1. for those interested in trading chk stock

  2. First time posting, curious what others think of GTE before earnings come out

  3. Are the prices shown on Oil Price the actual daily prices (for example for Brent)? They don’t even remotely match Platts crude oil prices.

  4. It might sound stupid, but can anyone explain what drives WTI price up since everything seems against it?

  5. What will oil prices do monday?

  6. .

  7. I have no idea who, if anyone, has already seen this, but I thought it was amusing/interesting.

  8. I new help. Is there any way to see what major organization  that bought future contracts? I know you can go to holding for...

  9. MBS apparently is going to corner the market on  US Flagged tankers as they are the remaining  available storage and he can use them...

  10. would it possible for june contract to go sub 10 ?

  11. etfs

    Hi, On the CRUD.l , how quickly will the rollovers eat away at the capital? It looks like the difference between say July and...

  12. Hi, I am a new wholesale gasoline distributor. Currently, I have been buying gasoline on rack price from terminals to supply to our clients. It will...

  13. I bought DRIP expecting DRIP to soar as May contracts expired and it went down?  I'm in until mid Amy and am trying to...

  14. Last week we saw WTI settle negative -$37.63 upon expiry. Why? When a WTI contract expires you have 3 choices: 1. Accept the physical delivery into...

  15. Second job €48.20 fast2earn.com the fastest way to earn money online to client Femi. No doubt admin truly nice. Notice screenshot. Totally know elite. ...

  16. Any one here know about wti

  17. KIndly post poll and describe where oil can go for now . 

  18. WTI is up 20% today. Isn't it likely to go back to negative in May as the contracts roll over again?

  19. Hello,  I have a question, probably a rather easy one for some of the experienced traders here. But I am not and out of interest...

  20. So again though i dont trade oil at all and wont in the future. But I finally decided to crate an wti profile on...

  21. Should I invest in oil..? 

  22. Trading was halted around 4:00PM today? I could not sell or buy anymore shares of my ETF. I wanted to close my position before...

  23. I m looking to buy stock on a barrel of oil going higher. I don't know what the symbol is . I just want...

  24. https://www.proshares.com/news/proshares_announces_share_splits_040320.html ProShares is reverse-splitting their long crude ETFs.  OILK, for example, is a 1:5 reverse split. Perhaps a good indicator of how low they expect fund...

  25. I want to invest in "crude oil" (as commodity, not in companies engaged in E&P or marketing) with a horizon of upto 5 years....

  26. I’m completely new to this. I have $5000 that I want to play with and can lose (but don’t want to). What is the best...

  27. oil

    Main question, what is the bottom price of this all 1 barrel ent to -40 looks it stabalizes arround -3 +1? SO what could be a good...

  28. If it says that the Crude Oil Future settle on April 21st, what exact time and date does it settle? https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/energy/crude-oil/light-sweet-crude_product_calendar_futures.html

  29. .

  30. Hello, I'm a uni-student who's just interested in getting some advice from some of the more experienced traders here as I've found myself in an...