1. Denmark breaking new records helped by interconnections with Germany and Scandinavia.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-denmark-windpower/denmark-sources-record-47-of-power-from-wind-in-2019-idUSKBN1Z10KE

  2. Huck Cycle’s 60 mph electric mopeds get new VINs, paving way for legal riding

  3. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25934560-100-can-massive-solar-power-expansion-regenerate-the-uss-iconic-prairies/?utm_source=onesignal&utm_medium=push&utm_campaign=2023-09-12-Solar-farms-to-   Can massive solar power expansion regenerate the US’s iconic prairies? Renewable energy development is transforming the US countryside. It could be a chance to restore...

  4. “To say that electric cars are the end of oil is definitely misleading,” said the IEA's Fatih Birol at the WEF in Davos. Not...

  5. Oopsie, looks like EVs perhaps aren't so "green" after all. Expect screams to the contrary, foaming at the mouth, insults, denials, and general brickbats from the...

  6. Germany's Opel town shows struggle for Europe to plug in electric cars Looks like a reality check. We never plan comprehensively, do we? No, we...

  7. One embarrassing fact for the many tireless advocates for renewables is that, despite claims that electricity from such sources is cheaper than conventional power,...

  8. Please pay attention to the chart below.  Hard facts, hard numbers, no statistical f*ckery that I can determine.  No far left double talk or...

  9. One point I realised when researching my book DARK AGES: The looming destruction of the Australian power grid (Connor Court 2023), is that any...

  10. I don't know where I saw this, can't find it. It had to do with using modern horizontal drilling technology to create geothermal energy....

  11. Race is on to build the world’s biggest solar-storage plant

  12. Look upon this list of things that The Science™ has officially pinned on the devil—errr, I mean “climate change”—and prepare to weep, deniers! by James...

  13. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240428240613/en/Natron-Energy-Achieves-First-Ever-Commercial-Scale-Production-of-Sodium-Ion-Batteries-in-the-U.S./ Quote SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Natron Energy, Inc. (“Natron” or “the Company”), the global leader in sodium-ion battery technology, today announced the commencement of commercial-scale operations...

  14. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/australia-sues-neoen-lack-power-022356197.html All sizes of batteries from small cars to mega storage are still having major problems.    Tesla Powerpacks at Neoen wind farm in Hornsdale

  15. After getting a huge project out of the way I can now comment on a submission I sighted a couple of weeks back on...

  16. In an earlier thread on ridiculous green proposals I was shocked by people who insisted on defending those bizarre proposals, and who refused to...

  17. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-03-08/tesla-is-plugging-a-secret-mega-battery-into-the-texas-grid?sref=RzXyyOXY Pure defense. If you have factories and spaceports in Texas, it might be a good idea to buffer your power.

  18. New York state lawmakers passed early Thursday one of the nation’s most ambitious plans to slow climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to...

  19. Today, Oilprice Carried this article: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Californias-Electric-Vehicle-Dream-Has-A-Major-Problem.html The article asserts that stopping the sale of ICEs by 2035 in California will impose a large burden on the...

  20. Interesting story about Africa's solar power potential.

  21. And how do you do it if you do? Drinking water's one resource that many have been warning is about to start running out...

  22. Plans for Europe’s largest solar farm revealed That's... a lot of space. (First one who yells "And how much space does SHALE take up?!") gets...

  23. The 100MW/200MWh battery proposed for Middle Arm, on the outskirts of Darwin and close to its massive LNG export facilities is considered a “stand-alone”...

  24. https://about.bnef.com/new-energy-outlook/

  25. Strictly speaking, this hasn't happened yet since the agency hasn't signed the contract. To the extent that these numbers are correct, welcome to the...

  26. New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste https://today.uic.edu/new-method-makes-hydrogen-from-solar-power-and-agricultural-waste/ Quote The best performer, cow dung, decreased the electrical requirement sixfold to roughly a fifth of...

  27. "We must ... face the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis," Pelosi said in her opening address to Congress.    https://www.politico.com/story/2019/01/03/nancy-pelosi-climate-change-congress-1059148

  28. Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee jumped into the 2020 Democratic presidential primary Friday with a promise to put climate change front and center in...

  29. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHMp9OUQgUg Hydrogen Fuel! Scientist James Tour Demonstrates Method For Free & Clean Green Energy Alternative Far less expensive source of hydrogen than wind or solar excess,...

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