1. The large-scale solar farm right next to the disaster site in Chernobyl is almost completed. Apparently, it's just the start of a renaissance for the...

  2. It's amazing, but it's a real. New research by Greenpeace showed how India could save billions of dollars in process of replacing old coal...

  3. A 100-meter high air purification tower in Xian in Shaanxi province helped reduce smog levels in the city, bringing a noticeable improvement in air quality....

  4. Even though the use of renewables is expected to grow faster than fossil fuels, reports from US EIA, said that 77% of all energy...

  5. Wind and solar together will represent more than 80% of global renewable capacity growth in the next four years. (2022). According to official projections 70%...

  6. Australia new solar capacity addition hits record at 1.05 GW thanks in large part to sky-high electricity costs in the country. Who needs subsidies?? Higher...

  7. What in the world is going on with Tesla stock? Up almost $20 in a single day? I didn't see any big announcements. Did...

  8. Chile has joined the ambitious green gang, planning to source 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2040. It's impressive how fast they've...

  9. World's largest floating solar installation (Southern China) giant solar Panda panel farm (Northern China), installs enough solar panel to cover football pitch every hour...

  10. Energy storage is the holy grail of renewable energy and it seems they're on their way of finding it soon. Could be extremely bad...

  11. Maybe... but it's still one of the world's biggest polluters with 10,151 metric tons of C02 emissions. That's double that of the US. 

  12. India is trying to protect its local solar industry, or at least the Finance Ministry says so, with a proposal for a 70% duty...

  13. Melting glaciers are not only driving up sea levels and reducing feeding and breeding grounds for animals, but also causing the bottom of the...

  14. Tidal power is not very popular because of major challenges such as seawater corrosion and the risks underwater turbines pose for marine animals. But...

  15. Scientists are researching a new crystal which could be the answer for cheaper solar power than currently used silicon. Research is going into the...

  16. The island will be in the center of North Sea. Too expensive? Maybe. But, they believe that it bring would massive savings and renewable...

  17. Last report from CAISO shows renewables rise to meet 38% of demand on California’s grid in 2017. It's obviously how California want to be...

  18. attorneys at the U.S. International Trade Commission are arguing that their recommendation to impose a tariff on foreign solar cells - something President Donald...

  19. It's a hard to believe how some countries are fast developing renewable energy. The best example for this is Germany. They has so much...

  20. Three countries: USA, China and India will account for two third of global renewable expansion for next four years.China represents half of global solar...

  21. With climate change the UK government set ambitious targets to reduce emissions by 57 percent by 2030. Alternatives like wind, solar and renewable energy...

  22. China has just opened the world's first 'solar highway'. It's a kilometer long, and will eventually charge all those EVs China is putting out.   

  23. Advanced plans by Dutch power grid aims to build power hub possibly at Dogger Bank whose scale would dwarf current offshore sites. Britain’s homes...

  24. Renewable energy will dominate in S Korea and for these process Korean's  authority  is planning to establish new energy roadmap for the next 12...

  25. Armenia has long relied on Russia for its energy needs. However the government is still hoping to reduce  that dependence by using resource that...

  26. UK Government’s bet on subsidizing renewable energy power has already halved the carbon emissions from the power generation industry over the past five years. The...

  27. British wind farms generated more electricity than coal plants on more than 75% of days this year. Overall, renewables provided more power than coal...

  28. Solar still generates less electricity than nuclear but it's growing rapidly. According to experts growth rates and cost reductions for solar have far exceeded...

  29. The world's biggest polluter, China is rolling out the world's most ambitious plan to reduce emissions. This project would make polluting companies pay for...

  30. Devastating climate change could lead to 1 million migrants a year entering European Union by the end of this century, according to the study...

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