1. ...The heart of the issue (for those who need it elaborated) is this: the future of $90 trillion of energy infrastructure investments and the...

  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/IdaAuken/status/1163873544658403329 Short version: Wind is better than coal.

  3. This the story of Spanish investors who invested money in the hope of a steady return of investment  - in the long run.

  4. De Blasio: Glass skyscrapers ‘have no place on our Earth’ Yes, I know New York Post is The Enemy but they're quoting the guy. I...

  5. Decarbonising US power grid 'may cost US$4.5 trillion' After reading the whole story I think the price tag is the least of the problems this...

  6. Aviation and Richard Branson continue in their quest: Delta refinery to use feedstock from waste plastic Delta refinery to use feedstock from waste plastic November 19, 2018 Delta...

  7. Jay Inslee targets fossil fuel interests with new presidential promises I'm having trouble deciding who I would root for in these Democratic primaries. It's like...

  8. An Australian government regulator has taken over management of the grid for the Eastern half of the country (Western Australia is different) after an attempt...

  9. A new picture of dengue's growing threat Anyone want to bet everything that's wrong with the world can be linked to climate change? No? Pity.

  10. Wind and solar together will represent more than 80% of global renewable capacity growth in the next four years. (2022). According to official projections 70%...

  11. Denmark breaking new records helped by interconnections with Germany and Scandinavia.  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-denmark-windpower/denmark-sources-record-47-of-power-from-wind-in-2019-idUSKBN1Z10KE

  12. With immediate effect, the bank, which is the world’s 17th largest, says it «will no longer finance any new projects in the Arctic region.» Deutsche...

  13. The European Commission has announced it will end punitive tariffs on solar panels imported from China, five years after they were put into place....

  14. Professor Gordon Hughes, of the School of Economics, Edinburgh University has written a report on offshore wind entitled Wind Power Economics - Rhetoric and...

  15. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/introducing-energy-storage-as-an-appliance-orison-seed-funding "The energy monitor costs $300 and the battery system costs $2,200 for 1.8 kilowatts/2.2 kilowatt-hours. That translates to a far less favorable system price...

  16. A Siemens report on the Middle East's energy prospects until 2035 says gas will be toe dominant power generation fuel. There are solar power...

  17. And how do you do it if you do? Drinking water's one resource that many have been warning is about to start running out...

  18. Tidal power is not very popular because of major challenges such as seawater corrosion and the risks underwater turbines pose for marine animals. But...

  19. Even though the use of renewables is expected to grow faster than fossil fuels, reports from US EIA, said that 77% of all energy...

  20. Babylon Bee, at it again, blurring the line between satire and Mainstream News. Donald Trump Proposes Harnessing Liberal Tears To Provide Clean Energy NEW YORK, NY—After what...

  21. ExxonMobil has been kicked out of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index and replaced by Salesforce.com, a technology company with... a hockey stick. https://cleantechnica.com/2020/08/25/dow-jones-throws-exxon-mobil-overboard-in-massive-index-shakeup/

  22. What did one Brontosaurus say the the other Brontosaurus?    " It's Getting Chilly!!" Climate has changed continuously since time began. It will continue to change...

  23. See this video by Sabine Hossenfelder, a You Tube science presenter who explores the subject of H2 particularly in cars in some detail. I think...

  24. Dyson looking to sink 2.7 billion pounds into three EVs is just the latest in a string of new entrants onto the market. They...

  25. Melting glaciers are not only driving up sea levels and reducing feeding and breeding grounds for animals, but also causing the bottom of the...

  26. renewableenergy

    The Power of Water: Fuel, Agriculture and Desalination.   Global Blue Oceans International, LLC

  27. Protests in London, with people accusing Shell of... ecoside. Little old Marina Linguist is weeping quietly in the corner, sobbing "You could've at least spelled it...

  28. https://research.doshisha.ac.jp/news/news-detail-51/ Quote The research team [...] produced ethylene and propane on a basic silver (Ag) electrode by utilizing an ionic liquid containing metal hydroxides as the...

  29. https://news.yahoo.com/californias-electric-car-revolution-designed-100041571.html The NIMBY realities raise their head again. These are the environmentalists who want no change against the environmentalists who want technological change. They will...

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