1. What is your outlook on WTI for today based on news? Intraday Positions  Going Long or Short?? Have you guys subscribed to bloomberg terminal, would you recommend it?...

  2. Hi All, kinda bit of fun but very interested in people's views on oil direction over the next few months. N.B -  I have a...


  4. I expect oil to trade up on API Inventory report tomorrow.   Just closed at $54.53.  Could trade $56 + intraday   While the API numbers are...

  5. due to geographical tension, regarding trade was can i ask how is the behavior of oil in does it goes up or fall

  6. cause of the US Iran tensions, will the prices go up? or stay down cause of over supply inventory and China US trade war? and...

  7. With each passing year, oil seems to play an even greater role in the global economy. In the early days, finding oil during a...

  8. I tried with the United States Oil Fund but i learned that it is a shitty ETF, any suggestions?

  9. Didn't make any Didn't lose any.  

  10. Prices have fallen back to range 50.6-51.5 as I commented on the 6th of June. The attack on the oil tankers moved WTI above this...

  11. Can't see any surprises over next few weeks.  Maybe China wants to talk ahead of new 10% Tariffs, but doubt it. Maybe Iran bombs another tanker,...

  12. Unbelievable the power this person has at the end of his finger. TRUMP TWEETS...

  13. When i travel i can never get into oilprice so i cant keep up with you guys most of the time, and only  the...

  14. Any news on Simba Essel When they are going to start drilling in Kenya

  15. Hello community, I am new to the forum and would like to share my view of WTI future contract . 🙂- We are currently monitoring...

  16. Hello everyone In your opinion and beacase the iran forces take the british navie the price of the crude oil go rise or down in...

  17. For starters, I'm not a trader - I work in the transportation space and would like to better understanding the nuts and bolts of...

  18. Oil continue to trade on news.  Nothing new expected next month.   Amazing oil trading on news of Iran nukes.tankers held hostage and China trade....

  19. The end of this week brings the Department of Labor’s “Jobs Report” and if it’s a bad report, which I anticipate it will be,...

  20. Today, crude oil price started out @ $59.43 and later this afternoon - bottomed down to $56.25 (minus or plus 7 cents in its toggling)....

  21. Almost all day yesterday and today, the news has been, “Trump’s Truce With China Raises Oil Prices”.  Really?  Then, how come oil prices are...

  22. Last week was a very great week for investing into the UGAZ natural gas ETF.  I’d have to say, even though there was a...

  23. Hi All, Just wondered about your thoughts regarding oil direction after Osaka and the Opec statement.. ?

  24. Hi guys, pretty new to this, can someone explain the news that made oil shoot up at the close today?

  25. HI my name is malik, and i want all crude oil traders to get together so we can all share information and make money!...

  26. how does oil looks for today?

  27. Sentinel program includes 20 + countries with financial contribution and active participation to monitor the shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf. Takes the onus off...