1. Of the R$11.8 (US$3) million that were supposed to be used this year by the National Policy on Climate Change to meet the commitments...

  2. Brazil plans to add more solar to its hydro-dominated electricity generation mix

  3. Nigeria's vice president is worried about the growing popularity of alternatives to crude oil in Europe and Asia. he sees it as a threat...

  4. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/South-Korean-Tech-Breakthrough-Could-Change-Biofuels-Forever.html South Korean Tech Breakthrough Could Change Biofuels Forever By Haley Zaremba - Jul 06, 2019, 12:00 PM CDT Join Our Community Researchers in South Korea have made a major...

  5. "A team of Chinese engineers has developed a hybrid solar cell that can produce electricity come rain or shine, using the triboelectric effect to...

  6. An independent advisory commission to the British government is questioning the nuclear projects and suggests to lean more towards renewables : “An energy system based...

  7. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/08/12/delingpole-boris-johnsons-looming-wind-disaster/ Boris Johnson’s government is shuffling towards a gigantic cliff edge which has nothing to do with Brexit. The looming disaster can be summed up...

  8. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Solar-Energy/Brits-Indebted-On-False-Solar-Promises.html Brits Indebted On False Solar Promises

  9. Chile, because Australia and Argentina are on China's ****-list.

  10. https://www.wired.com/story/companies-expect-climate-change-to-cost-them-one-trillion-dollars-in-5-years/ Well, that's what planning ahead is for. It's not like climate change started last year, after all, and the weather was constant until then.

  11. BlackRock Behind New TX-LA Offshore Wind Farm  By Kellen McGovern Jones https://dallasexpress.com/business-markets/blackrock-behind-new-tx-la-offshore-windfarm/ BlackRock holds partial ownership of the company that made the highest bid for the Biden...

  12. The Fight to Save the Joshua Tree Has a Surprising Foe—the Solar Industry     Daniel Modlin , The Daily Beast•September 13, 2020     It’s difficult to describe how beautiful Joshua...

  13. I thought it was germane to put this article in this topic category because CA wants to lead the nation in renewables which includes...

  14. renewable energy

    Dear Sir/Madam, Kindly provide me any suggestion and discussion on the tile of CO2 reduction by using solar home systems in rural area. Could you please...

  15. California has been happy to tweak the rules to get more self-driving cars on the road, but it still has its limits. The state's DMV has eliminated a...

  16. Battery placement in the Moss Landing turbine hall. Natural gas powered turbines once lived here.   As a preview of what that capacity has to offer, we’re...

  17. Both the California Senate and Assembly that approved Senate Bill 100 for Governor Brown to sign into law, that will set California on a...

  18. https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2020-03-26/california-approves-climate-change-target-that-critics-say-is-far-too-weak California approves climate change target that critics say is far too weak

  19. California’s solar energy production has surged so much that the state might be taking a break from new renewable projects beginning next month. Currently,...

  20. California took some of the most aggressive steps yet to counter the effects of climate change as legislators voted to require that 100 percent...

  21. The foundation’s newly released “Solar Jobs Census 2017” report revealed that the Golden State employed 86,414 people in the solar industry last year. That...

  22. Huge win for California! 🤘 California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a measure requiring the state to produce all its electricity from renewable sources by...

  23. California has passed its rooftop solar mandate for new homes on fake facts. Is anyone surprised? Why not work on real facts. California housing...

  24. California regulator threatens ban on gasoline engines I say do it. Take the experiment out of the lab. So what if it's the single largest...

  25. California Governor Jerry Brown signed executive order planing to have 5 million zero-emission vehicles on the road by 2030. The new goal expands a previously...

  26. California will soon become the first state to require all new homes be built with solar panels. Most new homes built after Jan. 1, 2020, will...

  27. Sensible policy here phasing in conversion to an all electric fleet by 2040. All purchases after 2029 will need to be EV's. https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/California-To-Electrify-All-Buses-By-2029.html

  28. there you go. Using solar to frack the air, water and land https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/california-glasspoint-solar-enhanced-oil-recovery#gs.H2qNqKU

  29. Today, Oilprice Carried this article: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Californias-Electric-Vehicle-Dream-Has-A-Major-Problem.html The article asserts that stopping the sale of ICEs by 2035 in California will impose a large burden on the...

  30. ELECTRIC VEHICLES ON COLLISION COURSE WITH REALITY The article, which talks about the Californian experience, points to the huge problems that will result from trying...

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