1. "When the project wraps up as slated on April 30, 2024, it will seek to primarily achieve “operation at full load and production of...

  2. Please pay attention to the chart below.  Hard facts, hard numbers, no statistical f*ckery that I can determine.  No far left double talk or...

  3. Tesla Model 3 now starts at $37,990. BMW 3 series starts at $40,750.  BEV first undercut the high end. Now they have undercut the mid range....

  4. "By comparing the lifetime costs of 15 different renewable energy carriers such as electricity and vanadium, Lux’s analysis shows that across all renewable energy...

  5. The speaker in this video, Jesse Jenkins, discusses the complexity of deep decarbonization of power. As renewables are deployed in larger quantity they begin to...

  6. https://www.theepochtimes.com/net-zero-plans-to-decarbonize-economy-madness-claims-engineering-expert_3358591.html   Here is a rational look at the Green Energy plans of the anti carbon bunch. What do you think? RCW   Net-Zero Emissions Plans for Economy...

  7. We are already here. Global Blue Oceans International, LLC and Global Green Energy, LLC Personally bringing the tech to Texas. Houston, we have landed. The Real...

  8. https://www.economist.com/the-americas/2020/05/21/nothing-can-shake-amlos-fossil-fuel-fixation (Economist magazine, paywall). AMLO is trying to protect incumbent oil, gas, and power infrastructure (run by the government) from investor owned renewable energy sources.

  9. Interesting. Study shows output only drops 13% after 17 years in operation. https://cleantechnica.com/2020/05/25/us-wind-power-plants-show-little-decline-with-age/ Subsidy only for the first 10 years so thereafter farms only get wholesale price. 

  10. The 100MW/200MWh battery proposed for Middle Arm, on the outskirts of Darwin and close to its massive LNG export facilities is considered a “stand-alone”...

  11. Huck Cycle’s 60 mph electric mopeds get new VINs, paving way for legal riding

  12. The sky is falling.  The sky has always been falling.  Ignore that acorn behind the curtain. < sigh > Amusing the attempt to link the China Flu...

  13. Lowest price I've seen for individual solar cells so far. Minimum order requirement is 10,000 cells, which costs $1,900 (plus shipping, tariffs, etc.) All of...

  14. Another step up in size. How long before we get to 20 MW? https://www.marinelink.com/news/siemens-gamesa-launches-mw-offshore-wind-478602

  15. "The JAC model essentially has the same compressor flow path and turbine shape as the J-series, but it features an optimized cooling structure for...

  16. "A team has developed a less expensive water electrolysis system that works under alkaline conditions but still produces hydrogen at comparable rates to the...

  17. "As for the disturbance of the oil and coal markets by renewables, which seems to be the real beef, is this a new type...

  18. News flash: batteries do not *generate* electricity. Did California actually think this through?  Removing / retiring natural gas plants for generating electricity and creating a huge...

  19. https://rameznaam.com/2020/05/14/solars-future-is-insanely-cheap-2020/

  20. Dept. of Interior approves plans for $1 billion, 690-MW Gemini solar project with 1,400-MWh battery.  https://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2020/05/dept-of-interior-approves-plans-for-690-mw-gemini-solar-project-with-1400-mwh-battery/

  21. Note that the minimum order quantity is one shipping container, which may be a 20' or 40'. This isn't made clear.

  22. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/05/09/delingpole-michael-moore-has-become-a-hero-to-climate-deniers-complains-guardian/ How could Michael Moore betray most of his fans by telling the truth about energy? See the free movie, still running on YouTube. RCW Delingpole:...

  23. Southern California Edison Contracts Mammoth 770MW Energy Storage Portfolio to Replace California Gas Plants One of the world’s largest single battery storage procurements will race...

  24. City of Houston Surprises: 100% Renewable Electricity — $65 Million in Savings in 7 Years   The City is Estimated to See a $9.3 Million Reduction...

  25.  It has been suggested that I start a thread on geothermal. I don't know anything about it but I will kick it off.Anyone here...

  26. This LCOE so no subsidies! https://nawindpower.com/bnef-onshore-wind-is-cheapest-source-of-new-build-generation

  27. https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=42495

  28. https://electrek.co/2020/04/29/harley-davidson-stock-soars-30-this-week-company-recommits-to-electric-motorcycles/ "It’s no secret that Harley-Davidson has been in a tough financial spot for the last few years. And the figures from Harley-Davidson’s first-quarter earning’s...

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