk-made-less-than-the-typical-tesla-employee-in-2017-2018-04-26  "According to Tesla, Musk made $49,920 in salary in 2017 with no other compensation, and Musk refused to accept the salary...

  22. More than 40 retailers and consumer goods companies have pledged to eliminate single-use plastic bag use by 2025, replacing it with biodegradable, recyclable or reusable alternatives....

  23. BP has admitted to a mistake in its latest Global Energy Outlook regarding the speed at which renewable energy capacity is being added. But...

  24. a floating community of houses you say? What could possibly go wrong? how ambitious is this plan, that hopes to power the whole city...

  25. Solar and wind power was responsible for a remarkable 98 percent of all new U.S. power generation capacity that came online in the first two...

  26. A detailed analysis of the winners of major solar auctions held in India over the past 12 months indicates that bidding has been dominated...

  27. SunPower announced yesterday it would purchase SolarWorld for an undisclosed amount, a deal spurred on by a 30% tariff on imported solar panels that President Trump authorized earlier...

  28.  Target added over 40 MW of solar capacity to its portfolio in 2017. They now has more than 200 MW of installed capacity. The top 10 corporate...

  29.  Wind energy now supplies more than 30% of the electricity in four states — Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Wind power generated 6.3% of...

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