1. Hey 99.99%, the .001% are laughing their butts off that the suckers (i.e. you) are buying the notion of austerity to combat a necessary...

  2. For those who championed the demise of the disposable razor, we can now do away with laundry detergent, shampoo in bottles and those pesky,...

  3. not so theoretical I guess. https://www.fastcompany.com/90274057/report-the-chinese-government-is-spying-on-tesla-and-other-ev-drivers-without-consent "...the Chinese government requires all electric vehicle manufacturers in the country–not just Tesla, but BMW, Ford, Volkswagen, GM, a...

  4. The Australian iron ore miner is adding 10 full-sized hydrogen coaches, custom built by HYZON Motors, to replace the existing fleet of diesel coaches...

  5. The European passenger plugin vehicle market is on fire, having scored over 113,000 registrations in July (+213% year over year, the highest growth rate...

  6. https://www.iaenvironment.org/webres/File/IEC_Wind_Health_Exec_Summary_2019_FINAL.pdf https://www.iaenvironment.org/webres/File/IEC_Wind_Health_Paper_2019_FINAL.pdf

  7. http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/sea-of-solar-panels-turns-mexican-desert-green/article/520548 Quote The $650-million project came online in December and is due to produce 1,700 gigawatt hours when fully operational later this year -- enough to power...

  8. Anti-pipeline activism isn't generating more investment in renewable energy On a scale of Oh, really? to Climate denialist fake news, where do you place yourself?...

  9. Here is a link to a post on the facebook site The Driver's Side about a guy who uses a gasoline generator he keeps in...

  10. Apple announced that its business is now powered by 100 percent renewable energy sources. This news is a major victory for this company which...

  11. Apple Inc. is launching a $300 million partnership in China to bring renewable energy to the country. Apple announced a new first-of-its-kind investment fund...

  12. One argument is that renewable energy subsidies are killing off nuclear power, making nuclear plants close down even though nuclear is ultimately one of...

  13. renewable

    As many of you know US oil production is at a all time high. In this environ ment are renewable's still relevant? 

  14. From 'ZeroHedge', AKA Russian FSB:   Quote   Government policies incentivize utility companies to invest in expensive renewable energy projects, often at the expense of grid reliability and...

  15. First they came for the free plastic carrier bags. Now they have come for the woodburners and stoves. Households with wood or coal burning...

  16. As if we didn't feel guilty enough about our lifestyles degrading the environment, now the incredibly reputable Huffington Post lets us know that our...

  17. According to Reuters, the Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels at the annual U.N. climate talks next month, repeating...

  18. Australia new solar capacity addition hits record at 1.05 GW thanks in large part to sky-high electricity costs in the country. Who needs subsidies?? Higher...

  19. Plans to develop a 720 MW solar farm coupled with up to 400 MWh of battery storage have passed an important milestone now that...

  20. Australia will easily meet Paris climate accord target - study Well done, Australia!

  21. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/australia-sues-neoen-lack-power-022356197.html All sizes of batteries from small cars to mega storage are still having major problems.    Tesla Powerpacks at Neoen wind farm in Hornsdale

  22. A record-breaking month of rooftop installations and a flood of large-scale solar farms could almost double Australia’s solar power capacity in a single year. A...

  23. Australia’s Commodities Heartland Set for Major Hydrogen Plant   The desolate red sands of the Pilbara region in western Australia, home to most of the iron...

  24. Nearly half of Australian major companies are taking their operations off-grid by installing large solar power and battery storage systems. Capacity of Australian businesses to generate...

  25. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-10-14/snowy-hydro-2.0-expensive-and-wont-deliver-energy-expert/11594768   Snowy Hydro 2.0 a costly white elephant that won't deliver, says energy expert 7.30  By Carrington Clarke Updated Mon at 3:45am

  26. It's taken me a few days to get around to posting this. Unfortunately, the article is behind a pay wall, but the excerpts should give...

  27. A plan in the Australian state of New South Wales to build a 3 GW renewable energy zone has already attracted US$26.4 billion of...

  28. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-05-27/australias-obsession-with-cheap-solar-derailing-market-insiders/11139856 "The ANAO found 1.2 per cent of rooftop solar installations have been inspected by the regulator. The regulator's inspections found that about one in six...

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